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Another fine example of how the public are being ripped off wherever possible. Birmingham airport parking (rapid drop off) apparently charge you £1 even though you are quite literally driving through and dropping someone off. I would have thought that the name would have said it all. You know, "rapid drop off". So you're not really parking at Birmingham airport as such, you're just dropping someone off at the airport or picking them up.
I find it absolutely amazing that this kind of thing goes on in this country and no one does anything about it. I'm having a gripe about it now because I've just come back from an early morning drop off at Birmingham airport (1 pound lighter in the pocket). Not a lot of money to complain about you might say, but when you consider that you can actually park up in most town centres without a charge and go and do some shopping you realise it's a right con.
you're allowed twenty minutes to drop passengers off or pick up
Interestingly I noticed the "no reversing" signs on the way in to the "car park". They've designed it very cleverly so that there isn't really a "rapid drop off point" at all, it is in fact an extremely short stay car park, i.e. you're allowed twenty minutes to drop passengers off or pick up.
Now having looked into all this back home, I understand they have made these changes to the parking system for security reasons after the incident at Glasgow airport. Now let me think about that. It might be a good idea to change the way that Birmingham airport drop off parking works, but is it really necessary to start charging drivers for the privilege?
I believe they're adopting this policy at other airports around the country as well, so Birmingham airport isn't the only place you'll be made to pay. Apparently you can park free in the drop off area if you are disabled, or alternatively you can use the long stay car park and get a shuttle bus. Hardly drop off parking though is it?
Needless to say when I'm making the return journey to pick up, I will not be using Birmingham airport's rapid drop off parking (read rip-off). I know its not a lot of money (well, actually it is these days) but it's the principle damn it!
By: Fed up with rip off parking charges at Birmingham
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birmingham Airport parking
drop off zone costs you £1. park on red lines you get points and fine. There simply is no place to stop unless you got spare cash.
This is a pure example of motorist rip off. If the airport management reading my comment you need to be ashamed of yourself
I now fly from Manchester all the time, there you aren't charged ridiculous prices, the luggage trolleys are free AND they have a far better Duty Free section. A much better and more enjoyable travel experience. So much for foreign owned airports, bulldoze it and make a bigger carparking for the NEC.
Why aren't the drop-off car-park and route to the airport building covered to keep off the rain? Like many organisations Birmingham Airport is playing the security card to justify the worsening of conditions and poorer service.
The non-returnable fee for the use of a trolley is 1£ or 2€. What an exchange rate! Visitors to our country must be overwhelmed by the generous welcome they receive.
Upset friend