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Impatient people on a plane standing in the isle

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What is it with air travel and why are people so impatient when it is time to disembark?  Its almost as if their life depends on how quickly they can get into the terminal at the other end and patience just goes out the window!

Ive seen this on practically every single flight I have ever been on and it doesnt matter where you are going, whether youre off on holiday to Spain or just heading to somewhere in the UK visiting family.  The overhead lockers are opened as soon as the seat belt sign is switched off and they all begin shoving their way into the isle so they can stand there craning their neck to see if the door has been opened yet.  What is the reason for this absolute madness?  Ever heard of being patient?

I can almost this kind of behaviour from the smokers who have endured eight hours in a confined space and are gasping for a cigarette.  Their impatience is fuelled by a physical addiction and their need for a regular fix to be part of the human race.  But what about the rest of you, surely you arent all smokers?

Impatient people on a plane Another thing that bugs me are those individuals who just cant wait to get into the terminal before they get their mobile telephones out and start making calls  You are quite clearly advised not to use your mobile phone until you get into the terminal.  These impatient people seem to think that the rules dont apply to them though.

Flying is a relative luxury, most of us don't do it very frequently and unless you bought a cheap no frills ticket, you might as well get your moneys worth.  So why not chill out and enjoy sitting in your seat just a few minutes longer?  In fact I believe the crew often advice you to "Please be patient and remain seated..."

I sometimes wonder what the cabin crew would do if all the passengers stayed in their seats and didnt make a rush for the door as soon as they had landed and taxied to the terminal.  They would probably be very shocked I would imagine.

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This is today's Britain for ya - a place where most people are on the dole and have received less than five years of education in their whole lives. Just get used to it coz things will get worse when these people's children have grown up.
14/10/13 Nick


Petty rules are made to be broken. I wish to use a mobile, I'm not driving, just picking up some SMS and a little twitter as I wait for a gate. Just read your Sun and ignore me.
23/06/13 Cameron
frequent fly'er

frequent fly'er

I ussually wait for the rest to run off first before escaping, however this one time I was severely ill and could not wait to get off the plain, instead of being sympathetic and letting me through, the impatiant awkward sods stood infront of me, pretending not to hear me trying to get past.
11/09/12 frequent fly'er
Infrequent Flyer

Infrequent Flyer

On my last holiday I simply could not wait to get away from the annoying bunch of idiots who sat behind me who shouted, swore, discussed the effects of the plane crashing, and kicked my seat repeatedly throughout the 4.5 hour journey. It's a wonder I didn't run screaming from the airplane, climbing over the seats and other passengers in order to get away from these morons the very second the plane stopped on the tarmac.
30/09/09 Infrequent Flyer


A lot of the time I think it's because they need to stretch their legs. As for switching the mobile on straight away sometimes it takes until you get to baggage before you can even get a signal.
30/09/09 Magenta


I have also noticed peoples stupid actions with regards as soon as a plane lands they cannot wait to disembark .The passengers who annoy me most are the ones who ignore the instructions to remain seated and keep seatbelts on until seatbelt sign goes off but they must as soon as plane touches down unfasten seatbelt and go in overhead locker.complete idiots.
25/06/09 soulboy


I was on a plane recently. I was going to a place called 'Maples' which is somewhere in the region. To my absolute disgust the driver spoke with his mouth and spilt scalding hot Dr.Pepper all over his crotch. When I laughed at him he naturally got annoyed. He then called me a 'nelly-nelson socks' which is a phrase I had not previosly heard before bording. It all ended with a loverly, simply loverly bowl of cabbage and hash brown soup. Same time next year I thought, same time next year...
06/11/08 Humphrey
Northern and Proud

Northern and Proud

Just another retard Southerner in a world of his own. Ignorant beyond the M25, in fact go and stand on the m25 you ball bag
04/09/08 Northern and Proud


Eddie - you really do have an extraordinarily large chip on your shoulder don't you!!

I am a Northerner and I can assure you that the whole 'Brit Abroad' culture embarrasses and annoys me too. However, I have seen drunken, obnoxious behaviour displayed abroad by those from the North AND the South. Being a total moron does not distinguish between counties!!

Your refusal to accept that brainless idiots can be bred ANYWHERE leads me to believe that you, in fact, are one yourself.

03/01/08 Green_Eyez
Northern Monkey

Northern Monkey

Unfortunatley the problem lies with the CLAMOURING SOUTHERN MORONS with their ME ME ME attitude. Beaky-nosed barge a*ses!
25/10/07 Northern Monkey


I HATE people that switch their phones on before leaving the plane. What do they think has happened while they have been in the air? Are they so important that they can't wait 5 minutes until they leave the plane?
18/11/06 kilfinan


Just accept that Northeners are skanks.

All the Brits we cringe about on holiday are fat northern pie eating apes that sit in "English" pubs commenting on how the pie and chips "aint as good as back ome".

This breed of human sub species thinks that by talking louder and slower the locals will understand better.
17/10/06 Eddie


By the way, have you never heard that:
England starts south of the Watford gap;
CIVILISATION starts north of it!
07/10/06 pat


I see that flying is bringing out the best in humanity again, North versus South, Good versus Evil etc.
I have flown more miles than I care to think about, near East, Far East, Northern hemesphere, Southern hemesphere you name it and I've probably been there over the last fifty years or so, and, nothing changes. I have yet to meet an airoplane that has left without all those sitting in the departure lounge and I've never met anyone who'se got off before the doors are opened.
But we live in hope, maybe one day.............?
07/10/06 pat


Us southerners are normally in a hurry to get off the plane to escape the fat nothern chavs who think a plane is similar to a zoo and proceed to let their kids act like monkeys whilst they tuck into the coke and peanuts.

I will never fly from a city airport again to escape these sub human species.
27/09/06 Woo

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