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Now before I start lets just say that I know I am going to get accused of being a miserable old sod, but I think that this just needs to be said.
I get sick to the back teeth of people saying "He/She's only a kid you know" (normally accompanied by a scornful look). Yes you are right, they are, and as such they should learn consideration for others and respect for those who know better.
Most weekly visits to the supermarket are now just as much about avoiding the sliding child that whizzes past the end of an aisle just as you emerge. Or even the whinging brat hanging of the side of the trolley until they have blocked the whole aisle, as it is about buying provisions for the family.
On a recent visit to a well known supermarket "pats back pocket" I was treated to the unenviable pleasure of synchronising my route with the children of Satan. I suggested to their dim looking mother that she leave them at the other end of the supermarket near the swings and roundabout. "Oh, I didn't know they had them" was the response. "They don't" I said "that's because it's a supermarket and not a bleeding playground".
I felt bad for being rude but enough is sometimes far more than enough! A visit to a museum recently was equally difficult. Whilst reading a very interesting exhibit text a loud and brash child decided that the post upon which it was placed resembled a set of monkey bars. I asked the child to move as I was reading (politely I should add) to which the father said, "Hes only playing".
The simmering started and was shortly followed by, " I understand that but I've paid good money to get in here as well and I would like to be able to enjoy my visit too, so please keep him under control". A reasonable statement you might think. Apparently not! I was reported to the staff who asked me to leave as I was upsetting other visitors.
Now, I'm not against children enjoying themselves. I love to see them having fun. I just think that they should be controlled more by their parents so as not to upset or annoy others. Am I a miserable old sod or do others of you feel the same?
By: Old Git
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"I want this or I'm going to have a tantrum,"
Used as a playground; we have even seen kids kicking a ball around in the store!
Just waiting for a accident to happen (especially in the cafe) and see who is held to blame.
I totally agree with you about parents who take no notice of what their children are doing in the supermarkets etc. Its parents like that who drive me mad. I think that if i can control 3 kids in the supermarket then they should be able to control one! I feel sorry for single parents though who have to take their kids with them. Kids hate shopping and only seem to behave when they are getting what they want. My in laws have got busy lives so i always take at least one of my kidso with me (all 3 when they are off school eg in the hols). Their Dad waits in the car...i have to leavpe him out there as id spend double on my shopping if he came in lol. But before we go in the supermarket i say: any shenanigans from you lot and youre back in the car with your Dad! They all know theres no nagging for anything, no sliding around on knees, no climbing out of trolley and no running off! The "back in the car with your Dad" thing works a treat! Ive said it and followed through with it
No chance of that happening in the UK with the "ME ME ME" instant gratification generation raising children to be carbon copies.
I don't think you are a miserable old sod in fact you have made some valid points. A supermarket is not a play ground a children should be heavily supervised. If I wanted to be around unruly kids I would make the choice in venturing tithe kiddies playground at the local park. However as previously mentioned the supermarket or shopping centres are not playgrounds. I do think that we should go back to the old values of teaching manners, respect and bring back children should be seen and not heard.
The museum staff should have backed you up and should have told the irresponsible father to take his child out if the child could not behave appropriately. A museum is not a play area perhaps the father was too stupid to realise that.