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Fed up with Lorries causing mayhem

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There's no easy or polite way to say this and I fear it may offend the innocent, but it's got to be said Lorry drivers can be a real nuisance on the road.  I hate them for the size of their machines and the reckless way in which they thunder through my village causing children and animals to flee into gardens or the post office for safety.  I hate the sun-browned arm protruding from the window and the fag hanging from the mouth as they dictate the rules of the road to others on the highway.

And even on straight, wide roads they are still at it.  There they are slinging their huge lumps of metal from lane to lane causing mayhem for other users.  How many times are you happily driving along in the outside lane ofsay, the A1 doing 70mph when everyone has to jam on their anchors because some lorry driver up ahead has pulled out into the overtaking lane doing 50 or 60mph.  Not only that but they frequently do it going up a hill and the result - a queue behind him creeping along for miles and miles until the selfish individual has pulled back in.

A busy road in London There are even worse examples.  How many of us have had to endure endless delays because a lorry has jack-knifed or even more bafflingly, shed its load?  How can it do that?  A straight motorway or dual carriageway can surely provide no reason for this to happen, unless of course the driver has failed to secure the load properly or has done something completely stupid with the vehicle.

We need to be free of this lorry tyranny and I have a solution.  Permit them to use the main roads only between 8pm to 8am or deny them the right to overtake.  How about fining them for the inconvenience they cause to other road users.  Every jack-knifed lorry or spilled load should attract a fine of 100 to be paid to each of the first 100 cars delayed by the incident!  Perhaps that might then make our road networks places that function smoothly.

By: Aardvark

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But you'll be the first to moan when we leave this job and you can't find anything in the shop,wake up woke
11/06/22 Pffft!!!!


Boblet. Good to see that you can still keep a sense of humour. Nice quote also. Can't remember who said originally, but here's one I have always liked.
'Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.' :)
07/11/14 PNR23regt


Well In Z.

PNR23regt It might be worth noting. A long letter can be written in minuets, a short one can take hours.
07/11/14 boblet


Lol. Fair play Zanni. I'm only human. I used incorrect terminology and have been caught out! My other points I believe are valid still. Thanks for playing along. :)
07/11/14 PNR23regt


PNR23regt / 7-Nov-14 16:06

"I also find offence at your use of the descriptive 'proffesional'. I am a vocational driver, whereas an doctor, lawyer or vet maybe described as a professional."

PNR23regt / 28-Oct-14 22:05

" we as lorry drivers have to be up to speed with all laws regarding our chosen profession"

Might be a good idea to make up your mind before posting.
07/11/14 Zanni


Boblet, you seem to be under an misapprehension of all I have previously posted. My comments were, as I have previously stated, to inform others on this forum of the dangers of doing as you do. As for my comments being reminiscent of a bully, it was you that began by calling me a dope! As for my post being so full of assumptions, read back your own post of how I 'love it, am obsessed by it. It's all I ever talk about'. It seems to me that you are an narcissist, content when you feel empowered by criticising and belittling others, but respond with extreme negativity and accusations that you yourself are guilty of, when someone points out the error of your thinking. You have claimed in one your previous posts, about me blocking off junctions and necessitating yourself to cut in at the last moment. The Highway Code states that when requiring the next exit off, if you need to change lanes, do so in good time. It also says to ensure you do not cut in on the vehicle you have overtaken. You have already stated that you do not follow these simple rules. You also see my comments as 'jibes' and, admittedly I did ask if you were an narcissist or muppet, but this has now been answered comprehensively by your own affronted sense of being attacked personally. It is only my own opinion based on your own words that lead me to have believed you to be small minded. I see now I was wrong on that summation but still believe myself correct about your narcistic nature. If my comments have caused a personal insult, they were not intended as such, but to call me a bully for disagreeing with your past comments goes beyond the pail. Also, I did wear a uniform for my previous employment, but I am sure it is not the uniform you assume it to be. I have worn that uniform also, but due to 'medical' reasons was forced to take on a different career before my current one. I cannot believe that someone who seems intelligent in all other aspects, can truly be so vindictive and aggressive to a collective of persons on which these posts were originally intended to give opinions about the given topic. I also find offence at your use of the descriptive 'proffesional'. I am a vocational driver, whereas an doctor, lawyer or vet maybe described as an professional. I hope this has dispelled at least some of your erroneous ideas about my comments. People are entitled to disagree and should not then find themselves subject to name calling, which I have already admitted, but after the fact it was you that began such base tactics. You are correct on one point, though you are guilty of this nonetheless, in that I should not make assumptions. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding but I stand by my points about how your driving instruction to others is simply dangerous. :)
07/11/14 PNR23regt


PNR23regt Your jibes are typical of a bully. It is difficult for me to answer such a post it being so full of assumptions, a practice best avoided in my opinion. Before your career change did you require a uniform to function? I have driven a h.g.v on our motorways many many times, albeit in a none commercial capacity. I have driven a car from the North to London, without employing my indicators & without cutting up any other road user. My low opinion of professional drivers was gathered whilst driving in the UK & Mainland Europe. It is comprehensive & circumspect.
07/11/14 boblet


