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Lorry drivers deliberately blocking outside lanes

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What a complete irritation it is to have to sit behind HGV drivers who have appointed themselves as gatekeepers of the road on the approach to a closed-off lane on dual carriageways and motorways.

I think that the origin of this behaviour was to stop car drivers whizzing up to a closure at motorways speeds, before suddenly cutting back into the open lane or lanes in a dangerous manner.  All well and good, although it is still not clear who asked lorry drivers to police this particular habit.

However, what we now find, as I came across just this morning on my way into Birmingham City Centre, is lorry drivers doing the same thing when traffic is travelling very slowly.  The main A38 tunnels through Birmingham are currently closed, so traffic travelling along the A38(M) finds that the road is coned off into one lane close to the city centre.  And there he was in his truck, sat in the outside lane with 300 yards of clear carriageway in front of him before the cones started, forcing every vehicle to queue in the inside lane for a far greater distance than was necessary.  Why?

Lorries on the motorway I can only imagine that it must be out of a desire to enforce a particularly British kind of 'manners' when queuing.  True enough, nobody likes anyone pushing into the supermarket queue.  But this is not a shop, it's a road.  The Highway Code rule 134 states, "Merging in turn is recommended but only if safe and appropriate when vehicles are travelling at a very low speed, e.g.  when approaching roadworks or a road traffic incident.  It is not recommended at high speed." To me this basically says it all really.

Lorry drivers acting like nightclub doormen are neither needed nor welcome on our roads.  They just make congestion worse by denying other road users the right to safely use a clear section of carriageway.  It is not 'pushing in' or 'cutting in', it is merging in turn as recommended by the Highway Code.

So, lorry drivers, listen up.  Just get on with your driving, don't seek to modify others' behaviour.  You are not police officers, so it is no business of yours.  All you achieve is worse congestion and annoyance to drivers.  Or is this the true aim?

By: George Doors

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Angry driver

Angry driver

Today I sat in the left hand queue of traffic approaching a merge from double to single lane. All the traffic was calmly waiting in line and we were moving along slowly but steadily. Then a moron tore down the right hand lane passing the full line of traffic until he arrived at the merge point. Of course moron 1 was then followed quickly by moron 2,3,4,5,6,7, etc. and the left hand lane came to a halt while the row of morons grew. All these selfish idiots had decided to get ahead of the queue by forcing people calmly sat in the left hand lane queue to give way to them. Yes, those selfish people got through the traffic earlier, at the cost of the sensible drivers sat in the left lane waiting their turn. I would have welcomed a lorry to block them so that we all got home in turn. A lorry in front of me was from Scotland and from being a steady moving row of traffic, we were now stationary for about 20 minutes while a stream of stupid selfish morons caused congestion at the merge point.
17/04 Angry driver


It's not blocking lane it is going in same speed as driver next lane meaning using both lanes more accurately. Respect people in left lane as they right to get to their destination as important as mine. People who going to the top and dangerous pushing in are causing traffic jam. Thank you
24/11 Artur
Monkey Boy

Monkey Boy

So 200 yards to go and your lane closes, the left lane is stationary because you and others then go right up to the end and then expect to be let into the open lane then the next car etc. This is no zipping the traffic in the left lane Is stationary because you consider yourself more important. To me, if you're not zipping at 800 marker, you should be fined and points added. Red x camera should be enforced, and anyone passing 200yd marker made to appear in court to explain why. You get muppets using the hard shoulder to get in front and enforce this by loss of licence.
08/06/23 Monkey Boy


Getting this on the A14 between Woolpit and Stowmarket. There's literally signs saying use both lanes but without fail lorry drivers seem to believe it's their right to police the roads and prevent traffic using the overtaking lane and actually make the traffic worse. If they had any brains they'd also see that the traffic jam doesn't even stop after the merge in turn, it carries on for much further down.

