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Cheating step-dad wrecked family with afair

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I want to gripe about people who not only have affairs and cheat on their spouses, but the ones that do it in the cruellest ways they possibly can.

I've been with my girlfriend many years and in that time I became part of her family.  Out of all of them, her step dad was perhaps the hardest man to get to know, but eventually I came to respect him and enjoy his company a lot.  I considered him a friend.  Having lost my own dad some years ago, it seemed I had a new male figure to look up to.  All of that respect was wiped out suddenly, when one weekend, out of the blue, we get a call from my girlfriend's mum announcing that he'd been having an affair with someone, and had left her to go and live with the other woman.

Needless to say news of this affair devastated the poor lady, after 20 years of happy marriage, suddenly it's destroyed in the blink of an eye - but what people don't realise is that infidelity causes devastation far beyond the spouse being left.

It was like a bomb going off in our lives.  The next two moths were taken up entirely trying to look after my girlfriend's shattered mother, hearing her cry herself to sleep in our spare room, rushing her to the doctors, the bank, the solicitors office....  Meanwhile her husband made life as difficult as possible, refusing to even acknowledge her pain or explain his actions at all, and refusing point blank to talk about practical / financial matters.  Like a coward, he simply snuck back in their house one day and ransacked it, taking whatever he could grab without having to talk it over.

Depressed He refused all attempts at mediation, and left her alone and penniless without so much as a short conversation about what he'd done.  On the day he left, he promised to pay maintenance, but of course it was an empty promise, and no money ever surfaced.  He knew that she couldn't afford an expensive solicitor to pursue him, and made the most of it.  He cut of all contact.  He refused to assist or explain himself in any way at all.

My girlfriend had already gone through one family breakup as a child, and this was the second separation she's had to endure.  Being an adult didn't make it any easier, believe me.  It affected her health, mentally and physically, and she had to take months off work due to ill health.  She had to start getting counselling, and spend every waking moment looking after her distraught mother.  As a helpless onlooker, I found it immensely frustrating and difficult to watch.

It affected our relationship in many ways, and almost broke us up due to the stress of it all.  My girlfriend's brother was devastated too; he went off the rails, started drinking and even got arrested at one point.  (Again I should point out that the step father broke off ALL contact with his step kids).

I mentioned my girlfriend's first family breakdown, as a child.  That was her father.  The difference between her father and stepfather is that her father was (and still is) civil and polite, and is man enough to maintain contact with his family despite what happened.

The adulterous stepfather, however, buries his head in the sand and pretends that none of us exist.  On the few occasions anyone tried to approach him for an explanation, he bleated that he was being harassed and would take us all to court if we dared contact him again.

Meanwhile my girlfriends mum had another problem: Her elderly parents, heartbroken and confused by what happened to their daughter, died within weeks of each other.  This double blow caused extra damage to her well-being, and along came anti depressants, counselling and sleeping tablets.  Her adulterous husband, on hearing the news of his in-laws' deaths, did....  you guessed it, absolutely nothing!  There were no words of condolence, no sympathy card, nothing at all.

What he *did* do, however, was insult their memory by flaunting his mistress in the pub where all the mourners were gathered on the day of the funeral.

The final insult came when his mistress phoned up my girlfriend's mum at 6.30 one morning and took great pleasure in telling her the various positions in which she had her husband the night before.  (During this phone call, HE could be heard talking and giggling in the background).

It is just inexplicably cruel.

Meanwhile the rest of us struggle to support my girlfriend's mother at the expense of our own lives and relationships.

You might think, why not just sit down and talk to him.  But that is impossible.  All contact is OFF the agenda.  Nobody can contact him.

This man, who I used to respect, has had a complete personality transplant.  Everything that was good in him, is gone forever, replaced by cruel, cold hearted behaviour that I can barely understand.

My point however is this: People assume that marital separation, divorce, affairs etc. only affects young families with children.  In fact, it can happen to families with grown up children, and can be even more devastating - because it affects the grown-up children's relationships, work, health, etc.  even more.


