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I admit I do find EastEnders quite entertaining as it makes me feel that my life isn't so bad after all. My 9 year old daughter doesn't go to bed until 8pm so I can not watch the programme at the time it is aired as I feel it is extremely unsuitable for her. It portrays the wrong image to impressionable children. I don?t want my daughter to grow up thinking that it is acceptable to have affairs, to lie to your friends and family, to steal, the list goes on.
I seem to recall last year the The BBC being fined ?150,000 by Ofcom after broadcasting the lewd messages that Jonathan Ross and Rusel Brand left on Andrew Sachs's answerphone. Well I think some of the story lines on EastEnders have been far worse than this and if they were actually scenes in a movie it would carry a rating of 15 at least!
According to the BBC's Editorial Guidelines on Television Scheduling and the Watershed, Section 5.4.6 states that "Television scheduling decisions need to balance the protection of young people and particularly children..." Section 5.4.7 states that "Programmes broadcast between 5.30am and 9pm must be suitable for a general audience including children."
I'm sorry, but I really don't think EastEnders adheres to any of these guidelines. What is the point of having guidelines if they aren't going to be followed?
...a history of causing upset and complaints
EastEnders seems to have a history of causing upset and complaints amongst its viewers whether it be about gay storylines, violent scenes shown on Christmas Day, drunken pub brawls and various other plots that people have found inappropriate. You'd think something would have been done about it by now! Perhaps they need to be hit with a few more hefty fines to realise that they just can not carry on getting away with it.
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Eastenders is a perfect example of why the TV licence should be abolished.
