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My gripe is about people that GRIPE over anything and everything. I know we have to gripe and complain, because it's after all human nature to do so. But as far as I am concerned these pages are the very best place to air your gripes, thoughts, complaints and opinions. We can switch off, not read, or simply go away and play. Nothing is more boring or wasteful of life than having to listen to friends, relatives or workmates, whine and gripe. - Jono
Gripes and griping, that's what really grinds my gears. We live in such a blaming suspicious society which seeks to make everyone else responsible but ourselves. What a sad lot we are indeed. The media eats itself and is only self-referent - pandering for our pointless needs for 24 hour entertainment to the point where even the news is littered with attacks on 'celebrities' who are constructed by them in the first place. Then of course one can only imagine the prime minister to be responsible personally for every piece of chewing gum spat out on the streets. I think it possible that we are living through one of those fey times in history - just before a fall. It is a time when nobody actually has a grip on reality and we are all too full of fear to face up to our position. - Laura
Look, I'm griping about the "gripers". Chill out for Christ's' sake. No wonder you've all got blood pressure. Who cares if there's not enough bridle paths, and as for dog crap on your front step, do what I did some years ago. Collect a weeks 'delivery', place on a neat board complete with union jack and a 'thank you note' for the last 7 days donation. They never came near me again. I'm 73 this year and counting down my summers. Now on my third glass of wine, the daffs are coming up, (wish I was)... but believe me I can still gripe. Why am I like this? I live in Italy, where every day is a Sunday! Stromboli
My gripe is about grumpy gripes!! Most of what I read here is so hateful towards children. I don't really understand it. I've just moved to the UK and cannot believe the pent-up aggression here, towards children, and also the amazing frustration OF the children here! I think it's a chicken and egg situation. You can't stand the kids, the kids are dislike-able - most unfortunate. There are other ways you know, where kids are generally looked upon fondly and adults realise their responsibility and are allowed to deal with their own kids in their own way. Here you all seem obsessed by child safety/protection to the point of sickness, and yet seem to despise children. Most bizarre! - Baffled
Do you people have nothing to do but nitpick about things that don't mean a jot in the scheme of things? What the hell is wrong with you? Why should it matter that you may have to wait an extra 10 seconds while a child feeds money into a parking meter? Who cares that there isn't much sausage in a cheap sausage roll? You buy cheap, you get cheap, simple. As with all thing sin life, you get back what you put in. If these little gripes are all you have to worry about then you should count yourselves extremely lucky, and get out of bed with a smile every morning. There are people in this world who would give their right arm for what some of us are lucky to have, but we take it all for granted. Now, for the love of God SMILE! - Miss F
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Also cases when people complain about issues that they knew they did was wrong and complain when I don't give them what they want, should have done it in the first place.
But then, as people will no doubt point out, this is the internet and it's to be expected.
If it's to be expected it's bloody sad.
All part of the no blame culture. The Church. The Police. The Government. Some industry. are still suffering this no blame culture.