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Onlooker: This guy had his bad character before the divorce. I suppose he was a master manipulator. Now that everyone has suffered agonies over his departure, and endured the humiliation of no explanation, apology, or rapprochement, perhaps you can begin to take solace in his absence. Perhaps he can be allowed to fade from the scene, in all his grisly inhumanity, and your own lives can come into focus again, with all of their potential, significance, hope for the future and joy. He can only succeed in destroying you if you allow it. Get counseling, get a support system, get a grip and do not allow that ugly little worm and his equally hideous current paramour diminish one more moment of your life's greatness! Encourage your family in the same attitude. The good news is, you WILL get beyond the grief and insult if you persevere. He, however, may never get beyond the insult he has done his own soul, nor the horrid parameters now circumscibed on his reputation and existence. It really is impossible to sink much lower. But the survivors must rise!
23/05/11 NotAnExpert


I sit here with tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart. After 17+ years my stepfather and mother have divorced.

In the beginning of this year we were planning a large birthday celebration for his 60th birthday. He freaked out and said he did not want it and if we did that he would not show up. We thought he was having a mid-life crisis. We coddled him. We supported him. We gave him his space. We loved him.

When it came time for his birthday in July we decided to have all the kids (4+spouses) to the beach house for the weekend. It was the first time in almost a year that we had all been together. Everyone was in a celebratory mood.

My (step)brother and his wife were planning to stay and extra day. They are teachers and did not have rush back home for work. My stepfather, who is retired, said curtly that he had to get home on Sunday and could not spend the extra time with his son.

This and the events in the months leading up struck me and my sister as strange. A week later my sister grabbed his cellphone after he went to bed. She scrolled through the 200+ texts from his mistress that he SAVED- the idiot! She showed our mom who promptly through him out in the middle of the night.

Since then my husband and I have been spending our time comforting, consoling, caring and supporting my mom. Someone who after all of the lies was willing to work it out; like the vows say 'for better OR worse.' He told her 3 months later that he just couldn't do it.

The only upside to this whole mess is that my (step)brothers and my sister and I are closer than ever and my mom has the chance to meet someone who is going to be a part of her beautiful life and not take her for granted.
11/11/09 KTW
feckless wreck

feckless wreck

But this article of yours has done me good.. at least it's shown that my step-father is not the only man to have done that on the planet. And that at least where men are concerned there are nice guys like you who look out for their girlfriends when these things go on.
10/11/09 feckless wreck
feckless wreck

feckless wreck

I have no stable home even now, as my mother in her dear way is thinking I should just somehow miraculously go and live my life perfectly after all the stuff that's gone on
and even the friends she has just can't figure how someone after years of first abuse, then ilness and then recently family breakdown can't just wave a magic wand and get on with it.I feel like dying every single day because I am so alone.
10/11/09 feckless wreck
feckless wreck

feckless wreck

What's more, we were dumped abroad, where it was impossible to pursue him legally in any effective manner. Now we are back in the UK but living on benefits.
I grew up going to a private school. The loss in social terms is devastating too.
But I'm in no condition to go out and find myself a job nor would I be able to as, when we moved for my step-father's sake abroad that side of life was interrupted for me age 16 when I had to learn another language, etc...cope with homesickness in my already ill state.
I have very few people to turn to. Any friends i;ve had over the years I've lost either to the mobile way of life we've had, the distance or to them moving away. At time it's been because anyone who's stayed in my life has grown tired of the constant problems I've had.. from crying
at their house that neither one of my parents loves me to knowing in a month my mother and I will be homeless because he's left us in an unpaid flat.
10/11/09 feckless wreck
feckless wreck

feckless wreck

The last three years have been hell. I didn't go to university as I should have done, I live with a
bipolar, cruel, mother I should have left ages ago because she was abusive to me as a child but because of the mental health and self-harm problems I've had I'm not capable of independent living. I suffer from extremly low self-esteem, depression and agoraphobia.I actually saved my mother's life once though because when I was 12 my step-=father flipped out and tried strangling her and I pulled him off. Even though my mother could go after him for maintenance as he has an awesome job she's not done it. I stopped talking to him when I found out what haoppened but he's not made any effort to reestablish that contact or to know that regardless how messed up our family was it was the only family I had and so yes, it does disturb me. let alone the fact that he knows very well what kind of life he's left me to with a mother like that. Who was herself abusive toward me as child.
10/11/09 feckless wreck
feckless wreck

