The Weekly Gripe

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Gripes in the pipes

Gripes and grumpy people who moan

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My gripe is about people that GRIPE over anything and everything.  I know we have to gripe and complain, because it's after all human nature to do so.  But as far as I am concerned these pages are the very best place to air your gripes, thoughts, complaints and opinions.  We can switch off, not read, or simply go away and play.  Nothing is more boring or wasteful of life than having to listen to friends, relatives or workmates, whine and gripe.  - Jono

Gripes and griping, that's what really grinds my gears.  We live in such a blaming suspicious society which seeks to make everyone else responsible but ourselves.  What a sad lot we are indeed.  The media eats itself and is only self-referent - pandering for our pointless needs for 24 hour entertainment to the point where even the news is littered with attacks on 'celebrities' who are constructed by them in the first place.  Then of course one can only imagine the prime minister to be responsible personally for every piece of chewing gum spat out on the streets.  I think it possible that we are living through one of those fey times in history - just before a fall.  It is a time when nobody actually has a grip on reality and we are all too full of fear to face up to our position.  - Laura

Look, I'm griping about the "gripers".  Chill out for Christ's' sake.  No wonder you've all got blood pressure.  Who cares if there's not enough bridle paths, and as for dog crap on your front step, do what I did some years ago.  Collect a weeks 'delivery', place on a neat board complete with union jack and a 'thank you note' for the last 7 days donation.  They never came near me again.  I'm 73 this year and counting down my summers.  Now on my third glass of wine, the daffs are coming up, (wish I was)...  but believe me I can still gripe.  Why am I like this?  I live in Italy, where every day is a Sunday!  Stromboli

My gripe is about grumpy gripes!!  Most of what I read here is so hateful towards children.  I don't really understand it.  I've just moved to the UK and cannot believe the pent-up aggression here, towards children, and also the amazing frustration OF the children here!  I think it's a chicken and egg situation.  You can't stand the kids, the kids are dislike-able - most unfortunate.  There are other ways you know, where kids are generally looked upon fondly and adults realise their responsibility and are allowed to deal with their own kids in their own way.  Here you all seem obsessed by child safety/protection to the point of sickness, and yet seem to despise children.  Most bizarre!  - Baffled

Do you people have nothing to do but nitpick about things that don't mean a jot in the scheme of things?  What the hell is wrong with you?  Why should it matter that you may have to wait an extra 10 seconds while a child feeds money into a parking meter?  Who cares that there isn't much sausage in a cheap sausage roll?  You buy cheap, you get cheap, simple.  As with all thing sin life, you get back what you put in.  If these little gripes are all you have to worry about then you should count yourselves extremely lucky, and get out of bed with a smile every morning.  There are people in this world who would give their right arm for what some of us are lucky to have, but we take it all for granted.  Now, for the love of God SMILE!  - Miss F

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Some time ago it became the done thing not to actuall apportion blame. I can remember it becoming a part of the British way. Culprits have been hiding behind the no apportioned blame system for years now. They are spending their early pensions etc and are very happy not to have been blamed. I used to work for a large company that introduced a new pay scheme for operatives with multi skills. I was asked to submit the names of those operatives that were eligable. I submitted one name. *ill M*ddox he had worked in all departments of the site. He was a useless argumentative individual who had been transfered from department to department instead of being sacked.
All part of the no blame culture. The Church. The Police. The Government. Some industry. are still suffering this no blame culture.
08/10/20 boblet42


I personally feel that life is too short to complain about things that are out of your control no amount of complianing will change it , unless it impacts your life in a major way move on. For example if you get bad customer service it sucks but it xould be a one off alot of it can depending of the kind of day someone is having. I have had customers yell at me sometimes I know why they will yell at me , explain why they are angry and apoligise some people just want to let off stuff. I work in a area where I deal with people on the phone every day if someone gets angry I let them vent and ask if they are ok to which they will tell me and aplogise. Its all about empathy.
Also cases when people complain about issues that they knew they did was wrong and complain when I don't give them what they want, should have done it in the first place.
20/10/14 ??


I hope you are right GOW. What a twerp he was.
07/04/13 boblet


I have it on good authority that jobby has been blocked. Good news!
07/04/13 grumpyoldwoman


As ever, an interesting and thought provoking place to have a discussion/argument gets overrun by mindless spammers plus complete morons like Jobby posting constant inane drivel he knows nothing about.

But then, as people will no doubt point out, this is the internet and it's to be expected.
If it's to be expected it's bloody sad.
07/04/13 Oi


I also have noticed over the past few weeks that the usual names are missing from this site. Could it be the maniacal, inane comments that have started appearing at an alarming rate which are driving the sensible people away. Come on folks, here's a couple of examples. What man in their right mind would employ a witchdoctor to get a women back? I spent years getting rid of mine. And as for the endless comments about the Welsh language, we already have a nation called North Korea living in the past and trying to shut the rest of the world out and isolating itself. It's one thing to scratch your ass, but totally mad to tear yourself in two!
07/04/13 Jethro


Iv'e just logged onto this site expecting late Saturday night/early Sunday morning dr**ken rants and whines and there's nothing to amuse me, come on people, what am I supposed to do now walk the dog?
30/09/12 Anon
Mr Brown

Mr Brown

Good morning i am just about to pop to the Papershop would you like anything fetching?
04/07/11 Mr Brown
A bored spectator

A bored spectator

Are you really complaining that others are complaining? Is that your "SOMETHING" to complain about.
04/07/11 A bored spectator


What a hypocryt! Very contradicting indeed, a wasted 5 minute read! You hate gripers so your hear to gripe about people who gripe? Thankyou for taking 5 minutes of my life that ill never see again!
01/06/11 Urgh


What a pathetic little gripe this one is. I notice that Miss F in her final paragraph selects relatively insignificant gripe topics, not really taking account of the fact that many of the gripes on this site are of a serious nature. 'Kids trampolines in the back garden' is a good example; people's lives can be ruined by the chronic stress that such a situation brings overa long period of time. Other gripes warning against being ripped off by companies such as Fitness First, Talk Talk, and many more; people giving accounts of their lack of support from the police; the basic lack of manners; concerns about the abuse of the welfare system. A lot of the people who contribute to this site display wit, charm, intelligence, humour as well as the opposite - as I myself have occasionally (or regularly!) been accused of. Get off your 'high, politically correct horse' and accept that there is a lot to have a good gripe about and that, quite often, it can be an enjoyable exercise that does little harm - quite the opposite!
18/05/11 miserablemoaninggit
British Boblet

British Boblet

Sorry, I have done it again my latest barb was aimed at keiron. with ref to his/her gripe on gripeing
18/05/11 British Boblet


A moan is an opinion put into words or print, something that you have just done.
18/05/11 Boblet
pro freedom of speech

pro freedom of speech

What people choose to write about on here is nothing to do with the people running this site so I suggest you stop being manipulative Keiron.
18/05/11 pro freedom of speech


How sad are these people! Came across this site for the first time today and was dismayed at the lack of sensitivity/awareness etc of most posters who actually feel that they have the right to comment on other people's lives. Whoever runs this site is a damn muppet who cares about itself rather than others. Hope you're not British as I would be totally ashamed.
18/05/11 Keiron

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