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How I just hate it, when I get on a bus and scramble to find a seat before the driver sets off and I end up tripping over a bottle. People just dump them on the floor as they can't be bothered to take them with them and find a litter bin.
It's not just bottles, either. People dont seem to care what kind of litter they leave lying around on buses. You get bottles, newspapers, drink cans, sweetie papers and of course the dreaded takeaway cartons. In fact just recently I watched two teenage boys eat their way through fish and chips, then just throw the greasy paper and polystyrene trays on the floor. This is just perfect for someone to slip on. Nice one you idiots.
... there isn't a litter bin on the bus.
Yes, I know, there isn't a litter bin on the bus. Probably because people used it to dump ALL their household rubbish in them rather than inconvenience themselves by taking it home and putting it in their wheelie bins. Well thats the mentality of some people for you!
Still... I would like to make a request of all those teenage slobs, lying on the seats with their feet against the window, on the opposite seat etc. Yes, you know who you are dont you? Id like to ask you to please, just take their rubbish home with you when you get off the bus. Its not just unsightly, often smelly and possibly unhygienic. It can actually be a danger to people who arent so sure footed. For example an elderly person might trip over your discarded bottle and have a bad fall. It might be YOUR nan, how would you feel then?
By: Fedupinwales
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People passing my house stuff bottles, waste, cans, wrappers and other things into my hedge.
Not to mention dog walkers who encourage their dogs to defecate on my drive or lawn.
My blood boils.
Magic Fly