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Make dole scroungers work for benefits

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Amazing isn't it?  Someone has finally realised that there's pretty large number of lazy individuals in this country who are more than happy to sit on their backsides, do nothing and claim benefits.  It's just a shame that it's the Conservative opposition party that's finally woken up to this reality and not the present government.  For once in my life I'm considering voting Tory at the next election and my parents would probably turn in their grave if they knew.

We all know who these people are.  I'm willing to bet that each and every one of us could think of a couple of faces that fall into the "work shy" category.  A friend of a friend, someones son or brother.  They don't work, have never worked and have no intention of working.  They'll sit at home watching daytime telly, spending their benefits on fags and booze.  Maybe they are a bit younger and don't quite fall into that stereotype.  But they know the rules and they play the system just the same.

I'm not talking about people who are genuinely unemployed here.  A couple months between real jobs is one thing, but a couple of jobs in five or ten years is another matter all together.  This is seriously taking the proverbial by the way, and I for one don't like the thought that my (seriously inflated) taxes go towards keeping these benefit scroungers in a comfy lifestyle whilst other more deserving individuals struggle to make ends meet.

A job advert Some people genuinely can't work for health reasons

The men and women who are genuinely unemployed have my sympathy and deserve help.  They will through their own merit find work and may well still struggle to survive (some employers should be locked up for taking advantage too!), but they'll take pride in themselves and earn a living for themselves.  Likewise some people genuinely can't work for health reasons and they too deserve assistance.  As for the fraudsters who claim incapacity benefit when they know damn well they can work, they ought to be ashamed of themselves.

I just can't understand the all take and no give attitude of these individuals.  How can you feel good about yourself knowing that you spend a large chunk of your life living off other people and giving nothing back?  It would be interesting to see how these leeches would fair if there were no benefits system.

So go ahead, let's get the long term unemployed out doing some useful community work and cut back their benefits.  It might look like a form of punishment for being lazy, but if the cap fits...

By: Working man

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About time too,all these years people in their 60s now some never worked in their lives every decade after follow on nothing worse than watching them sun bathe drink beer and smoke all day while others work shifts and overtime just to live and feed and clothe their family.How Haa it gone on so long ?how are they allowed to have cars and all the luxury workers can't afford,Absolute disgrace.
13/05 Olive


Great Yarmouth and area, now the UK's dumping ground for the scum of the rest of the UK. Druggies, drug dealers, benefit dependents, immo's, unwanted, (rejects from other areas) encouraged to move here, beggars, low lifes of every discretion.
A Tory led council only interested in maintaining the image of a holiday destination to make money for their own investments. Great Yarmouth UK, must be the most corrupt place in the UK.
14/03 Jethro
test test

test test

test test test test test test test test test test test test test
12/03 test test


There's nothing wrong with 99% of so called disabled people they just don't want to get out of their front door and work
10/03 Ryobi


There is a Universal Credit ****
who lives near my sister, you all know the type, council house, 4 kids under the age of 10 with a 5th on the way, covered in tattoos, chain smokes (even while heavily pregnant), refuses to work, spends all day on the smart phone, or sunbathing in the nice weather.

Her husband is a bone idle layabout who starts drinking tins of beer at 9am, he also chain smokes and is covered in tattoos, he has zero intention of ever finding a job, he just dosses around all day, drinking, smoking, on his smart phone etc. The one thing he appears to be good at though, is lighting the BBQ, which is fired up regularly during the summer months. Fancy wide screen TV`s and other nice electrical goods are delivered and the takeaway man is there regularly.

Keeping their free house and garden clean and tidy never enters their heads, the garden is left to overgrow, kids toys and old furniture are left along with bags of rubbish in the garden, which creates a disgraceful eyesore. They are career scroungers and basically a baby factory, but the authorities do nothing to force them into work, because they have kids they won`t remove their handouts and they are left to enjoy a comfortable and free life.
22/02 Dianne
Hard grafter

Hard grafter

The way universal credit works (most hard working people have no idea how the system operates), how much the work shy can claim depends on the overall household income. I know of universal credit family who have twins in their mid twenties who are perfectly fit and able to work, but their parents stop them working because they are scared of losing all their handouts, 2 working kids in the household will take them over the limits and their benefits will be stopped. They would rather claim benefits than have their kids work, which in itself is a form of child abuse, stopping them forging a career for themselves in favour of a life on benefit. As a consequence, these families are at home all day every day with little to do, boredom sets in and they fill their time inflicting misery on others in the form of noise, anti social behaviour etc.

The system is all wrong and these leeches know how to bleed it dry, I know of another Universal Credit couple, aged around 30, with 5 kids, they refuse to work and live quite a luxurious lifestyle that most hard working people would be glad of. Their benefits can afford them both to be able to chain smoke, the man of the partnership starts drinking tins of lager at 9am, they have regular BBQ`s in the nice weather, they can be seen sun bathing and leading a life of general luxury, regular takeaways are delivered, fancy new smart TV`s arrive, both have smart phones and they spent their first cost of living payment on a cheap hot tub for their garden, they can afford to run a decent 7 seater car for their tribe of kids and can afford to go on holiday every year etc, and all courtesy of the tax payer. They have no intention of finding jobs because they are comfortable sitting on their backsides all day. You would think they would have plenty of time for maintaining their garden, but this never enters their heads, it is just left to over grow into a disgusting state, they are even too idle to put bags of rubbish out for the binmen, instead they pile it all up around the back of their social housing house and its left to fester.