Boblet, are you really such a narcissist or just a total muppet? I drive a truck, yes. I have had to pass 3 tests to gain my licence to do so, yes. Does that make me a better driver than someone who has only passed the one test for their car licence, no! Driving a truck is my job, and if you knew me you would know it is most certainly NOT all I go on about! Work is where I go to earn a wage, just as you do. When I return home I am mostly more interested in much more than what I have been doing at work, and go out of my way to NOT talk about it. I do not know you, as you do not know me, but your comments are close minded, and unhelpful. My comments were made to make other road users aware of certain risks they take when they make decisions to cut in front of heavy laden trucks. Yours are just to promote a small minded view of your own, without any knowledge of what is involved in driving a truck. I have been a road user for 26 years, and a driver of a truck for 14 of those years, and only a complete fool would consider themselves any better than other driver! This is what I am assuming your point is? You are a good driver and ALL truck drivers are bullying, aggressive, intellectually challenged knuckle draggers? Is that why you come across as so angry towards truck drivers? It seems to me that all you have experienced of trucks on the road is a negative and unhelpful view of the bad drivers of trucks. I do not presume to know you, but your comments about 'brake checking' trucks that drive to close to your rear bumper is promoting poor driving practice. Please be considerate at all times, drive defensible, not aggressively and stop with all the bilious hateful and unhelpful drivel about the shortcomings of drivers of LGV's. I am sure this will have incensed you further but my experiences have taught me to never shrink from people of such close mindedness, and this was gained while in other employment other than driving. Have a great week! :)
06/11/14 PNR23regt
Samson (Delilah's too busy to post)

Samson (Delilah's too busy to post)

I think the truth is somewhere between the two.

One thing I can absolutely guarantee you of though. There is not a single LGV driver in the world that has not used the size of their vehicle to gain advantage on the road at some point.
29/10/14 Samson (Delilah's too busy to post)


PNR23regt - What a load rubbish. So you have a licence so what? all drivers must have one. You drive nose to tail blacking exits, thus forcing car drivers to nip in between or miss their turn off. You Love it, you are obsessed with it. That is all you talk about. I have a brother in law who drives, his sole conversation is about lorries. It is similar to listening to a child talking about a new train set. The major problem is you cannot insult him. His obsession with lorries is total, something like yours. Nobody is interested you dope.
29/10/14 boblet


I think these guys are getting a rough deal on here - so what, they aren't very intelligent, but that doesn't mean everything does it? most of these individuals are quite polite in company, and they even keep their bodies reasonably clean when not driving their 'wagons'.. good on them say's Collar.
29/10/14 collar


The stopping distance of a fully laden articulated vehicle is at least 4 times that of the average saloon car. That convenient gap between the lorry and the vehicle in front is NOT so you can speed past , manoeuvre AND indicate at the same time, AND THEN brake, just because you need the next junction off the carriageway!! I AM a lorry driver, and also a car driver and a cyclist! I am by NO MEANS the best driver around, but there is a distinct lack of education about the LIMITATIONS of HGV's amongst a majority of car users. There are poor drivers in both types of vehicle, but we as lorry drivers have to be up to speed with all laws regarding our chosen profession. How many of you NOT drivers of lorries can tell me the max speed for an articulated lorry on a single carriageway? Or why the trailer ALWAYS cuts you up on roundabouts whenever you try and OVERTAKE? It's all about finding out why these things happen before assuming that it's always the lorry driver. How long is your working day? Mine can be as long as 15 hours, having driven at least 8-9 hours of that, and having to put up with impatient car drivers giving me the finger because I ' wouldn't move over when they wanted to join the motorway'! Try and see if it's not YOUR driving that May be flawed BEFORE getting all upset with the driver of that slow annoying lorry. I'm not saying all lorry drivers are faultless, but after 12 hours, having started at 3-4 am, and having yet another car driver rob me off my stopping distance, only to brake because I'm on his rear bumper, it can be quite annoying. I had to take 3 tests to drive an articulated lorry. My car licence, my HGV 2( rigid), and then my HGV 1( articulated/ C+E). All of these required an extensive knowledge not only of the Highway Code, but tachograph regulations, working time directive and also ADR regulations. Please consider these things before you blame the driver as it may actually be your driving that has facilitated certain situations. All the best, and drive safely AND CONSIDERATELY. :)
28/10/14 PNR23regt

If you had brains you would be dangerous!!!!!!
trucker biker clayshooter

trucker biker clayshooter

You are the one with the problem boblet!!!! I do things by the book and stick to the rules. You should try and chill out more and stop being so hateful. I don't know why you hate trucks and truckers so much??? But whatever it is don't blame everyone for your faults or bad luck!!!!!
09/05/14 trucker biker clayshooter


trucker biker clayshooter. So you are saying your brakes are not up to the hurly burly of modern driving? You want special treatment from other road users. because of greedy haulage firms.
09/05/14 boblet

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