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I am fed up with parents who will not take responsibility of their own children. I am a single mother to my 4 year old daughter, her Dad left me for another woman when she was 7 months old. He has done nothing but move from one relationship to the next and now has a one year old and newborn by his current girlfriend. He always seems to have some excuse as to why he can’t pay me maintenance. Meanwhile his girlfriend is sat at home breeding and I’m burning myself down to the ground working full time struggling to make ends meet and being a full-time mum trying to provide the best for my daughter.
It really gets me when my daughter comes back from her Dad's with bottles of Ribena and MacDonald’s Happy Meal toys and then proceeds to tell me he’s only got £10 to last him until the end of the week. Then why go to MacDonald’s in the first place. And the amount of times when we’ve been to Tesco's she points out all these things that Daddy’s got from nice food to DVDs. In the meantime, we live off of value meals and anything we can find at the reduced counter and certainly can't afford to buy DVDs.
He's not paying me any maintenance
The other thing that gets me is that he chose to move about 60 miles away from me and many a time has suggested we meet half way when he has my daughter. No way, why should I pay for the petrol for his convenience especially when he’s not paying maintenance. When he does eventually give me a cheque 9 times out of 10 it bounces.
The final straw was the other weekend when he took the family to a wildlife park on Father’s Day and when he brought her back he told me that he couldn’t have her next weekend as he didn’t have any money for the petrol. Get your priorities right mate, don’t spend money on a day out if you can’t afford it. There are many places you can go for free and take a picnic with you so you don’t have to buy food at the venue. You do not have to spend money on your daughter to make her happy!
Most recently he told me that he’s finally got a permanent job and things will be back to normal next month. Normal, what is normal? He mentioned that the wages aren’t very good and proceeded to tell me that he’s been in contact with the CSA and should only be paying me £26 a week. Well he’s seems to have forgotten that he hasn’t given me anything for the past 4 months anyway. What planet is this guy on!
I just wish that he would settle down and face his responsibilities instead of swanning round like he’s got money when he hasn’t got two ha’pennies to rub together.
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Today the CSA rang me saying that hes on benefits so i get 0 maintanence... i said to them if he stays on benefits as long as he wants he can get away without paying... they said 'yes'... even if he gets paid cash in hand, they cant do anything about it because theres is no proof and he doesnt pay taxes.... i asked them if he does start work can the maintanence be back dated to when my son was born, they said 'no'...
my son's dad knows the longer he holds out in searching for a job, he doesnt need to pay me maintanence and the longer he holds out my son is getting older and i wont be able to get the maintanence arrears....
it is so fustrating and i am sooo angery that he had taken me to court to get is unsupervised visit/contact order and 2 overnight stays fortnightly and it had been granted for him, and when i want support from my son's dad by paying me maintanence i dont get it. dont get me wrong i want my son to know his dad, its my son's life. but all im asking is for him to support his son by paying me maintanence, ok so he cant so why cant he bring me nappies, clothes, shoes etc... up.
His dad can afford to take his son to mcdonalds, buy him bits n bobs, take him on day trips, he also can afford to have him overnight.... so where is the money coming from!!!
sorry but its not right and some thing needs doing about it
Why some men choose to walk away from their own kids is beyond me. As is the behaviour of some women.
Kids are made by 2 people (50%) from each and therefore there should be an EQUAL share of responsibility.
It is too easy for men to walk away unfortunately.
I wish I had the ability to 'decide' to give up work! If I did decide this who would pay my mortgage and feed my kids? I would not want state handouts thank you. I a fit and healthy and can work - oh just like he is except he will now have the state paying his rent and supporting him!
He has not seen the kids since august. He cant afford to see them - cant afford to feed them apparently. Funny that he can spend over £6 a day on cigs but not feed his kids every other weekend.
He sits back on state handouts while my kids are in full time breakfast, after school and holiday club. All paid for by me so I can work.
I want my kids to see their dad, all kids should have 2 parents. He cant be bothered seeing them or paying for them. It is disgusting.
The law on this needs sorting
Try and look at your situation rationally. Quell your emotions. Go the the CSA. Keep the burden on your fellow tax payers to the absolute minimum because, believe me, we are fed up with raising other people's kids.