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Parking on the pavement - it's plain selfish!

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People who are guilty of parking on the pavements!  This drives me totally insane.  Why do these idiots think that the safety of their precious cars is more important than peoples right to walk safely?  Park on the pavement at your own risk I say!

My mom was seriously ill and for a while had to use a wheelchair.  Ive lost count of the number of times that we had to wheel her into the road just to bypass cars blocking our way.  Had she had to push herself she would have stood no chance.

And then there are people with buggies and prams. WHY should any parent be forced to cross a road just to avoid some dimwits car?  There have been times when people I know have scratched cars as they have tried to get past.  But still these morons insist on blocking the way.

A car wheel, parking on the pavement

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Safe Cruise Parking

Safe Cruise Parking

Car parking is a crucial aspect of urban planning and daily life, impacting convenience, traffic flow, and accessibility. Efficient parking solutions can significantly reduce congestion, save time for drivers, and enhance the overall experience of navigating a city. Innovations such as smart parking systems and sustainable design are increasingly important in addressing the challenges associated with car parking in densely populated areas.
25/06 Safe Cruise Parking


Mano how can it be legal to mark parking bays on a footpath which by the very word footpath, means to walk on not to park on
12/08/13 puzzled


So how old were you when you left South Wales, Joe?
11/08/13 grumpyoldwoman


And to think , the Romans built the roads for people , their armys , to walk on
11/08/13 Tommy


N The answer is controlled parking zones where all 4 wheels must be withinj the white lines.ear me is aroad where people park with all 4 whels on the road. There is room for a fire engine etc. In my wider road peole park with 2 wheels on the pavement- they say it is to allow large vehicles past! Life is difficult for people with buggies, wheelchairs etc and even more so for visually impaired.
03/08/13 girlbabar


What I would like to know is if a car is totally blocking a footpath, is it legal to walk ( climb ) over the obstructing car, rather than walk in the road ? I'm surprised nobody has asked this question yet.
24/03/13 hauskat


Footpath outside my house is marked in bays and is legal to park on. Point I make is that the fact that I park there dose not make me selfish. Get your facts right.
14/07/12 mano
Alf Red

Alf Red

I found this elsewhere.

UK civil engineers – consider ‘pavement’ to be the road.

Footpath means a highway over which the public have a right of way on foot only, not being a footway [Section 329(1) Highways Act 1980]. Generally, this means walking routes away from roads, say in the countryside.

A Footway means a way comprised in a highway, which also comprises a carriageway, being a way over which the public has a right of way on foot only [Section 329(1) Highways Act 1980]. So, in towns and cities, technically, we have footways, not footpaths or pavements.
24/06/12 Alf Red
Alf Red

Alf Red

As a former civil engineer, I was taught that the term "pavement" can be used for either the "carriageway" or "footway", as it may refer to any area that is paved. A "highway" is generally made up of a carriageway, footway and a verge or various combinations of those. So the original complaint was really about cars parking on the "footway"....there's a little clue in the word that shows what it is there for. The term "footpath" is used when describing a right of way, most of these being in rural situations.
24/06/12 Alf Red


raging kiwi I could not agree more, I would love to post a picture of some of the parking in Bradistan. Yesterday a large Mercedes not your ordinary Mercedes but a big fat greedy one, parked on the wrong side of the road, half on the kerb, then guess what place this selfish @sian chose? A bus stop. I wonder if there is a web site that we could post such examples of M M on.
19/05/12 Boblet
raging kiwi

raging kiwi

Anyone who parks on the pavement is a selfish ba*tard! The pavement is for WALKING on NOT for parking on. And anyone who drives on a pavement is a BLOODY idiot!
18/05/12 raging kiwi
Dragon Keeper

Dragon Keeper

The law on pavement parking seems to be a bit daft. Unless there is some local bylaw, there are only two laws that might be broken. The first is obstruction so if people can get past the vehicle the police might have difficulty in enforcing that. The other is driving on the footway. Although it might seem obvious that a car must have been driven onto the footway, how do you actually proove it unless the policeman actually saw it.
17/02/12 Dragon Keeper


What do you propose the solution is here then?

Buy a thinner car.
01/01/12 Mr.Blobnuts
Fred E

Fred E

Where I live we have grass verges instead of pavements. Everyone parks on the road without any problems - unless you have a 4x4 and then you have to park on the grass verge and churn it all up.
01/01/12 Fred E
No Choice

No Choice

The streets where I live cannot accommodate cars parked on the road nor do the houses have driveways. Because of this everyone on both sides has to put two wheels on the path (without completely blocking it - I always make sure). What do you propose the solution is here then?
01/01/12 No Choice

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Drivers that think they can park their car wherever they please

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Parking problems outside my house

Pedestrian forced to walk on the road


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