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I just don't understand why people feel their need to fill their garden with unsightly and noisy outdoor toys for their kids

In the 1990s a trampoline in a garden would have been a rarity, we used to go and play outside and come home when the street lights came on. We would go to the play park, go and explore the little woodlands and alleyways near the house and if we were every noisy we were walking around out and about so it wasn't impacting the neighbours adjoining our garden

I don't think we had any play equipment in the garden itself except for a poundland football and a cheap super soaker.
16/02 No privacy with kids

running out of cheeks

I have a housemate who borrows stuff and can't be arsed to give it back,,,when i prompted them, they lied to me..the lie far worse than taking my stuff. stuff means nowt. they are comfortable...much better financially and often moody and rude. They have been thru my things when i was documents and personal effects ...this is what hurt me. they thought i would not notice ...the stealing and lying was just enough for me to realise this person is really toxic. weirdly, she can be quite sweet but defo the sort of spoilt brat who takes no responsibility for their actions.
15/02 Living in a shared house with


Every spiecies that has evolved on the Planet Earth has a life span. Homosapien will, in the eons of time will be no diferent, except, they will destroy themselves through hate and anger.
15/02 Get on the soapbox


"Rachel Reeves can be trusted, says Labour minister" Chancellor Rachel Reeves can "absolutely" be trusted, a minister has said, despite questions about her CV and use of expenses while working at a bank.

Oh, the dirty world of politics in the UK. These people really are a lower class of creature, no morals, no conscience, no shame.
14/02 Get on the soapbox


Pass them on the hard shoulder and stop in front of then. Tell them to go around the same way you had the go around if police turn up do what a mate done and rip a few wires out under the steering wheel
14/02 Lorry drivers deliberately


Rachel Reeves ‘investigated over expenses’ while working at bank

I wonder how frantic the Labour party backroom crims are now working to bury this one? Wait for the political shat to start sliding to cover up this piece of corruption.
13/02 Get on the soapbox


In my 6th form in Canterbury college you abuse teachers you can then lie about them, have your friend make up a story and students are immediately believed because nobody will expel us because we funding the college, so we are free to do what we want.
13/02 Sixth form students don't

Toby 007 Queen 1

Elon musk is a foreign entities and the USA constitution have no use of foreign entities. Did not America return Africa slaves back to Africa,oh, the mis one, Elon musk
11/02 Can you have your say on the


Reading an article on BBC news today "London mayor urged to ban Shein ads on TfL network". This should have been done ages ago, in fact Chinese companies should be banned full-stop.
10/02 It's time the UK took China to


" Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets." Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets from other countries.

If this is true, (National UK news),The UK immigration tribunal that gave this ruling should be disbanded, and those responsible charged with insanity.
10/02 Get on the soapbox


Hi, I agree. No respect for listeners & whatever they broadcast. I can't recite anything because I NEDER listen to ANY ads.
09/02 Too many adverts on TV and


The United Kindom, once a great nation, now a cess pit of corruption and decay. Political incompetence, greedy state run cartels, over run by immigrants and criminals. Politicians that are only in power for their own bloated ego's and lie's. The country is ripe for revolution. The pot is boiling over.
07/02 Get on the soapbox

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Gripes the News
Gripes in the pipes
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