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TV Licensing and the BBC sending threatening letters

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Well it looks as if the TV Licensing people haven't got the message yet, even though their enforcement officers paid us a visit just over a week ago.  I moved to this house a few months ago by the way and have so far completely ignored all the warnings that they have sent demanding that I buy a TV Licence or possibly face a fine.

I don't see why I should communicate with these parasites every time I move house to tell them I still do not have a television.  Why should I?  It's a clear case of being guilty until you prove you are innocent.  As for the enforcement officer with the TV detector van that turned up last week, well he wanted to come in and take a look around to make sure we didn't have a TV.  Naturally I wasn't going to permit a stranger to come into my home without some more official looking documentation.

That TV Licensing badge looked authentic enough, but this guy could have been anyone and I didn't see a van up the street!  He could even have been there just to case the joint for some future robbery or it could have been a distraction burglary, you hear about them all the time.  I sent him away to get a warrant because he wasn't about to enter my house without one.  He mumbled something about making a phone call and that they had detected a television in my house.  I pointed out that the only thing they could have detected was the computer as I don't have a TV.

A sample threatening letter from TV Licensing

That was that I thought as I closed the door and I still haven't heard anything further regarding an inspection so who knows.  I had thought that our little conversation was enough to set the record straight, tick in the box that this house doesn't have a TV etc.  Apparently not though because I received yet another threatening letter from the TV Licensing people addressed to The Occupier.  Very strange that, because the enforcing officer that turned up on my doorstep took a note of my name.  I would have thought that information should have filtered through they system somehow.

Anyway, this letter from TV Licensing is actually the reason for writing this gripe (click on the image to read it in full).  It's the tone of it that I really don't like.  It comes across as very threatening and intimidating and if any other company were to send out this kind of material on a regular basis, I am pretty sure there would be a national uproar.  How do they get away this?

It begins with the words OFFICIAL WARNING in underlined capitals.  A warning of course means cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger).  An official warning therefore carries more weight.  It means you've done something wrong (or they think you've done something wrong).  Even the typeface comes across as a bit official and stern and this is deliberate I think.  Then there's the liberal scattering of words and phrases such as "police", "criminal" and "court appearance" in the text.

In my opinion this document isn't designed to help you buy a TV Licence, rather it is designed to SCARE you into buying one and that to me is just not on!  When did it suddenly become okay for companies to send out a threatening communication like this?

As I mentioned earlier, I don't have a TV and I don't want one.  But I also don't believe that I should have to inform these people whenever I move house that I still don't want a television.  I especially resent being harassed (yes, that is exactly what this is) and treated like a criminal because I dare to stray from the norm and not buy a TV licence.

Can you imagine how an elderly person would feel having received a threatening notice like this?  Not particularly nice is it?

By: Kenny

How to deal with TV Licensing

Avoiding TVL/BBC harassment
Someone very kindly sent in a link to this site. It contains lots of useful information about dealing with the TV Licensing people and in particular what they can and can't do. I'm inclined to draw your attention to the section called "Tips for avoiding TVL/BBC harassment" on the left hand menu at the top of the page.

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i believe that if a person puts they're name on the bottom of any threatening correspondence from the bbc ,a corporation , they are personally liable and can be took to court for malice and threatening communication.just a thought??
27/09 bobajob


I haven't paid the BBC for 35 years, it would be 40 years but I paid them for 5 years from Aug 2011 to Aug 2016. That was £728 I could have put to better use, it was only because I had BT TV and Sports but in 2016 I dumped BT for another ISP and hit their TV service on the head as well as the licence fee, at the time saving me £50 per month.
I've had two goon visits in 35 years one in 2009 and the other in 2017. The first one they took me to court so I attended and took a 22" monitor with me, the only TV like equipment I had at the time and told the court presenter to find an aerial connection on it, they couldn't and dropped the case so I said anyone here on TVL charges who wasn't caught actually watching TV should plead not guilty and many did, some changing their pleas as they had being duped by the goon claiming they watched live TV when they actually watched the iPlayer catch up service that was free at the time.
The second time the goon tried to enter my home uninvited when I came back from walking the dog saying he was scared of dogs. He hit the floor after I pulled him back so hard he fell, he called the police and even they couldn't get me to open the door to them so they eventually left saying there was nothing they could do.
In Jan 2021 I did a no licence required declaration when I was drunk and regretted it afterwards. In Jan 2023 the letters started again, first asking me to renew the declaration in the name I had filled the form in as, Mr P Occupier, I also noticed that the reference number started 40 but after three months the number changed to start with 66 so they have a number for those that declare they don't need a licence and one for others they class as evaders.
31/08 Terminator


farmideas, don't feel threatened by any of their letters. I haven't had a license for years. Yes, they send the letters telling me my address is under investigation, threatened me with home visits and all I do is throw their letters in the bin. To this day, I've had nobody turn up at my door even after they've given me a date of a visit. Even if someone does turn up, just say no thanks and close the door. They can't do anything. they're just salesmen. Don't feel threatened into paying up.
10/02/23 Robert


