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As a boy growing up in the 70s and /80s I was told and truly believed that British was best in every way shape and form. I developed a nationalist state of mind that blinded me to pretty much the rest of the world and everybody who was not British. I was born in a military hospital overseas as my father was stationed there while he served in the army, my brother also served and saw action in Bosnia. I applied to the army and did well in the exam but a few minor convictions and the fact that my mother was Irish dragged things along and I met a girl etc., so gave up on the army idea and began my working live in a factory in Leeds.
Life went on in a typical nothing too exciting average life of a working class man, and I had the same mind set as most people around me, I had the herd mentality, I was one of the sheeple. I let the media do my thinking for me and believed everything the state and the media told me. I suppose ignorance was bliss while my life was on track, then life started getting a little bumpy. I worked in the print industry and the industry began to struggle long before the bankers began to destroy Britain, I guess the digital age and off shoring of jobs just killed it off.
This caused stress within my marriage and divorce soon followed and just to add the icing to the cake unemployment swiftly followed that. Suddenly I had found rock bottom, I had both feet firmly planted on the bottom of the barrel and the barrel itself was sinking in the stinking goo of greed, ignorance and narcissism that is the modern British psyche.
It was then that my state of mind began to change and I began to question things. I'm not certain what triggered my awakening. Perhaps it was being separated from the herd, because unemployment leaves you incredibly isolated simply because you lack the cash to do anything and soon lose touch with everyone you once knew. Or maybe it was simply that the daily grind stops and you are the hamster of wheel of life and your mind is freed up from all the usual things. Whatever it was, I slowly unearthed the power of individual and critical thought that had almost been totally destroyed by everyday life and the influence of the state and media.
So I began to use the Internet as my main source for news and would compare different sources with the main stream media. The bias of the corporate media was instantly obvious to me. I was shocked and did doubt myself to begin with still do at times. I wondered why I had gone from working a well paid job to being seen as Frank Gallagher in such a rapid way. The social stigma is almost instant, my research into economics on the net led me too many sites that claim to be unbiased, but so many are and it's hard to find reliable news these days. As far as economic news goes I would say Zero Hedge is the best site for economic news and opinion, it also covers major news events but does not bother with celebs and footballers etc.
After a lot of research and soul searching it became obvious that I had been a mug all my life. The current economic disaster was predicted by many, Peter Schif and Max Keiser are just two of many names that popped up on a regular basis. The main stream media still to this day lie to the people in order to cover up the actions of our corrupt and treasonous government, they use lies, smoke and mirrors, false statistics and just over complicate everything to bamboozle people, as the old saying goes If you can't convince them, confuse them. The government no longer represent the people, they represent the banking cartels and international corporations. It's obvious yet people refuse to see it, they keep bailing out the banks and corporations while bleeding the British people dry and the British people just sit there like neutered dogs and say or do nothing.
The senseless wars our forces are engaged in were also predicted as they are for economic reasons and not democracy or humanitarian reasons. Even the countries were named a decade or two before the wars started. It's all about the petrol dollar and enforcing its use, as the west will implode if it does not remain dominant. We can expect to be invading Iran soon as they do not want the banking cartels and corporations in their country, so our armed forces will give them our version of freedom and democracy led by the USA of all countries. The USA has by far the worst international record for wars, invasions, covert ops, political assassinations and sanctions. And it is going to help Iran see the light? Iran is a peaceful nation that has not acted in aggression against another country for over two hundred years (Iraq invaded Iran). The drivel the Americans keep spouting about nuclear weapons is about as viable as the weapons of mass destruction that were never found in Iraq. Also we all know that the only nuclear state in the Middle East is in fact Israel, a vassal state of the USA or is it the other way? Not sure at times. But Israel is allied with the west so they can do no wrong, as the zero coverage of their genocide in Palestine shows.
