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Here's something that really grinds my gears. People who complain about large vehicles intimidating other drivers. People buy large vehicles for all sorts of reasons and they don't necessarily have them for the reasons you think. Speaking as someone that drives a full-size pickup 4x4 that is larger than most small flat's in this country, there are more reasons most of us own these machines aside from your inferiority complex.
Safety is the main reason for buying a large vehicle, especially after seeing the kind of damage done when a small car is involved with an accident with a lorry - not a pretty sight. Also, a better view and command of the road increases safety. You have more chance of avoiding upcoming hazards if you can see what's up ahead.
Either a double parked 4x4 or dents in your car
Parking is a pain and most of us go out of our way to park farther out in the car park away from most, however you cannot have it both ways. You cannot complain if we take up two miniature parking spots and in the same breath complain about dents in your car from opening doors. Which would you prefer to have, the dents or the 4x4 pickup using a couple of parking spots instead of one?
People buy things in life for a multitude of reasons. I'm sure most of the things you buy in life we could complain about and be equally as ignorant about in the same way that you feel about our large vehicles. If you don't like us intimidating you on the highway, it means your going to slow and need to be in the left lane. Get out of the way and the problem sorts itself out.
By: Morrownc
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Would'nt it be wonderful if we could all afford to BE SAFE on the road.
Taking pollution out of the equation you have
Both sexes are driving compared with the past and it is madness that the car manufacturers are producing cars with weights of 3 tonnes many as much as over double the length of a small car and one third wider and 2 thirds higher with engines between 2.4L to over 7.0L.
For goodness' sakes,4x4s make up a tiny portion of all the vehicles on the road!
They make it seem like if you buy a 4x4,the ice caps will melt,the exhaust from your 4x4 will eradicate a whole rainforest and that the glare from your windscreen mirrors will evaporate the seas!
Veronica Veronese