feckless wreck

Thank you for this article. I'm an adult child of a patchwork family that fell apart two years ago
and I've no-one to help me through it. My mother, who was left by my abusive and selfish step-father, is a complete and utter headcase herself and finds the balls to blame me for the falling apart of their marriage just because I didn't leave home when I was 16 and ill with anorexia.
It fell apart because he's a selfish, cruel, cold pig who was obsessed with his career and therefore when he saw an opportunity to swap one set of opportunities for another ( he picked up my mom when she was a lawyer's daughter with her own flat and he was unemployed and has now replaced her with a chinese girl the same age as me - 25 - who has several properties and
allows him access to a career in China) he took it, also without as much as a word and a penny.
10/11/09 feckless wreck
Lashed-out Girl

Lashed-out Girl

It is quite obvious that not only is the step dad cruel,he is also bordering on being crazy. No sane man would allow someone he once loved go through very traumatic experiences. I know that for now, everything is coming apart in your girlfriend's life. The only way for her and her mother to go through this is to do just that. Go through it. It will not be easy, it will take very ounce of their patience and strength, it could very well take their life apart. But it will end. All they have to do is remember their love for each other and trust in Him. I know it sounds corny, but it is the truth. The mother is better off without him no matter how cliche this may sound. Their only defense against him is to go on with their lives. They need to show him that no matter what he does or has done, they will survive it. Hope everything works out.
24/03/09 Lashed-out Girl


The best revenge is success. I know my dad cheating on my mom almost broke my family in pieces. The worst part is that it broke me the most because I was in the middle. Later on everyone went to being normal and forgot all about it. I couldn't, and it almost ate me alive. However, at one point you must come to the realisation that you are letting this one evil person who made you suffer so much, the power to destroy you and keep destroying your everyday life. This is outrageous! Get help, get over it, move on! You have to, because otherwise he has won.
God bless you!
23/03/09 jenna


Lashed-out girl, I'm very sorry to read about your father's behaviour. I strongly suggest you drag your mum down to a solicitors office and make her get some legal advice (in secret). Your mum has a major advantage in the element of surprise here... Don't let her squander it.

She doesnt' want to confront him? She doesn't have to. She just needs some professional advice.
19/03/09 Onlooker
Lashed-out girl

Lashed-out girl

My 50 year-old dad has an affair with a woman half his age. She just had his baby. All of us including those outside our family knows this. But my dad doesn't know that we know about her.My mom can't confront him because she's afraid of him and it's driving her literally crazy. So, my sister and I are at the receiving end of her misdirected anger; extreme mood swings, coupled with sharp sarcasm, this is what we have to live with. All the while my dad continues with his "secret" blisfully ignorant. What an unfair world!
18/03/09 Lashed-out girl
Gainsborough lad.

Gainsborough lad.

My first wife had constant affairs including my dad, when my child with her was 12 she stopped me seeing him, when he was 18 she changed his surname to her second husbands, who then left her after she had an affair, I know she is now living in skint street, I, through the csa have had to reward her low moral standards with enough money to buy a house,even her bombastic attitude, clashing with her dads bombastic attitude caused his fatal heart attack at 52, she knew that having a child under 16 was her meal ticket with the state, but things have got better for me, I am better off moneywise, have a good job, and a decent wife and three children, whom my spineless son and father are not ever going to see, sometimes not everything goes to plan for thouroghly evil people, and you are just better off without them in your lives.
12/02/09 Gainsborough lad.


I agree completely that divorce wrecks whole families, including the extended family. It is not always men who propagate this behaviour. There are people of either gender who are good and bad.

People are people; fallible, greedy, deceptive and capable of everything from great kindness to great cruelty. As an old tutor of mine used to say (to explain just about everything) ‘It is all part of life’s rich pageant’.

Some people have no concept of how their selfish behaviour affects other people – much less do they care.

For the other side of the coin – go to the post on here about Jealous ex wives. Again, this is all about how selfishness in divorce destroys families.
11/02/09 O&W
Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor

Some people only show their true colours much further down the line. Sadly there will be extra marital affairs and cheating as long as the human race goes on, and there will always be casualties in these relationships.
11/02/09 Mark Taylor
Linda Hancock

Linda Hancock

I knew someone in this situation and their ex tried to claim part of her inheritance when her family died hows that for cheek. Needless to say he came unstuck thank God
11/02/09 Linda Hancock

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