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Lazy benefit sponger friends become a liability

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Having been through a tough time, I know what it is like to struggle on low income.  However I have always endeavoured to keep in touch with my friends as I advance my own career.

An old friend began seeing a woman who already had children, and he moved into one of the housing association properties with her.  At first, it was nice to keep in touch but as I made progress in my career, the friendship changed and was not as it used to be.

This woman is a depressed and worried nanny, smoking excessively because beggars usually require nicotine!  His personality changed and they both began to sponge off me big time.

When I was down and they were low on shopping I contributed as expected.  I also loaned them some more cash on top, just to help out as a friend.  They were having financial problems so naturally I was sympathetic to them.  Well I was at first anyway!

I noticed over the visits I made they would offer to pay a little bit back, only to ask to borrow even more a day or two later.  I felt that things were getting out of hand so I refused to lend them any more money.

They still tried their best to get money out of me though!

Sponging money from other people, benefit spongers Apparently the womans daughter received a demand for unpaid council tax that accrued when she was staying with her former boyfriend, and during that time the residence was in his name.  The amount was several hundred pounds and I told her that she was not liable for this.  I even offered to go down the council to sort this out for her, or write a letter explaining the situation so that she would not have to pay what she did not owe.

Of course this wasn't the way the wanted me help was it; it was just a pack of lies.

Social Security stopped payments to them, because of a neighbour misleading them apparently.  I offered to go down to the office to help sort it out.  Again, this wasn't exactly what they wanted either; it was just another pack of lies to try and extract money from me.

They were beginning to see that their excuses had backfired on them and that they werent going to get any more cash.  This is where the friendship went downhill.  They really only wanted me for my money and when I didn't play ball, thats when the truth would come out.

he moved in with this trashy council estate scum of a woman...

Our friendship finally deteriorated irreparably when they tried to sabotage my reputation through a string of false allegations.  It transpires that this was all a plot so that they didn't have to see and could therefore avoid paying me back what was owed.

I am no longer welcome their house anymore - persona non-gratis!

This friend whom I have known for over twenty years, had never behaved like this to me before.   All this happened after he moved in with this trashy council estate scum of a woman.

Beggars will go to whatever length they can to gain at your expense.   These spongers on benefit who haven't got the capability to earn a living are out to bring down others.  So sorry spongers, you only deserve the minimum!

By: Bridgend Barry

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'We have everything we want here!' Slovak mother of 11 who gets handouts of £430 a WEEK says she won't get a job and will stay in the UK 'forever'

British people getting sanctions & some Eastern European prat gets a full handout ...
11/07/14 Bulldog


Heard from a friend today who has a sister boasting that she keeps her daughter's dog in her name so that she can get free vet treatment. Has admitted that her grand daughter has just received £2000 for a non existent whiplash injury. This person doesn't work, her husband never worked and it makes me so angry that my family are working so hard, some of them with two jobs and struggling to pay their mortgages and can't afford to start a family while paying taxes for these scrounges. I don't think claimants are vetted enough which creates a stigma for those who are genuinely deserving.
14/12/13 Diorbhail
Sarah Ure

Sarah Ure

I have a learning disabilty and a genuine mental illness, my child was taken away from me and live in social housing I have bothered to go to college and have got 2 NVQ's and a diploma in computers.

I am not will but in the pass people have been un pleasent towards me and I have been reduced to tears and fear of losing my flat, my Employment and support allowance, disibilty living allowance and housing and council tax benefit London Borough of Sutton is a nasty place to live and nobody in Sutton talks to me or interact with me but their call me names and are very rude to me esp women.
14/01/13 Sarah Ure


Kenny I have a problem with people who tell me I do not have to shop here, go somewhere else (Are you on face book?) It is the cop out reaction of a bully. Take criticism for what it is man & learn from it, don't spit your dummy out. The words you filter out smack of paranoia. "Posts are not usually removed on a whim" Does that imply that sometimes they are removed on a whim? My behaviour is a bit acid but honest, I admit to using the anon handle in the past when I have considered it appropriate. I take the piss out of certain posters. Ok maybe it is not your sort of humour but it is mine & a great way to make twerps take stock of themselves. Moderation my @rse that is just you kenny (admin) backing your clique. 14.19
30/12/12 boblet
Kenny (site admin)

Kenny (site admin)

Posts are removed when reported and if they are deemed to be offensive, or otherwise inappropriate. They aren't usually removed on a whim. Text is moderated automatically to prevent spammers our otherwise lewd language.

If you have a problem with any of this you can always just hang out on Facebook - no one is forced to use this site, but if you do a certain level of mature behavior is expected. FYI whining about the moderation process doesn't count!
30/12/12 Kenny (site admin)


The authorities mix the good folk with the bad folk hoping that the good will rub off on the bad. It is a fingers crossed system. Unfortunately they sometimes get the proportions wrong. They also block of the rat runs & reduce the access in & out of estates. All these tactics rely on you, the good folk to make them work. At the risk of offending kenny’s (admin) sensitivity, the police then leave you to your own devices by operating these as no go areas.
30/12/12 boblet


In the town where I live which is in the South West (South Waste actually!) we are being dumped-on. "Problem People" from all over the UK are being rehoused here. One young man has 27 convictions for 46 offences including burglaries and GBH. Allegedly he is a Heroin addict. Quite unemployable so on benefits for life on account of what is basically a self-inflicted-injury. The council get the money and Joe Public gets burgled and/or stabbed.