The authorities do nothing to force them into work, if they have kids they know nothing will be done and they will be left on a free life of luxury until they turn 18.
19/02 Hard grafter
Steve Dutton

Steve Dutton

Yep totally agree. Two couples next to me. Baby factories with no intention of working. Lazy arseholes who know how to milk system and here's me who worked all his life paying into it and now paying tax on my below average wage pension. Who's the dickhead? Derrr. But I can at least hold my head up and look in the mirror at myself. Shame on you.
15/02 Steve Dutton


Yep 2 families next to me. Worked all my life to end up paying tax on my below national living wage pension to pay for baby factory couples to sit on their arses not putting anything back but can afford takeaways and barking dogs to spoil my time in retirement in garden
15/02 Adrianblack


I have worked since 12yrs old, Paper round Sat jobs etc. Have worked full time since age 17 and now 59 and struggling financially and mentally. Can't retire until I'm 66 but struggling mentally and physically. Makes me mad to know of people who never do a days work in their life but are better off on the taxes of people like me with a no stress lifestyle. This country is an absolute joke and needs to respect the hard working genuine people.
06/02 Jacks64


I generally agree with the comments made but unless people commenting are lobying the government to get rid of the elitist scroungers (ie the unelected head of state and his hangers on) then you are all a bunch of hypocrites. Once we have got rid of the so called royals and are taxing the rich corporations adequately then we can start working on the underclass scroungers. One other suggestion lets push for the universal basic income that way people are no better off by never working.
07/01 Tania


We have an energy crisis, and lots of people who will never contribute to society. Simple.
Build human energy conversion plants that burn the lazy and provide heat for the working people who can't afford to have their heating on .
30/11 Abolishthemonarchy


I am sick of dole scroungers. An example of this is my cousin, she is in her 50s and has willfully never done a single days work in her life and clearly has no intention of doing so, despite being able bodied and mentally and physically healthy. My uncle said that my cousin is 'too intelligent to have a job' (I personally think this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard anyone say).

I am 46 years old and I have always worked full-time since leaving school at 16 apart from a few weeks of job search and job seekers allowance when I got made redundant from a job 20 years ago. My current circumstances are that I am working full time but have just received a food voucher and my line manager has taken me out for lunch a few times because I can't afford food. Also had to sell a few possessions recently just so I could pay my bills. It seems unfair that this happens to working people, when dole scroungers (I have met many over the years) seem to manage really well and never appear to 'go without'.
09/09/23 Anders


Totally agree. Country is fooked now. Scroungers know how to work system. About the only thing they're good at with plenty of experience. Just pump out loads of kids to follow in their footsteps
27/06/23 Adrianblack
Mr bird

Mr bird

It's about time all these millions of so called disabled people who are actually just lazy scroungers were taken off their life long benefits dragged out of the pub and told to get a job and pay their own way, I don't care what anyone says we all know the vast majority of them have nothing wrong with them they're just bone idle scroungers
06/02/23 Mr bird


My sister owns her own house, a former council house on a nice small estate in a pleasant area, which is now almost all privately owned, apart from 2 properties which remain council. One of these remaining council properties is next door to my sister, and around a year ago a young family moved in, a mid to late 20`s couple with 3 kids under the age of 5. Both the adults are fit and able with nothing to stop them working.

Neither of them work, they are at home every day, and can be seen chain smoking out the back of the house and on their smart phones every half hour, takeaway`s are regularly delivered, they are both covered in tattoos, they keep a pedigree dog and run a car. When the first cost of living payment was paid, a £200 hot tub appeared at the back of their house a couple of days later, which fits in nicely with their fancy barbeque.

Gardening and general property maintenance never seems to enter their heads, despite having all the time in the world on their hands to cut hedges, grass etc. The man of their house did appear to have a job 1 day a week at a supermarket (the magic 16 hour or less per week limit as they call it), as he was seen stood smoking in a uniform, this did not last long however, he was seen in the uniform early one morning as if ready to go to work, but was seen a hour or so later (smoking again) back in civvies, so obviously he couldn`t be bothered to go to work and phoned in sick or jacked in altogether.

So, it appears a life on universal credit is rather cushy for the bone idle, they get all their bills paid, can afford luxuries like being able to chain smoke, hot tubs and regular barbeques. They can afford to cover themselves in tattoos and can afford to spend around £1000 on a dog, as well as ordering regular takeaways, they can afford to run a car etc.... not bad when all you do all day is watch TV, surf on your smart phone and chain smoke.

These leeches have a better life and are better off than many people who go out to work full time and pay they own way, it makes me sick. There needs to be a far stricter vetting process to weed out these benefit scroungers, remove their benefits and force them into work. We all know the reason these spongers shiete out a tribe of kids is purely for all the extra benefits they can trouser, it is too easy for them to play the system and choose a cushy life on universal credit.

I have no problem with lifting the benefit cap for people who genuinely need help and who are unable to work, but unfortunately there are hundred`s of thousands, if not millions out there who just con the system and deserve nothing.
03/11/22 Geoff

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