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Still guilty according to the CSA - paternity issues

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Some time ago I wrote a story about how the CSA made me guilty until proven innocent.  It is now two years on and I have had just about enough of the situation.

A fair number of you literally thought I was evil because I said that the problem is her fault and not mine.  Well I decided to take your advice people.  I went to the CSA and said I want a DNA paternity test so I will know for sure whether or not I am the father.  Maybe then I could have some sort of normality back in my life and perhaps be a father to a child (because society makes you?)

Two years later and about 40 plus letters - still no solution.  To really top it all off the CSA have given my details out to the PWC (parent with care); my address, telephone number, even my place of work and current salary.  The PWC has contacted me and called me all the names under the sun; she said I'm just stalling the CSA and telling them to stop bothering me.  All this despite the fact that all the letters I have sent have merely said that I want a DNA test as soon as possible. Not once have I stalled them or used stalling tactics - I JUST want a DNA test!

The CSA has also demanded that I pay £3,000 one month, then £4,000 to be paid in 7 days or it will effect my credit rating and my home maybe repossessed.

All I want is a DNA paternity test Even after many pointless conversations and complaints, the CSA still won't listen and still won't help in resolving the matter.  I have done everything in my power to sort out the issue, going to court is the last option and one I really don't like the sound of.

I have actually moved home out of safety concerns for myself and my family.  As I said in my previous story, I don't know this girl, she appears to be hell bent on lying to the CSA and maybe she is the root of the problem?

It doesn't matter what you do, run and hide, or hit them head on with all the advice and morality in the world; you're still treated like a criminal, you're still fighting a ghost and a faceless system!  The child isn't even going to be three this year and I can just see him turning thirteen before this problem is ever resolved.

By: thefox01

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Why do this CSA have the power to put his hand in your pocket? Why do the government allow them to rob fathers under the banner of 'protecting children'? They are not protecting children because they have no control over how the mother spends the money. So instead of protecting children they could end up protecting the mother's habit of drinking/smoking or drug abusing whereas the children don't see a penny.
24/06/13 Dave


Battered; while I have every sympathy for the victims of the totally hopeless CSA, I feel I must point out that employers provide employees' details to them because we HAVE to.

I do payroll for a small company and am not registered with either of the bodies you mention. (Never heard of them!) But I do know my employers would get hit with a fine if we refused to supply the CSA with info it asked for. We would also get fined if we didn't make the deductions and send them on. No choice I'm afraid!
03/06/12 grumpyoldwoman


Unfortunately I don't think you would have a chance with suing the csa, and hears some of the reasons why;
We have the Citizens Advice Bureau, a Government Agency who are not legally qualified, who are stake holders of the CSA. Ever wonder why you don’t get much help from them?

Now you understand why Solicitors will not get involved  when dealing with the CSA, except if they are working for the CSA. This also explains why the Courts always rule in favour of the CSA because the Law Society are stakeholders of the CSA, so there  you have the proof of  how the manipulation of the legal services  works.

Ever wonder why employers just hand out your personal information and start just deducting funds from your private income?  The chances are your employers payroll department  will be registered with the The Institute of Payroll Professionals and or the Payroll Alliance, who are of course all stake holders of the CSA

This info came from dead beat dads website, who's info has been invaluable at helping me deal with my issues with the csa.
02/06/12 BatteredByTheCsaDueToaBitterEx
omen can pick and choose the

omen can pick and choose the

I like the camron making women pay for the csa as now most of them will not use the csa .i have that problem csa taking my money without evidence and the woman refusing a dna test yet they still take my money even though I was not in the uk from 2001 to 2004 I sent them evidence of that as the kid was born in 2003 and iv never met the woman in my life I have a baby and partner yet they dont care about that only that all women stick togaver thats why we dont have female world leaders thank god
20/04/11 omen can pick and choose the


I can sympathise with thefox01 as I have been hounded by the CSA for the past 16 years for 2 children. I challenged the paternity at the time due to my belief that my ex was promiscious but the CSA DNA test offered was £500 per child. I couldn't afford to live on my own never mind taking a gamble and paying out, at that time. Anyway after years of faithful paying and the CSA helping themselves to my wages and even claiming arrears (even though I've paid by direct from earnings and direct debit) I finally see the DIY paternity test arrive. Okay its not admissable with the CSA but it would have given me the courage to fight them. I don't believe it would have changed my relationship with the kids even if they weren't mine as the doubts always there but I wouldn't just stop seeing them. It would however expose what the mother did to me. I caught her in bed with someone else but then its only my word against hers and history is written by the victor, isn't it.
06/02/11 Jim


Hi, the BBC is working on a story about DNA paternity kits being sold in a high street shop from next week. We're looking for people to give us their views on this, and whether they think it could make a difference. If you're interested - please email for more information.
28/01/11 Anthony


wtf this is all a bit scary I just been told that the girl I was seeing is pregnant she was sleeping with everyone when I was seeing her and now shes saying that the baby is mine and wants me to pay for it is this even leagal what should I do she told me she couldnt get pregnant ?
09/11/10 darthstorm


why dont you just pay the money!! at the end of the day this COULD be your child and you havent paid a penny in two years!! that is harsh and why dont you just pay for a private test - you get the results in a week.
I dont feel any sympathy towards you. sorry but you need to actually stopped moaning about it online and sort it out
20/09/10 Wassup


hello sorry my boyfriend is thinking of running away to Thailand because his ex-partner has called the csa and they are demanding 16grand and his house .do u think they will find him there? is there an advice you could give to him please
22/08/10 stacey


sorry I got it wrong, im so stuuuuuupid!
they do not give out personal details such as addresses. its called the data protection act.
28/07/10 fcukcsa


If they tell the residential perant your detials like address and where you work they have breached your human rights, specificaly, but not limited to your right to a private life.
Your exact detials of where you live work has no bearing on there case so they should not have disclosed this infomation.
09/07/10 fcukcsa


What 3 companys do they accept DNA tests from? thanks for the information
Stitched up dad?

Stitched up dad?

Like the police have stitched up people in the past the CSA is much worse, it's mostly run by bitter twisted evil man hating corrupt women, thats why they will only accept results from three UK DNA labs, once they have started tapping your paycheck, there's no going back.
25/05/10 Stitched up dad?


I think I might not be the father to my son... will csa stop taking money from me? will I get all the money I paid out back?


I have seen some tricks on here, but how do you fill in your own times on your post as in the out of time sync postings below?
23/04/10 ?

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