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Is there anywhere I can go that I don't have to suffer the racket of hyperactive kids? They're either bawling non-stop or running amok while the parents take no notice of them.
Fine - they may be used to it but I'm not, and I'm cheesed off with going out to various places where parents tow their kids along because they can't be bothered to be considerate or attempt to keep them under control.
The worst case is at a 'quiet' restaurant. There's often a constant mouthing off by little brats charging about that makes it impossible to hold a conversation and enjoy the place.
Many of these parents have no idea how to behave in public themselves, so it's probably asking too much to expect them to understand that other people don't want noisy brats inflicted on them.
I wish that they would all just go home
I wish that they would all just go home so that others can live in a more civilised society. Even in supermarkets the aisles are full of pushchairs or toddlers in trolleys mostly crying or yapping non-stop.
Beating the parents with a big stick is too good for them I reckon; give me a heavy axe or a chainsaw please and Ill sort them. Who wants to name and shame? Better to maim and shame. Maybe they'll stay at home then!
By: Andromeda
[ Gripemaster says: A bit over the top there Andromeda, but I can sympathise with SOME of that! ]
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The biggest contribution to badly behaved children these days? Overworked parents having to work all hours under the sun to afford to survive. That means little time spent with our children who then lose out on a trusting relationship with us and therefore don't listen when we tell them to stop or quieten down for the millionth time. Mostly likely they spend all their time with grandparents who spoil them or at childcare where they feel not loved. Illegal now to smack too. Just make it as hard for parents as possible and then ponder why the children are badly behaved.
Why is it that kids are allowed to screech and scream incessantly in snack bars and even restaurants? Ban the little shites. Sick of finding no peace anywhere. Be glad when school hols are over and we can get some peace out and about during the day. Friggers.
There is the sense that formerly adults only places are being made child-friendly but we all know that its coz the parents will have to buy their little ones a soft drink and a meal(legally required) if they take them in the pub so pub owners make more dosh.
Why not allow them in the bookies also? they serve teas coffees and cans of soft drink now. I remember my local betting shop used to turn a blind eye to my dad taking me and my sis in there if the weather was wet or cold as we kept quiet and obviously weren't gambling.
I personally may not fault you for wanting people to be civil to mischief-prone children but I fault you for supporting or glorifying the ill behavior of certain kids ( if you are a parent than it would be your fault if your kid(s) are unruly.) Another thing is that as I indicated earlier that even if I agree to be civil to mischief prone kids doesn't mean I can become attached to them(regardless of their age),I don't have to "truly" interact with them ( not that it means that I'd totally ignore them) and I don't want to do "extra"-nice things for them. I hope I'm not sidetracking the issue but I need to state that just because kids are said to not know right from wrong shouldn't give them the right to misbehave or seriously misbehave nor should it give them the right to always have what they want in life. Finally if kids are permitted to misbehave without any consequences then they have the potential to grow up becoming ignorant or unpleasant adults.
Samson (Delilah's too busy to post)