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My gripe today is about some of the inconsiderate people you encounter on a visit to the library and to be honest, it is no wonder that many people are now beginning to shun these places in favour of obtaining their reading material via the Internet.
To start with, it would be nice to just pay a visit to the library and browse for a while in peace without having to listen to idle gossip about someone's family or domestic situation, what's going on in the football league, who's sleeping with who in Eastenders etc. You know, if you want to have a discussion or a bit of chit-chat at least have the decency to keep your voices lowered or take it to somewhere like a pub or a bus stop!
I don't know what it is about me, but if there's someone who is smelly or suffering from a heavy cold or flu, homeless or just plain loud, they will always find their way to the seat next to me. I then have to put up with them sneezing all over me, distracting me with their constant babble or giving me nits! Fantastic... you're going to sit down somewhere and there are plenty of empty seats, so WHY do you have to come and sit right next to me?
People who eat food in the library
Another thing that really annoys me concerns people who eat food in the library. I'm a vegetarian and I hate it when someone sits next to me, pulls out a Cornish pasty and then proceeds to chomp their way through it, usually very loudly with bits of food dropping out all over the place. Disgusting! Oh, and the smell of these foul things are enough to make vegetarians like myself gag! Also, I can't help but notice the way that they ignore the prominent notices that say "No food to be consumed in the library". But of course that doesn't apply to them, does it?
I've just had to move again because of the girl who plonked herself down next to me (although there were loads of other seats available) and has been sneezing and coughing ever since. Thanks, love - just what I needed! Why don't you stay at home as you are obviously quite sick? Or try to sit away from other people?
Is it just me, or does any of the above drive other people round the bend as well?
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Is this what we expect from library staff? Libraries used to be a place of quiet where you selected some books and, hopefully, expanded your mind. Maybe this is the new European way of doing things. I prefer things the way they used to be.
Ring, Ring, Ring (phone)
Yak, Yak, Yak,
Mumble Mumble Mumble
Munch Munch Munch,(food)
Ding, Ding, Ding (touch pad game)
Scream, scream, scream, (Brat)