So the international banking cartels have subordinated our government and elections are a waste of time, they are just a pantomime as it does not matter who we elect. The two party system is a lie as they are opposite sides of the same coin. We may as well elect a cardboard figure of Churchill as prime minister as whoever we elect slots into the pyramid of power below the banking cartels, Corporations and oligarchy. This is now blatantly obvious to anyone who bothers to look, yet people refuse to see it when the elections come again. People will be picking left or right, blue or red etc again, with a sense of purpose and it's a complete lie as whoever gets into power will be under the control of the banking cartels, all you do is choose the colour of the tie that the bankers puppet wears.
But I'll say again nobody wants to know about it, the British people are determined to stay ignorant of everything. Let's face it if you start a conversation about a subject that falls outside of the categories of shopping, X-factor, alcohol, Football, Facebook or Sex people's eyes just glaze over or they look at you like your a nutcase. People seem to fear talking about what is going on and the herd mentality of if it does not affect me, I'll ignore it seems to rule. The me, me, me, mentality has been drilled into people and the average Brit has become a delusional narcissist, just look at our women. British women are convinced that being born female makes you the epicentre of all morality, wisdom and knowledge. It's ridiculous. They are blind to the fact that the feminist movement has been hijacked by the money men and the female has been used to destroy the unions and lower wages as is the uncontrolled immigration at present. But if you bring this view up about women in conversation you are seen as sexist and with immigration as racist.
The thought police have screwed up everyone's mind. The government continue to divide and rule and it's always the politicians and media that stir up and maintain divide within the British people. A truly united kingdom is their worst fear as we my stop fighting our own stupid little battles and begin to talk to each other again and realise that the epicentre of all our problems are the overpaid state whores who lounge around Westminster all day (if they can be bothered to go), but at best all we do is allow the media to think for us, add a lot off ego and opinion to their story and then regurgitate it in conversation while thinking this makes us intelligent. The facts in any matter no longer seem to apply and ego/opinion rule. It's sad to see so many people being reduced to being morons by the state and the endless assault on common sense they carry out through the media. Why do people still trust the politicians? How many times have they been found to be on the take and just looking after their own interests and making promises they have no intention of keeping? Theyre working to save wealthy people and corporations at our expense, yet still people vote for these scum bags.
Tony Blair is (arguably) a war criminal who took us into these wars which generate massive profits for corporations and the big banks. Hes now on the board at J.P. Morgan bank, he pocketed millions from brokering the sales of Iraq's oil fields to oil companies, one of which he is on the board of and now has his own bank and corporation. After the contracts for the oil fields were signed western companies have been getting oil at 30 to 40% discount from Iraq, have we seen that reduction at the pumps? No! All we get are our children coming home in body bags. Our armed forces are being used by the banking cartels for their own global agenda and it would be more genuine to drape the corporate logos of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan over the coffins of fallen service men rather than the nation's flag.
Does Britain even exist anymore? The Lisbon Treaty pretty much took our sovereignty and Brussels continues to strip away what's left. In fact the international corporations have taken away Britain's ability to sustain itself and that in my book means we are no longer a sovereign nation. I would say we have become nothing more than a client state of the banking cartels, Most of the population do not even know that the so called Bank of England is a private banking cartel, as are all the central banks. Plus we are not allowed to audit them or even know who the share holders are. As a nation we have no legal obligation to source our money from these people and indeed our government can if they so wish issue their own currency, but they still chose to use the cartels. Two American presidents did make moves against the banking cartels, Lincoln issued the green back and JFK introduced senate bill 11110 which allowed him to issue government currency and cut out the bankers. We all know what else they have in common don't we. JFK even spelled it out in his secret society speech (it's on YouTube) a few weeks after that speech he had a nasty accident. But still while our country and its people are used by these people and the political party's they control we just sit around and do nothing, then when the elections come and the media blitz begins we will all forget about everything, elect some party and then moan when they begin shafting us all again. What will it take to wake people up... World War 3?
