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Well here goes... recently my relationship with my boyfriend has changed dramatically! Yes, relationships do change over time, but what I mean by that is he's gone from a complete sex maniac to having practically no contact of that nature at all now.
These days he is constantly up the pub and anything I say seems to bug him! Our relationship to begin with was such a loving one! We were always out and about wouldn't go anywhere without each other! Everywhere I went he went and vice versa!
But now we hardly go anywhere with each other and if we do then I have to get an invite first. Instead of just going out I actually need to be invited these days, because if he doesn't invite me and I go out anyway there's always a big argument and it's a case of "no one even invited you out."
My boyfriend - he could be cheating on me...
It's breaking my heart to even think that he could be cheating on me or even up to something that's dodgy! I just feel absolutely useless and helpless sometimes! Every time I try to talk about this to him he always says "Aw, not this again" and walks away!
I don't know if anyone out there knows the answer or wants to try and help me solve this problem, but comments are welcome along with any helpful advice.
Thanks for listening.
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You are WRONG. The correct term is the latter (none of us IS stupid enough). Find an educated website to look it up if you're still in doubt.

I'm not much of a TV viewer myself so I can relate to not knowing much about them. I have to admit that I have seen a few episodes of that series though and I can relate to some bits in it. It revolves largely around the lads desperation to 'lose it' and their frequent frustrations etc. some bits of it are actually quite good but overall it stretches the point a bit. I can recall getting myself into similar scrapes when I was young. You should give it a look even if only once. It has it's gold moments.

P.S : I slept with four supermodels last night so I'm one up on Jay!

For the record, Jay is a character from a popular tv comedy show. He is one of a group of four nerdy friends. Each has their own character flaw, his being that he tells very tall stories. To anyone other than a total idiot it is obvious they are lies. It's the usual teenage boy stuff like "I slept with three supermodels last night".
I've heard of the series Mrs Brown's Boys as well but have never watched it. I've no idea about Rory but I've no doubt that it isn't a trait that is going to show me in a good light :-)

A very commonly made error, Freddie, and not a serious one. I dare say that if I were to search your postings I'd find some grammaticleand spelling errers too. Even I make them sumtimes!
It's one of these deceptive nouns which could be singular or plural, such as 'crowd'.

that's just stupid ;-)
