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We buy large vehicles for reasons of safety

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Here's something that really grinds my gears.  People who complain about large vehicles intimidating other drivers.  People buy large vehicles for all sorts of reasons and they don't necessarily have them for the reasons you think.  Speaking as someone that drives a full-size pickup 4x4 that is larger than most small flat's in this country, there are more reasons most of us own these machines aside from your inferiority complex. 

Safety is the main reason for buying a large vehicle, especially after seeing the kind of damage done when a small car is involved with an accident with a lorry - not a pretty sight.  Also, a better view and command of the road increases safety.  You have more chance of avoiding upcoming hazards if you can see what's up ahead.

A 4x4 vehicle driving off road, large vehicles intimidating? Either a double parked 4x4 or dents in your car

Parking is a pain and most of us go out of our way to park farther out in the car park away from most, however you cannot have it both ways.  You cannot complain if we take up two miniature parking spots and in the same breath complain about dents in your car from opening doors.  Which would you prefer to have, the dents or the 4x4 pickup using a couple of parking spots instead of one?

People buy things in life for a multitude of reasons.  I'm sure most of the things you buy in life we could complain about and be equally as ignorant about in the same way that you feel about our large vehicles.  If you don't like us intimidating you on the highway, it means your going to slow and need to be in the left lane.  Get out of the way and the problem sorts itself out.

By: Morrownc

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Veronica Veronese

Veronica Veronese

Look at the roads today. Most people are buying boxes with wheels -very little with original style, just carbon copies. Nearly all hatchbacks are basically the same and 4x4s too. What happened to originality and individuality? It's only the sports cars that have this. Oh, and those saloon cabriolets? Rubbish.
13/12/13 Veronica Veronese


Yeah you got it. That's today's Britain - everybody wants a high life and they don't care whether they can afford that life style or not. Where did people get this kind of "I don't care! I want it!" attitude? From the Jeremy Kyle Show or what?
07/12/13 Dave


Is there anybody else out there that's got a first class family or couple living close to them. You know the type, got to be the showy class act in the area, got the lot, usually parking a German motor out front and washes it every day. The sort of people that think others look up to them. Well, I work in debt recovery and some of the people we call on are living in their own little deluded fantasy worlds. We are amazed that they cannot balance their finances or even see the error of their ways, and believe me, it's not a few we are talking about, it's thousands of families living a lie. But hay-ho, these punters keep me in employment.
07/12/13 J.J.P.


I suppose people who buy 4x4s are a bunch of snobs who normally got their noses stuck up in the air but will bend over to lick the boots of someone who is driving a Ferrari.
06/12/13 Nick
Raging Kiwi

Raging Kiwi

Fedupinwales, You are correct. Driving on the pavement IS illegal. Sounds like a typical 4x4 driver. BLOODY SELFISH!
02/05/12 Raging Kiwi


There's no doubt that 4x4s in the hands of an unskilled driver are more dangerous than a normal car due to a higher CoG and often higher power, but the real problem is that they are usually driven by arrogant tossers who think they are invincible and superior and who drive accordingly. I've had some good entertainment in the last couple of weeks observing the antics.
10/02/12 MikeP
Alf Red

Alf Red

As we know, we can all afford to be safe. Being safe is down to the intelligence of the driver of a vehicle and how they drive. In the recent snowy weather, I've seen a fair few TV reports from the roadsides and there's been a decent showing of overturned 4x4's ..... not as safe as many like to think and far easier to overturn than a car when driven by someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
09/02/12 Alf Red


PHEW!!! Now there was silly ol me thinking it wa just sheer arrogance, or far too much disposable cash that caused the purchases of these 4*4' s
Would'nt it be wonderful if we could all afford to BE SAFE on the road.
30/07/11 siouxsie


Annie what has a 4x4 got to do with being a nurse or vice versa? I drive a tiny corsa and it does the job just as good! Your defence is poor. Now to the griper the reason I dont like 4x4's is exactly the reason you like them- 'safety' on the road! When im waiting to turn left and I see a gap, I go to pull off then you come up on the right of me blocking my view! ...but aslong as your safe hey what does it matter if I drive out into a smash up because you blocked my view!
24/04/11 Tinks


4x4s and people carriers are oversized, take up too much space and are rediculous in a world where the population has doubled from 1960 to 2000 now standing at 6.8 billion.

Taking pollution out of the equation you have

Both sexes are driving compared with the past and it is madness that the car manufacturers are producing cars with weights of 3 tonnes many as much as over double the length of a small car and one third wider and 2 thirds higher with engines between 2.4L to over 7.0L.
18/03/11 bifta


DSG if there is only a few of you why are you always in my face?
06/02/11 Boblet


Why are 4x4s always discriminated by the green brigade?
For goodness' sakes,4x4s make up a tiny portion of all the vehicles on the road!
They make it seem like if you buy a 4x4,the ice caps will melt,the exhaust from your 4x4 will eradicate a whole rainforest and that the glare from your windscreen mirrors will evaporate the seas!
06/02/11 DSG


HGV drivers used to be known as the nights of the Road. HGV. 4x4, Hot Hatch's & all German car drivers are the ******.of the road, What I would like to know is, do they bully each other?
02/01/11 boblet


us 4x4 drivers help out in our community when weather is bad that is why hospital staff like myself drive one I have no intention of keeping up with the jones s I am a dedicated nurse who works long hours chritmas holidays no bank holidays and rely on my 4x4 in winter months todo a job
21/12/10 annie
Weston Babe

Weston Babe

I used to live in the country and still never felt the need for a 4x4, nor did anyone except farmers and forestry workers. Now I'm in the city I see far more of them, usually driven by women who think they need to swing out 10 ft wide on junctions just to get round a corner and who couldn't park one to save their lives. It's their money,so they can spend it on what they like, but cannot use the safety argument as justification. Safety - rubbish - just admit it's because they wanted one. I've seen a lot 4x4's in accidents - some owners have no idea how to drive these beasts correctly and think wrongly that they'll never skid or get stuck. They are great cars, but are a target for thieves who would mug you for the keys.
26/11/10 Weston Babe

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