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When will the British public wake up and realise the mess our country is in? Britain was heading for recession when Labour came to power in 1997. The conservatives had sold everything and dragged the British female out of the kitchen to dilute the labour market, break the unions and stop a full blown recession. Labour have continued to sell everything off and dilute the labour market with immigrants, these measures only work on a temporary basis and now we have more people than jobs.
Labour have been cooking the books for over a decade and I simply do not believe a single fact or figure that comes out of Westminster these days. This horror story began when Blair and Brown hatched a plan to get us all borrowing. It's hard to believe but back in 1997 the British people did not like to borrow, so they artificially inflated the value of our homes. This was done by blocking the sale of large land banks and removing competition with reckless legislation. And we fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Then they made things worse with their tax credits system - great for the economy but it destroyed the family. Basically paying women to split with their husbands. There are town and cities around this horrible island where more 50% of money spent is actually benefits or tax credits.
As for starting infrastructure programmes to create employment, Labour have been doing this very thing for years just to keep the economy going. New hospitals and schools everywhere, but to keep their finances looking healthy they forced trusts and local authorities to borrow the funds from the private sector at twice the rates the government could have got. Now these NHS trusts are struggling to service this debt.
The growth in our parasitic public sector is down to government simply over complicating things to create jobs. The public sector pension is a joke but our 'Mindless Parasites' are not willing tackle this problem as it's their nest egg. In fact 50 to 80% of your council tax goes straight into the public sector's bullet proof pension pot in some areas with local council employees awarding themselves six figure salaries. Meanwhile the public sector steal our pensions by taxing them!
I feel no comment on the greed and corruption of our MPs as it is common knowledge, but in a little while they will have to cull the public sector of all its created jobs. I could go on forever! Basically the fools who created this artificial boom thought it would last forever and they created an economy which was 100% dependent on perpetual growth. Well the growth stopped suddenly and now this island's general population of narcissistic fools will pay the price, while the worlds wealthy and political elite a.k.a. 'The Bilderberg Group' (Google it) retire to some sunny country with all our money.
At what point will the spineless British public revolt? Half of your salary (if you still have one) now goes in taxes. We are working January to June just for Gordon and Co., and this time next year it could be as high as two thirds of your income (January to August) due to the criminal bank bailouts. I for one have had enough! It's time the public got their heads out of the sand. Every moron in this land thinks they are wonderful and well informed important members of our fair society and the system will look after them. You are living in a bubble created by your government and the media they control, we are all slaves to the fractional reserve banking system.
The British public question nothing any more. We simply capitulate to these parasites in every aspect of our lives. It is time we got our heads together and stopped arguing among ourselves and turned our attention to the people who cause all our problems. 'Our Government' is by far the most destructive force ever to blight this country (followed closely by the central banks). Having checked my gripe I see I may come across as a little fed up with my fellow countrymen... and to a point I am. However, the British people are still fundamentally good people, but our apathy and inaction is now bordering cowardice.
By: aleedsfella
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David Cameron 'considers private school' for son - despite saying his children should be state educated.
You see, they don't even try to hide their hypocrisy. It's almost as if they are saying "stuff you lot, we can do as we like".
With the PERMISSION of other EU nations !!. So now the UK has to ask this unelected body how our government can spend YOUR taxes and monies that should be spent on British people first. No wonder the UK is in such a mess.
"David Cameron to make a last-ditch appeal to Jean-Claude Juncker to save EU renegotiation"
Telegraph.co.uk - ‎11 hours ago‎
"David Cameron is to make a last-ditch appeal to Jean-Claude Juncker to save his EU renegotiation after talks became deadlocked over the issue of migration and benefits, the Telegraph has learned".
Mr Cameron, you really are making yourself look silly, or is that you enjoy being kicked in the nuts.
Any increase of the BOE interest rates at this time would further demoralise people, the pro EU movement knows this could affect the voting trend in the coming referendum on european membership. The super rich that controls the UK government and the UK will apply all and any psychology to influence this vote. If the UK votes to remain a member, watch how quickly the rates are increased.
Ian Duncan smith needs OUT ! He is the cause of these benefit cuts
Don't you believe it, They've already worked out how to fool the people of the UK into believing Camerons deal is good for Britain to remaining in the EU. Just remember that great deal for Googles back taxes, and they really thought we were stupid enough to believe that was a great deal. It's not Cameron/ Tory Government doing this deal, its the financial establishment making sure their pockets remain lined.