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Like most people in Britain I own a television set and I am currently paying a small fortune for the 'BBC TV licence fee' each year and my gripe is that I'd like to know what I'm getting for my money! I certainly don't think that I'm getting enough value.
Like many other people I feel that I am subsidising the BBC because I rarely ever watch terrestrial television and I prefer to surf the many digital channels currently on offer instead.
Some of the reasons given for the fee is that it helps to keep the quality of BBC TV programmes at a high standard and makes it possible for them to broadcast quality content without the constant interruption of annoying advertisements and commercials. Well I suppose these are pretty valid points, but they are probably the only ones as far as I can see.
Also if you were to treat the TV Licence fee as a subscription and compare the cost with a subscription to the popular digital services. Your subscription to terrestrial channels would work out at about 10 to 15 times more expensive!
What are the alternatives to a TV Licence?
So what are the alternatives to funding the BBC with the licence fee and what would the end product be like? One option would be to charge a separate subscription fee and possibly even boost revenues by allowing advertisements. I suspect though that this may not be too popular due to the fact that people quite like having a channel with no adverts on. Another option would be to integrate the channels with existing subscription services so that you can opt in for these channels in the same way that you would for any other premium channel.
At the end of the day though, it's probably all too much trouble for those in charge and besides they would not be prepared to accept any of the inevitable losses that would be incurred.
If you're paying for a TV licence like the rest of us, you might as well check out what the beeb have to say on the subject. There's lots of usefull information here like how to pay for one, if your so inclined that is!
If like me you think the licence fee should be abolished then there are campaigns out there where you can make your voice heard.
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This from the BBC who are constantly fear-mongering about everyone, including small children, having Covid jabs or your loved ones will die; and if we don't stop global warming we'll all be dead in ten years anyway!
Delighted more like! Chuffed to bits! Over the moon!
I just hope the current writers go too!
and baking and sewing some of us want to laugh!!!
Licence required to watch the iPlayer and catchup TV