The powers that be seem determined to get it started. They want to take down Syria then Iran but what most people are unaware of is that Russia has a huge naval base in Syria and has been installing anti-aircraft defences in the country plus it has increased its naval and military presence in Syria. They see Syria as their allies and will not take kindly to a western invasion of Syria or Iran. Russia, China and India are oil dependant on Iran and all hell will break loose if the west invades. The sanctions against Iran are a joke, only arrogant western politicians could have told Iran they were going to sanction their oil sales to the world and then ask for six months to find other sources of oil. Guess what? Iran told them where to go and cut supplies to Europe. Libya was not on the agenda until they tried to begin trading their oil in their own gold backed currency. As soon as they tried that NATO forces had to spread some democracy! The insurgents in Libya and Syria are mainly Afghan mercenaries with British/French/USA Special Forces mixed in. We are causing the blood bath to achieve regime change yet the media show our armies as the good guys, it's become all too obvious that we are the bad guys in this movie if you are capable of looking beyond the drivel that the mainstream media spew out daily. I have to stress I am not against our army, I see them as vital to any country, but they are a tool of the state and our state is corrupt beyond belief.
So how much longer can the ignorance of the British/western public continue? Will all out war wake people up? How about hyper inflation? Did you notice the jump in holiday prices lately? It's not the holiday that's gone up it's the value of the pound that's gone down. It's the beginning of runaway inflation and it will be horrible, when failed governments or banana republic's begin printing money it always ends in hyper inflation, ALWAYS! And everything our government has done, every action taken by them and the banksters has only made matters worse. You cannot solve a nation's debt problem with more debt. It's a no brainer, if you include off balance sheet debts our debt to GDP ratio is running at 400% and growing. It will continue to grow until our economy finally implodes. You do not need a degree in economics to work this out, a basic grasp of mathematics will do and the sums just don't add up. Sovereign default on our debts is a mathematical certainty and is only being postponed with various levels of theft, fraud and creative accounting. If you were to remove fraud from the British economy there would not be a British economy. You will not have seen the full story of MF Global in the media, when it went down it stole all its clients money and passed it over to JP Morgan then claimed it had no idea what happened to it. But nothing has been done, no criminal charges brought as they are in charge and they make the laws.
Back to the economy, another great idea the government keeps using is to reduce corporation tax and encourage corporations to operate in the UK. Sounds good right? Well it's another stupid idea if you want to save the UK economy as it is these corporations that are off shoring all our industry and putting mugs like me on the dole. Plus the international corporations are free to transfer staff between countries regardless of that countrys immigration laws, so yeah that's really going to help things! Our governments meet in secret with the heads of the banking cartels, corporations and oligarchy to plan everything out. These meetings and the people attending have been given the name The Bilderberg Group after the hotel it was first held in, no one is allowed near these meetings and no press is allowed. This is illegal, but hey the law makers are not going to charge each other with crimes. Their goal is one world government, one World Bank and one world currency, it has been talked of for decades and is now no longer conspiracy theory as it is happening right now out in the open. So how do they get the new currency into circulation? They devalue and destroy our current economies and currencies then roll out the new world currency as our saviour to great cheers from the sheeple. Its problem reaction solution politics, they create a problem, we react and then they get to do what they have been planning to do all along. I was convinced that by now there would be uproar on the streets of Britain, but nothing more than a whimper from the British lion so far.
How much longer can the general public keep their heads in the sand? You have got to come up for air at some point. I watched a documentary called A Film Unfinished a few weeks ago. It was Nazi propaganda on how the party was helping to resettle Jews in these happy holiday camps, plus the footage people were not supposed to see. It reminds me a lot of what is going on in the media here now, endless propaganda, edited footage and complete lies etc. How we have helped the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya! Yeah 1.4 million civilian deaths since we arrived to help the people in Iraq alone. God knows what the total figure is,
But still, British is best right?
Whatever is done in our name is always righteous isn't it?
We are always the good guys?
Yours Sincerely - Aleedsfella
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