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Is democracy a system we really need anymore? For a long time now, our parliamentary politicians have become steadily more useless, steadily more corrupt and greedy. The wishes of the public are continually ignored and while we seethe in frustration, our politicians award themselves handsome pay increases, inflated pensions and peerages to ensure they are suckling at the political cash cow until the day they die.
The wishes of the public are continually ignored
We allegedly live in a democracy, yet in truth; a vast majority of the voters in this country either failed to vote, or voted for a party other than New Labour in the last general election.
We are supposed to have a secret vote, but this isnt true, everyone has a unique poll number and that number is logged on a vast database so parties can target potential votes and assistance the next time round.
But look at the alternative:
Dictatorship: A dictator will, against the will of the people enact laws to suit their own ends.
Err! HELLO!!
A dictator will pass statute law that decreases the rights of the people with free speech, freedom of movement and freedom of thought.
Err! HELLO!!
A dictator will ensure that those close party members or financial backers will receive unearned rewards.
The incumbent politicians of this and previous parliaments have continuously eroded the democratic principles to such an extent; we can scarcely recognise the country that our forefathers fought two world wars for.
If were going to be honest, lets just drop the pretence and get ourselves a dictator, any flavour will do, but at least well know what weve got.
By: Twatty Maldoonican
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oh yes it most certainly is a dictatorship. Social cleansing has been in full swing for years.
We are governed by assholes who’s only goal is more power more money more respect. It will promise the world and only deliver for the few that are in the same mindset as them re: the 1%.
We as a nation are already on a road to self destruction and profiteering. Political correctness can stick that up someone’s Ass. Rules are manipulated into such a way that makes it legal. Mental health is only a word that hopefully wins more votes and donations. On one hand the government say we need to do more about mental health issues, and with the other hand forces people to live in squalor and no money. MPs are landlords and are continually raping the country of everything they can sell or give to their friends at taxpayers expense. Austerity is a legal term to carve up the country and sell to foreign investors. Social cleansing is to force people to live in tiny apartments or worse no apartment at all. Soldiers are asked to fight for their country and then literally thrown on the streets when their no longer wanted. A migrant has more rights than a natural born English man or woman.
Yes we live in a 2019 dictatorship, the public have no rights, we are monitored 24/7 by cameras and surveillance. We disguise this as safety for you the people. Crime is riff on purpose. If the people are scared to go out then they can be controlled, if people are scared governments can get on with backroom deals and faces in the trough of what they call progression. As a nation we use to be world leaders in manufacturing. Now we sold everything in favour of the stock market. People can no longer afford to live, to buy a house as prices have been inflated on purpose for more money. We can complain but not listened to, what’s the answer I wish I knew.
Do not forget also that most of these so called wonderful ideas come from the boys in the back rooms and will also cause less revenue for the country as a whole.
This shows how terrified the EU is over The Brexit Party that will soon be in their camp in numbers. And they should be because Nigel F is showing people how corrupt the EU is. Nigel Farage speaks out loud what the British people want to say but are not being listened to.
Desperate attempt to win support for a dying party. What will be the Tories counter-response, something as ludacris I suspect. The political two party system in the UK is now showing the rest of the world that the lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
Theresa May to Heckler: ' Can't touch me I'm part of the EU union,' Can't touch me I'm part of the EU union,Can't touch me I'm part of the EU union, I'm an EU gal, till the day I die.
Nothing the government do anymore benefit the people and usually come in a a new tax or influx of an old tax.
the only time our vote actually mattered was in the EU REFERENDUM and i voted leave to give a middle finger to the tories and the EU, sick of this damn capitalist and corporate world