I don't have a TV and don't watch programmes on the computer, but enjoy Youtube and other internet services. Last year I became so intimidated by the threatening letters I gave in and paid the money. I still have no TV and now the licence needs renewing. It will be followed by another wave of threats and maybe inspections. The BBC licence fee has not moved with the times and is creating increasing acrimony. The mega rich BBC trustees and senior employees need to address this increasing grey area.
02/02/23 farmideas


@Bryan Lahonda, Different name now I see NIXOFF. How's the psychosis coming along? not responding to the meds? Mucky mouth doesn't help. Try to take a few deep breaths to calm down before answering. I hope you feel better soon. All the best.
02/09/21 Jethro


@Nixoff Swiftly, I hope you know there is plenty of help out there for your anger. Most of the people I help with these issues respond well, you may take a little longer, I sense deeper problems.
01/09/21 Jethro


@ Nixoff Swiftly, My My, I can see that COVID isolation has not fared well with you. Have you talked to anybody about the way you feel? You should get a grip of those emotions before they become a mental issue.
26/08/21 Jethro
Nixoff Swiftly

Nixoff Swiftly

Once again the idiot or idiots are on here giving negative scores to sensible correct statements, you are SHITHEADS for doing so!!!
26/08/21 Nixoff Swiftly


They'd need a "projector detector" to catch me, not that I watch any of the garbage on the BBC. I'd rather steal my content from Netflix and Amazon.
11/02/21 Jasper


Well, when I was doing Physics A Level in the late 60s, a TV detector van came round to my school. We were shown the equipment in it, told exactly how it worked and given a demonstration of it working.

That one certainly existed!
11/02/21 grumpyoldwoman
Jason Mackinnon

Jason Mackinnon

The way I see it; the TV licencing department of the BBC is guilty of trying (and in most cases succeeding) to blackmail people. Blackmail is described as: The action of demanding payment, or another benefit, from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. The BBC is demanding money with the threat that they will use the court system to take £1,000 off you. It shouldn't be up to the BBC to set a figure, it should be up to the courts. The fact they set a figure turns any demand they give into a case of blackmail. I for one have had enough of the BBC trying to blackmail me into paying them money. Just for clarity I do not have a TV, and I do not see why I should tell anyone. Innocent until proven guilty. Oh, and TV detector vans do not exist.
10/02/21 Jason Mackinnon


I forgot to pay my TV licence so it's just over month half late. Received one reminder letter put it somewhere safe to pay forgot. Today I received an inforcement letter saying they have sent me several reminders. Um no they sent one reminder. This letter is very threatening and an absolute lie several reminders Implies I now have a stack of them. Nope just the original letter and one reminder. Guess now so many people are no longer paying them they are picking on the ones who do. Nice to know the BBC can get money with menace from someone who genuinely forgot
12/12/20 Twiggy


I informed the BBC that i wouldn't be renewing my license November 2020. I received an email to say thanks & half an hour later i received another one telling me i could be fined £2000 for not having a license. I joined a group on social media of like minded folks that have also been treated badly by the BBC. Why are they allowed to said out threatening letters, if i did the same i could well end up in court. The BBC are cowards by threatening old people & isn't it time they took down that pedophiles statue.
14/11/20 Oldnick
Jolly jack

Jolly jack

I received a letter just like this on Thursday, 22/2019 I don't watch bbc all I have is Netflix which I watch occasionally, when in the mood for a film. It got me so worried, I started to have an anxiety attack and then it felt like I was having a heart attack, big punch in the middle of my back, pain across my shoulders and up the side of my neck, I was sick twice, felt so ill I went to my bed, thought i was dying, and there I stayed until Saturday evening around 6.45pm, what ever it was knocked me for six! I've never felt so ill! Im 67yrs old and it really did get me worried, they shouldn't be allowed to send out these bullying threatening letters to people. So now I'm just about recovered still pain in shoulders, I did a little research and found this , so because I only watch Netflix I don't need one of their darn lisences ! Their very welcome to come and. check, obviously if they have a warrant etc to enter, I won't just let anyone enter as you say you never know who they are.
Thank you for your post.
26/08/19 Jolly jack


My knowledge of TV licensing law is sadly not up to date.

My understanding is that if you have equipment that is capable of receiving live TV then you need a TV license.

Thus, even a PC with a reasonably fast broadband connection needs a TV license.

It is a petty, unfair and wicked law but it is not going to change anytime soon. My advice is pay up, or you may end up like the guy in the song 'I fought the law and ... ' fill in the blanks
03/03/18 Phil

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