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We might well sound like the golden couple, I'm 21 and my husband is 37. He's young, muscular, smart, and good looking - pretty much all a girl could ever want. That's my husband of 3 months! Basically, it has been 3 months of proving to the world that age is only a number and regardless of it, love between two people is possible. Does this sound like a familiar story?
He proposed to me in Cyprus while on a Para sailing holiday. He is the love of my life and people (friends mainly) envied us, they wanted to be us because we were pure, happy, and crazily in love. How rare is that these days? We were basically on top of the world.
That was until one day his actions and behaviour towards me suddenly changed, he couldn't even call me wife or baby any more. Ups and downs happen in relationships so I gave it some time, but I gradually started to notice that something was really wrong. He told me that he couldn't really be himself and that he didn't want to be with me because he felt that it was probably all just an illusion.
Out of the blue my husband doesn't want to be with me...
Out of the blue my husband doesn't want to be with me, he couldn't bear the thought of sharing his life with someone although he promised he would give it all to me and I did the same. He said he has been living alone for 37 years, he is just not used to sharing a life with someone.
To me this just doesn't make any sense. I don't know what happened and I am overwhelmed and confused, so I decided to have a NO CONTACT break from the relationship. Maybe he will clear his mind with some time alone and figure it out. By the way this is our first day apart.
I don't expect him to call me tonight but I'm hoping it is just a phase he is passing through... I really love him and this is my gripe. Why the change of heart, why did he do this to me now? I really don't know what to expect.
Has anyone else been in this situation and how do you cope?
By: vanessakman
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I seem to recall that wombles were very fond of mushrooms; they must have been eating too many of the wrong kind.

Admin please do as much as you can to remove these ridiculous postings!

After christmas I actually bumped into him at a club, he was out with some boys and some girl so I wished him a merry christmas and found out that I actually have no more feelings towards him.
Leaving him was the right choice after all!!!
It feels great!!!

Please note I cannot afford lawyers or ridiculous legal processes,

We should try to give importance to the whole life and not just events..........

There could be so many reasons for his abrupt change , but he is definitely wrong for not having spoken his thoughts and tried sorting it out.
You are still young, and as others have said take it as an experience. Maybe next time you will make a better choice..........
We need to care about each other. About our future. After 45 and for sure 50 people straggling to have long term relationship. Learn to except each other with all the ups and downs. I am married for 20 years. We are BEST friend, GOOD parents to our kids, we do LOVE. Because We want too. Find comfort zones around each other and with each other.
Wish you luck