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I'm very interested in belonging to a caring, more spiritual community. And by spiritual, I don't mean one wracked by traditional dogma. I don't wear dreadlocks and I don't conform to stereo-typical images of such communities but I wish in my heart that a good, mainstream culture of this nature existed in this country.
Where are our sacred country traditions? They are wrapped-up in commercially driven, expensive days out. Where are our shared parenting groups, fathers that mentor, teenagers who delight in family time? These are the things that I wish for in my life. I yearn for a community that respects the heritage of the earth and believes in a loving god-force.
You'll still find such tenants of course, in say a Greek village or a Tibetan one. Or in a far-flung Island community. I suppose sophistication has taken away our sense of joy and wonder, love and respect, for humanity. The silly, cold mums at the school playground only concerned with their looks and 4x4's worry me not now. My lack of shallowness and greed secured me from joining in their club, even though I had tried to go along with the whole yummy mummy thing when the kids were small.
If you're out there, declare yourself!
But where are the real new-age people? The ones who want to nurture strong bonds with like-minded people? If you're out there, declare yourself! Don't just save your humanity for the seminar, the talk or the books! Reach out and find that there are intelligent men and women who want to find another way of living without disappearing to a windy western Isle or joining a sect.
By: RA
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'We don’t have figures yet. So much depends on the site, the people and the
design, but it may be around £4 million to develop a community of about 20
households with a common house.'
The irony of this in response to a posting entitled "In search of a more spiritual community" leaves me bending over with laughter. Absolutely hilarious. I know you state that you are not a spiritually based group, but I would very much hope that those so-called 'spiritual' people would firmly reject an isolationist community of the rich and privileged who need either a regular income (a substantial one it seems to develop a £4 million community of only 20 households) or a substantial deposit. To be perfectly frank Maria, you make me want to vomit at the hypocrisy of it all.
I want to live with other people like this so that I can shut out the horrible, bad old world outside; ignore the poverty, deprivation and loneliness. I want to wear beads in my hair, rings on my fingers and bells on my toes and, of course, pursue a vegan diet and wear sandals. It's wonderful to be so spiritual like I am. I pity those who do not have the required level of compassion and sensitivity to live in a community such that I desire.