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I wish to gripe about the individuals who threw eggs at the BNP leader, during a press conference following the their successful election to 2 European parliamentary seats.
Now first let me say that I neither vote BNP nor support them in any way, shape or form. Nor do I agree with their openly racist policies. But the fact is we, the electorate, as a whole, are responsible for their electoral success. The people throwing eggs, should in fact be throwing them at themselves, because it is we, the public who propelled them to such heights. People in glass houses should not throw eggs.
Like it or not, the BNP won their votes fair and square. They did not cheat, they did not force anyone to vote for them.
I wonder how many of the egg-throwers actually bothered to vote for an alternative party? In my opinion, if you did not vote then you have no right to complain about the winners or losers of an election.
lazy, apathetic people who cannot be bothered...
If you did not want the British National Party to get in, you should have got off your backside and voted for someone else. Anyone else. Even a vote for the Green party would have cancelled out another persons BNP vote. A large part of the blame lies with lazy, apathetic people who cannot be bothered to put an 'X' in a box, yet somehow find the energy to whinge and protest at the outcome of an election.
In fact they could almost be considered a "single issue" party. Obsessed with purging Britain of immigrants and non-indigenous persons. The kind of people our great grandparents died to protect Britain from.
So why do they exist? Because the other parties refuse to confront the issues which the BNP openly face up to. Their approach may be deeply racist, but if Lib Dems, Tories and Labour had the balls to bring us a more hard-line immigration policy, there would be no argument for the BNP to have, and they would shrivel and die. It is the refusal to look at immigration's problems (alongside its positives) which has lead us down this dark alley in the first place. The fact is, Britain has an "open door" policy, as far as immigration is concerned, and the BNP are the only available mouthpiece for people who don't like it this way.
What about our esteemed mainstream politicians? No surprise really that voter turnout was so low. The public have all but given up on them now.
Wherever there is garbage, there are rats who emerge from the sewers to feed. The garbage, in this case, are corrupt politicians fixated on personal gain.
The sewer is Politics itself. The British National Party are merely the rats, lurking in the shadows, waiting. And we, the voters, are too damn lazy to exterminate them at the ballot box. Shame on us.
By: An Englishman
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Sam, you're an idiot. Go back to Facebook.
"In many countries around the world they don't have any say" to quote Chris. Then why don't they stay & fight in those countries instead of running here? where the battle was fought & won by our forefathers. I for one will not be voting again until a party or person worthy of MY vote hoves into view. I refuse to throw my precious vote away.