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There's no easy or polite way to say this and I fear it may offend the innocent, but it's got to be said Lorry drivers can be a real nuisance on the road. I hate them for the size of their machines and the reckless way in which they thunder through my village causing children and animals to flee into gardens or the post office for safety. I hate the sun-browned arm protruding from the window and the fag hanging from the mouth as they dictate the rules of the road to others on the highway.
And even on straight, wide roads they are still at it. There they are slinging their huge lumps of metal from lane to lane causing mayhem for other users. How many times are you happily driving along in the outside lane ofsay, the A1 doing 70mph when everyone has to jam on their anchors because some lorry driver up ahead has pulled out into the overtaking lane doing 50 or 60mph. Not only that but they frequently do it going up a hill and the result - a queue behind him creeping along for miles and miles until the selfish individual has pulled back in.
There are even worse examples. How many of us have had to endure endless delays because a lorry has jack-knifed or even more bafflingly, shed its load? How can it do that? A straight motorway or dual carriageway can surely provide no reason for this to happen, unless of course the driver has failed to secure the load properly or has done something completely stupid with the vehicle.
We need to be free of this lorry tyranny and I have a solution. Permit them to use the main roads only between 8pm to 8am or deny them the right to overtake. How about fining them for the inconvenience they cause to other road users. Every jack-knifed lorry or spilled load should attract a fine of 100 to be paid to each of the first 100 cars delayed by the incident! Perhaps that might then make our road networks places that function smoothly.
By: Aardvark
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'Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.' :)
PNR23regt It might be worth noting. A long letter can be written in minuets, a short one can take hours.
"I also find offence at your use of the descriptive 'proffesional'. I am a vocational driver, whereas an doctor, lawyer or vet maybe described as a professional."
PNR23regt / 28-Oct-14 22:05
" we as lorry drivers have to be up to speed with all laws regarding our chosen profession"
Might be a good idea to make up your mind before posting.
One thing I can absolutely guarantee you of though. There is not a single LGV driver in the world that has not used the size of their vehicle to gain advantage on the road at some point.