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No privacy with kids trampoline in the garden

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Perhaps it's just me getting old, but what's with this new craze of having a kids trampoline in your back garden?

We will live in pleasant, suburban area where detached four bedroom houses and big(ish) gardens are the norm as a result we fully expect there to be kids knocking around and a modicum of noise emanating from said kids.

Bouncing up and down peering over the fence...

We came home the other day having done a hard day's graft at the office, looking forward enjoy one of those rare summer evenings and to a nice relaxing alfresco dinner, to find a rather large construction protruding over the fence between our house and our next door neighbours.  Fine, says me until two rather large and extremely noisy children were bouncing up and down peering over the fence watching me as I prepared our dinner in the kitchen.

Kids trampoline in the back garden Kids will be kids trampoline or not, I said to myself; despite feeling somewhat uncomfortable and continued to ignore the raucous laughter and gawking, half wishing I was their age again!!  That was until we sat down for our nice alfresco dinner, during which the kids continued to jump higher and higher and higher whilst looking over at us, laughing loudly, pointing at us and commenting to us on what we were eating in VERY loud voices.  This needless to say left us feeling discomfited enough for us to waste the rare summer evening and go indoors to finish our dinner.

What I want to know is:-

Where has this craze come from all of a sudden?
Why oh why do parents insist on putting up these trampoline right next to their neighbours fence or a road?
Does anyone else feel that trampolines are an intrusion of privacy or is it just me? and...
What should I do?

By: Lottie

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I just don't understand why people feel their need to fill their garden with unsightly and noisy outdoor toys for their kids

In the 1990s a trampoline in a garden would have been a rarity, we used to go and play outside and come home when the street lights came on. We would go to the play park, go and explore the little woodlands and alleyways near the house and if we were every noisy we were walking around out and about so it wasn't impacting the neighbours adjoining our garden

I don't think we had any play equipment in the garden itself except for a poundland football and a cheap super soaker.
16/02 backtothe90swiththisplease


"Differentangle"'s comment a few comments down is the best take here.

The problem isn't the trampoline itself, it is the fact that the parents are too scared to let their children walk down the road to the playpark so instead they take it upon themselves to fill their garden with the toys and the subsequent noise, which makes things worse for their neighbours.
31/12 Iaintake
Hate Everyone !!!

Hate Everyone !!!

Still the IN thing for chavs to have so their feral brood can annoy even more people ...ruining enjoyment of your own home ,public nuisance, or generally, scummy ferals doing what they want !!!!
20/07 Hate Everyone !!!


This has got to be the most middle class suburban thing ever.

With everything going on in the world right now your big concern is seeing a neighbours kids head over the fence when they're on their trampoline.

Just imagine this being your big worry in life lmao
31/10/23 Weirdsuburbia


yes they always put them down the bottom of their garden a few feet away from your garden or down the bottom to the side. all you can hear is thump tump thump
that and hot tubs roll on winter
29/08/23 sandalwood
red lion

red lion

I was told it's their garden and can put the trampoline where they want.
Just start planting flowers etc.. near the fence making sure you use horse manure for compost .
Kids Will either lose interest in the trampoline or move it away from your fence.
Also i find a bird table put some bread out the pigeons will soon mess the trampoline up.
Worked for me.
07/06/23 red lion
Nanna T

Nanna T

I don't mind children nor trampolines but when you have a group of children saying your neighbour is sitting in her garden and just stare at you and comment on what you arre wearing and what you are doing, I would like my privacy
20/04/23 Nanna T


I am a postmodernist Classical composer currently working on a trampoline with screaming children symphony, the finale, involving a 200 trampoline and child orchestra is particularly intense. You're all cordially invited.
31/03/23 Boingosovich


My Da got the 3 kids a trampoline for Xmas and its great! Great exercise for the little ones and gets them out of the house! When they bounce they see the neighbours garden but they are good kids and I have told them to shout "hello!" To the neighbour on every bounce when they see them as this is the friendly thing to do! When the lads come around for a load of beers (or something naughtier!) They sometimes go on 6 at a time and their yells are so loud at 1 in the morning you can hear it echoing off the neighbours house. Sometimes the neighbour opens the curtains and the lads shout at them to come and join in lol

Trampolines are a great laugh you all need to chill out. Great fun in summer and excerise for my kids and their dads rowdy mates in a big house party lol! Go live in a library as a housing estate will never be quiet enough for you curtain twitchers hahaha
29/03/23 Trampolinelove


Its depressing that the most sensible comment here is on minus 7 right now.

The issue isn't the kids themselves, it is the fact that their parents are scared little middle class mice who won't let them go outside their property boundary until they are 18.

The trampoline is only a symptom of a wider problem here. Idiot parents so scared that there's a paedo on every street corner that they fill their garden with bad quality play equipment. It must be a miserable, limited childhood.
26/02/23 Differentangle


I am a pensioner living in terraced house, our gardens are small 4mtr wide 6mtr long neighbours have put up a 3mtr diameter trampoline right next to my fence, when the adults are bouncing on it they look straight into my lounge and garden I have lost all privacy in house and garden. I appreciate children should have fun but this is extreme
02/08/22 Janet


@Had Enough, Put up a 20 foot fence, or screening, apart from that, there's nothing you can do.
28/07/22 Jethro
Had Enough

Had Enough

Neighbour put up a trampoline next to fence looking into our bedrooms and kitchen. As we stay in a bungalow we had absolutely no privacy in our bedrooms or kitchen as we were constantly being watched in our own house.
27/07/22 Had Enough
Your kids are spoilt brats

Your kids are spoilt brats

I am surrounded by inconsiderate trampoline owners, behind me and both sides, I dispise them and find them highly intrusive, it shouldn't be allowed as it does breach privacy. If you don't have a garden big enough to not disturb your neighbours with a trampoline - don't bloody buy one! Your little snot nosed cherubs can still have fun and exercise without one!
19/05/22 Your kids are spoilt brats
Tired of the noise

Tired of the noise

I also have a neighbor that put up a trampoline right next to my porch. I used to love sitting on my porch after a long day in the office. The kids are loud all day long. It's ridiculous and inconsiderate. I wonder if this is legal. Any idea?
15/05/22 Tired of the noise

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