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Refugees and immigrants are NOT welcome here in the UK

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This is going to sound a little harsh to some, but I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't be opening our arms wide and welcoming in thousands of refugees and asylum seekers. As far as I am concerned they are most certainly NOT welcome here and whilst I understand they are going through a particularly difficult time at the moment, I think that we should put the citizens of this country first in this instance.

My view is that rather than deal with the aftermath of some problem - and let's be frank, we're talking about the spread of conflict and the group that calls itself IS, we should be tackling the root of the problem and eradicating it properly. I'd rather my tax money was spent on removing IS properly so that these people can rebuild their country than rehousing them over here. Also, one of the problems with taking on refugees is that once the crisis is over, they're unlikely to go back home again. The people of Germany, who can perhaps be forgiving for trying to atone for the sin of their fathers with a great act of kindness may well regret the decision to take in so many people years down the line. Whilst on the subject of IS and the people who fight for them. If anyone here wants to go well we should let them. We'll take them out with the next drone strike too!

Refugees Regarding immigration in general including so-called economic migration, I'm not really in favour of that either unless that person is moving here to take up a worthwhile employment or to fill a much needed position such as a doctor, nurse, or scientist. By the way, when I say worthwhile I don't mean minimum wage cleaning staff as I know full well that many unscrupulous employers in this country would rather employ cheap immigrant labour than employ someone who is resident here and may know a little bit about their rights.

In summary, close the borders to the hoards looking to exploit our welfare system, get out of the EU (that's a no-brainer) and get some hardware and manpower in place to help these people deal with the problem instead of going for the sticking plaster solution!

By Fed up with it all

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Police will be there to arrest the patriotic football fans, not hooligans, as the media likes to describe them. These protestors love shouting free palestine but none of them have the balls to go there and help free it.
08/11 Robert


Just think, one day all of the rioters in France will be making their way over here.
01/07/23 Robert


totally support your views , but no one political will support them. we are doomed to be over-run.
30/06/23 mickash
fed-up Uk taxpayer

fed-up Uk taxpayer

The UK is a small island already overrun with illegal immigrants of all ethnicities. The UK taxpayer is sick of paying for housing and benefits handouts for these people most of whom are already in safe countries when our own citizens cannot afford heating rises in the cost of living and the pensioners and needy go without.
02/05/22 fed-up Uk taxpayer


They are supposed to seek asylum in the first safe country they come to, which clearly is not here. We cannot continue to take in unlimited numbers of refugees, this is only a small island and our resources are stretched now more than ever.
26/04/22 grumpyoldwoman
i come in peace

i come in peace

Just saying i come in peace, i respectfully disagree with all of yu who do not accept refugees
1.Just to let you know a lot of refugees are not here for just money they are here because they are not safe where they are from, plus they cannot get money from anyone other than their hard work because they cant get benefits and arent allowed to have higher jobs like we are
2. all those refugees have a right to came and seek asylum and also have a right to be safe just like us in the Universal Declaration of human rights, it says (article 14) right to asylum in other countries from persecution and by the way anyone naming the refugees horrible names, they also have a right to freedom of torture and DEGRADING treatment
3. 300 people came here? really? you really need to know that that is not alot, out of the uk's population only 0.24% and 2 years later dropped significantly to 0.19% thats not alot of people.
thanks i come in peace
25/04/22 i come in peace


We are British paid in so much money to NHS and can't even get hospital appointment anymore my husband is in pain and is affecting our mental wellbeing. Due to overcrowding I am fed up with with being attacked in our own country because we take on illegal immigrants who end up terrorising innocent people the thanks we get and then we help others who 40 years later want big money hand outs because they feel discriminated upon. Let's start treating british people with respect first this is after all our home which we paid into.i The do gooders who have wealthy backgrounds and support mass immigration remember your children may not be so fortunate in years to come. If I was fleeing such persecution I would be grateful entering the first safe country I entered and seek asylum there you free are you not your life is no longer I danger is it not. Why risk your life further when your safe. Your reason ing is an excuse.
27/11/21 Fedup
Kenny (site admin)

Kenny (site admin)

Well said Grumpyoldwoman. I watched an ITV news video last night showing 'refugees' climbing into a massive inflatable boat on the French coast. The police who are supposed to stop them show up an hour later with their hands in their pockets. Well, you know what they can do about those fishing permits!

Here's that news story -
17/11/21 Kenny (site admin)


Refugees are supposed to stay in the first safe country they arrive in. Unless these immigrants are from northern Europe they have no business trying to come here.

They have found thousands of pounds to pay smugglers to get them into this country illegally and large numbers of them are young men who could be fighting for their own countries.

If it was made clear to them that this country was not prepared to take them and give them limitless amounts of money lives would ultimately be saved. We have enough people in this country already who need resources to help them get by as our economy has been wrecked by the Covid lockdowns, and wasn't in brilliant shape before.
16/11/21 grumpyoldwoman


i just know that all these comments were written by middle aged white men. obviously you don't realize how bloody privileged you are. so you lot basically want us to just leave all these people for dead then? if this happened to our country, you'd all be running off to other ones aswell. bloody selfish. do you think they wanted to leave their home country? you think they actually had a choice? they had to save themselves and their bloody families. when they reach other countries, they're extremely poor, and some of them don't even reach a shelter and are not even allowed to work. and if they do reach a shelter, they have disgusting living situations, not to mention abuse and racism from priviliged white people like you. we're the only hope they have and yet you're all so SELFISH that you just think 'f** them' and want to 'take back your country'. SHUT UP. we all live on this bloody planet. we do not OWN a specific part of it. these people have every right to come here and yet you're making their lives WORSE by fighting against them. there are 3 year old children that have been through worse than any of us combined so shut your fat gob and stop being such selfish idiots. so ashamed that were the same bloody species.
15/11/21 lol


I totally agree look after people in this country who live in poverty and bad housing. Stop making easy for these immigrants to stay.
12/11/21 Toots


I think the government can send help to those immigrants and refugees without bringing them to the UK. People from the UK paying their taxes so UK citizens must always be the priority.
22/10/21 Joana


when local elections start next year vote for a party who will clear england of scrounging illegal migrants or our country is finished wake up uk or move to poland they wont stand for it love you poland xxx
18/10/21 pol


@grumpyoldwoman, You will only screw your head up trying to make sense of these inane postings. Best to just think "There for the good of nature, go I".
19/09/21 Jethro


"are boarders well arent boarders"

19/09/21 grumpyoldwoman

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