They're just entitled pricks who are bitter about the fact people are using a lane which they are perfectly within their rights to use.
23/05/23 Chris


Lorries can use the right lane too if they want and merge in turn. They choose not too because your little car won't damage their vehicle and they are arseholes.
27/03/23 Jason


There are currently central reservation works taking place on the A14 near Newmarket. Westbound the dual carriageway is reduced to just one lane. Eastbound three lanes are reduced to two. In both directions there are 'merge in turn' signs placed intermittently from approximately 1 mile before the lane closure. More recently, in both directions, there are overhead variable message signs that read 'use the outside lane for overtaking only'. The speed limit reduces to 50mph and because of the traffic road users aren't able to break the 50mph limit (even if they wanted to).
As pointed out by FreddyF, the Highway Code recommends merge-in-turn and is intended to encourage full use of lanes while they are open. The Highways Act 1980 s.137 states that deliberately blocking a carriageway is illegal.
Everyday (Monday - Friday) since around September, I have been unable to use the outside lane westbound as it is intended to be used by the Highway Code because HGV's are deliberately and illegally blocking the outside lane. The HGV drivers who have been doing this have been ignoring the overhead variable message signs that read 'use the outside lane for overtaking only' - which I suspect have been put in place to stop this behaviour.
On three occasions in the last two weeks a HGV has blocked both lanes at once from about 400 yards from the lane merge.
Last night, whilst approaching the lane merge eastbound (approximately 600 yards) a HGV quickly moved from the inside lane across the middle lane and then halfway into the outside lane before slowing right down. I was in the outside lane with no cars in front of me when the HGV pulled out. I had to slow down from 50mph to 25mph very quickly - not safe. I waited behind the HGV for a few seconds before going around. The HGV driver began flashing their headlights. I've seen this happen to other drivers several times now. WHY!?
I totally understand the frustration of HGV drivers described in this thread and I understand and appreciate how vital HGV drivers are to the everyday running of the nation. That being said, this doesn't give HGVs the right to police the roads or put others at danger. It doesn't give HGV drivers the right to take away the right of other road users from using the outside lane as intended. This behaviour is preventing other road users from completing their journeys in the time it "should" take. If I need to use the outside lane in order to get to my destination on time I should be able to do so.

And... ultimately, the behaviour of HGV drivers I've described is illegal and at times unsafe - so please stop!!
19/01/22 Jack


Cars flying past. Causes traffic ahead which for a driver who only has 9 hours a day... legally (being digitally tracked ) causes set backs because of waiting an extra 15 mins in traffic due to car drivers all wanting to be in front of the lorry the driver may then be late to his delivery which means he will have to take a driving break sooner... which is also legally required to reset his driving time.. then after being late to a delivery and being slowly unloaded due to lateness that driver will catch all the traffic on the way back home due to the extra few minutes he’s had to wait which has caused him to take his break... the journey he had planned ahead has all been shot to shit due to every car driver in the world that must be infront of the lorry.... that lorry drivers day has been set back 2 hours or more due to inconsiderate car drivers so that means by the time he gets home his young kids will be in bed and he won’t see them.... it’s a daily occurrence no car driver has any consideration for truck drivers we drive for 9 hours day in day out... we have more experience than any other even police when it comes to driving... and you would be surprised at the amount of grief car drivers cause with there inconsiderate acts. Pulling out without indicating which causes us to slow and it takes ages to regain speed when your loaded with 44 ton. Preventing us from merging because they don’t wanna be behind us flying up the inside of us trying to cut us up on round about a when the Highway Code clearly states to give large vehicles plenty of room when manoeuvring. Most truck drivers will gain more road experience in one year than a car driver will over there while life time. The sheer size of the vehicle alone would make most car drivers quiver with fear whilst driving. If you haven’t driven a hgv then you cannot understand the difficulty and the level of focus and concentration it requires to make sure that we do not kill/ injure the pathetic excuse for drivers that are in this country. The reason lorry’s do this is because they are pissed off with being taken for granted and abused by the general driver on our roads. And like it or not without truck drivers mate you wouldn’t have a fucking thing in this world... from the clothes on the back the car you drive the tyres you put on it the food you get from
Supermarkets the house you live in (building supplies) the furniture you have the deadly you use absolutely everything you have in life was at some point transported by truck. We are the most underapriciated proffesion in this country but we are also the backbone of it. Because if every hgv driver went on strike... you’d go hungry, cold, and the fact is the economy would come to a stand still. You need us. We do not need you! So for fuck sake cut us some slack. And when you are entering our place of work (the roads) have some fucking respect and manners.
20/11/20 Nick