How can this be right?
30/12/12 Davey
remaining anonymous

remaining anonymous

"And also The Undertaker and Mr Ploppy, you never hear from them guys anymore."

Oh, I think we hear from them quite a bit jobby.
19/12/12 remaining anonymous


Does anybody know the way this site counts the number of posts being IP Addresses or by user names? Just a theory I have to find the multiple name posters.
19/12/12 Anon


Having a child means at least for a short period of time a woman is physically and emotionally vulnerable. The law says she can't work for a period of time after the birth. Therefore she is dependant on ether her own savings or someone else to provide for her. If she believed that the father of the child would but then leaves (which is a lot of cases these days) - does she and the innocent child deserve poverty?
OR dose living in a civilised country where people have sooo much money, mean that the child is 99.99% guaranteed not to starve to death? OR
would you prefer to hear about children dying in this country every day because their dads abandoned them ?
21/09/12 eve
Stalag 14

Stalag 14

"Hard-working tax payers like myself really are resenting having to pay for other people's kids. If they have not got the financial means to support kids then they should not have kids." MMG

I am in total agreement with this one, subsidised breeding and everyone gets it (child benefit) even when they earn megabucks, why?
08/07/12 Stalag 14


Cherryflame, I doubt that there is much to disagree with in your posting. The problem with single mothers is that most of us will know of women getting pregnant without being in a stable relationship and/or without having the financial means of supporting children, knowing full well that the State will provide for them.

This cycle must be broken, and broken very soon. There is a serious flaw with a welfare system that allows - even encourages - women to become pregnant with the expectation of State provision of benefits. Child benefit is an example and must essentially be abolished, at least after the first child, or perhaps two at the very most.

Hard-working tax payers like myself really are resenting having to pay for other people's kids. If they have not got the financial means to support kids then they should not have kids. At present, the welfare system essentially is allowing very young people to have children - you see them everywhere as part of the 'buggie brigade', marching through town with an 'as of right' attitude, never having done a day's work in their lives. Children having children has led to a breakdown in essential social skills, leading to rudeness, arrogance, irresponsibility, poor motivation and a lack of ambition.

I agree that some single parents have much to offer. The problem though is the fact that they are single parents in the first place. Many of them should not be single parents!

As for your ex-partner, I advise you to stop making reference to him not seeing his children 'as his partner wont allow it and he just swallows it.' The responsibility for not seeing his children is 100% is, and it is he that does not want to see his children. Claiming that his partner wont allow it is just a means of shirking his responsibility and blaming someone else. If he wanted to see his children, he would see his children - as simple as that.
08/07/12 miserablemoaninggit


Hmm, interesting thread. Please tell me, who exactly are the benefit scroungers? Everyone who claims benefits? I am a single mother of 2 children and i live in social housing and I claim benefits. I hate being on benefits and am ashamed and embarrassed. I have been to college to further my education and increase my chances of getting a job...2 years later I am still volunteering between 16-20 hours per week. I have applied for many jobs to no avail. It is soul destroying and demoralising! I am currently waiting to see if I have got a job at a supermarket. Perhaps I could have got a job in a supermarket earlier, but when in all retail work you must work some weekends it is nigh on impossible with absolutely no childcare on a weekend. Many of us single parent benefit scroungers have much to offer and would love the chance to work and prove ourselves but how do we do this when there are minimal provisions for out of hours childcare and we don't have people to help us? It is a catch 22 because we are told so much about how putting our babies into a childcare setting is damaging to their development, yet we are slated for trying to be a good mum by staying at home! The answer would be more child friendly jobs for women but who is going to fight for us...we hold no power whatsoever. Incidentally my children's father will not help out or even see his children as his partner wont allow it and he just swallows it. He works for the inland revenue and earns a decent wage yet I have to force money out of him through the CSA. Does anybody else see the irony of this??! I agree that some people just don't want to work and think it is clever to 'screw' the system. This is wrong. However it is also believed that a high percentage of people have a hidden impairment that will prevent them from working despite them really wanting to. You can't tell who is a willing benefit scrounger just by looking or going off the fact that they claim benefits. Some of us are desperate to be out of this degrading system! If you're an employer please give a single benefit dependent mother a chance, we know we have a lot to prove and are just waiting for the opportunity to do it.
07/07/12 Cherryflame


I work in social houseing and I hate it all the houses are dirty there full of lazy scum
02/06/12 Martlett
Stalag 14

Stalag 14

"The banks and the rich cheat the system far more than benefit spongers do."

Dead right they do, but the bankers and the rich have powerful lobby groups so nothing will change; as i have said before, the whole system is based on greed.

Bashing the benefit spongers really appeals to Tory voters and the readers of that most excellent of papers, The Daily Mail (bait for oi)
25/05/12 Stalag 14

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