Sadly people haven't a clue on how to effectively use the road available to them. By blocking motorists using both lanes ‘which have not yet been closed’ simply makes a half mile que become a five mile que. They are not pushing in or jumping the que. they are using both lanes which are still legally open. You are encouraged to use both open lanes and merge in turn at the apex where the lanes become one. Ever seen the highway signs sometimes left up in these roadworks ‘use both lanes - merge in turn’ I think they are trying to tell you something. It’s quite simple really. You make a decision whether to que in the left or right lane. Don’t then penalise drivers who decided to take the outer lane because you decided to que in the slow lane. These lorry drivers who deliberately block the carriageway should be prosecuted severely for causing an obstruction and dangerous driving. I find it funny that when you eventually pass the moron who blocked the lane they inevitably look like simple minded numbskulls who struggle to grasp the basic fundamentals of life and can only see as far as the end of their short HGV bonnet (I don’t think all HGV drivers are in this catagory as I’ve seen many wise advanced drivers too).
Consider this : exiting a slip road from a motorway or duel carriageway. You want to turn left. Ninety percent of drivers begin the que in the left lane to take first exit at roundabout. However, lanes 1 and 2 allow you to turn left. I take lane 2 direct to the island and take the turn whilst others who haven’t the foggiest idea both lanes turn left sit and que for an eternity. No one blocks you, it’s just human kinds lack of thinking and ‘sheep’ motives which astounds me but benefits me all the same 😂😂😂
06/03/20 DaveDriver


Try driving on the A66 across the pennines, every merge in lane is blocked by a truck driver that has appointed himself as the road police. They just cause the traffic to block up 500 yards behind them rather than where the road was designed to merge. It's their little bit of power over motorists, sad buggers.
15/08/18 Fred


People who keep commenting about drivers who race down the outside lane; if you used both lanes equally this wouldn't be possible as you would have a slower moving queue in both lanes!

People who think that merging early means less time in a queue are also wrong, as per this RAC article:
07/03/18 Mr51


There seem to be a lot of posters here who are unaware for the Highway Code and Highways Act 1980 s.137. The former recommends merge-in-turn and is intended to encourage full use of lanes while they are open and the latter states that deliberately blocking a carriageway is illegal.

If most drivers don't make use of the open lane then it is some kind of mass-hysteria. They are all perfectly entitled to do so.
05/01/17 FreddyF


treecreeper. I used to use the Runcorn Bridge. During lane closures at peak times, drivers were in effect pushed back in the queue, by selfish drivers screaming down the outside lane then forcing themselves in front of timid drivers at the last moment. Any driver who blocks these selfish idiots has my full support.
22/05/14 boblet


I had a few questions. at my local council office. over my council tax payments.
it took me 3 phone calls 3 promises of a call back.
visited local office. 2 hour waiting time., due to the volume.
I will get a call back. never came.
do these big organized companies not communicate these days/
22/05/14 treecreeper


because my dear, on long tailbacks. approx. a mile away from the one lane reduction, (sometime 3 down to 2 lanes.
this action of a lorry driver. in the outside lane. to hold up over zealous drivers.
is actually a time saver. the lanes filter more quickly. the single line of cars ,toward the the works, flows ,with out this stopping and starting.,,,co prende
22/05/14 treecreeper
trucker biker clayshooter.

trucker biker clayshooter.

IM a lorry driver and a car driver and a motorcyclist. If you can accelerate quickly and safely within the 300 yards to get past upto 60ft of truck without causing a accident or breaking the law then go ahead!!!!!! As i don't really care because you will do it anyway!!!!!
17/05/14 trucker biker clayshooter.

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