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Children shouldn't be allowed in pubs after 6pm

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I went to the pub today because I wanted to celebrate the Royal Wedding and saw really young children outside in the garden which I don't mind as I was going inside.  But when I entered inside I saw this little screaming brat misbehaving.  She was running around, yapping constantly and would not sit down.  Those with her did not control her enough.

My personal feeling is that pubs are really not for young children in the evening, but if they are there, then they should be kept under control and not left to run amok to the detriment of other patrons.

This little girl kept crawling around and was hiding under the furniture.  Why didn't she play outside with others?  At least if she was outside she would not annoy others who came to enjoy a pint and a meal inside with their friends.  I wanted to tell the adults who were with her to take her outside because she was really annoying me (and probably others too).  The man who was with her gave her a choice of either going home or eating ice cream.  He should have taken her home to be honest because while she was waiting for her ice cream she still kept on causing havoc in the pub with her antics.

A traditional Irish pub Thankfully after eating her ice cream she finally left.  The adults with her should have been more considerate towards others inside the pub by taking her outside if she misbehaved.  That way they could calm her down when she threw her little tantrum and not disturb those who wanted a nice evening.  I don't mind if pubs have things for children to do and are family friendly, but there should be a certain time that they are allowed in the pub, preferably, 6pm onwards no children at all, or at least no under 10 year-olds!

It is not appropriate to take such young children to a pub especially near their bedtime when they are clearly tired and want to go home!  Kids get cranky when they're tired, so it's selfish of the adults to keep them there just so they can have a few drinks.  In fact Id rather see a dog in the pub than a little screaming 'baby lager lout'.  The pub garden is might have a playground for young children BUT not the inside!

By: Angry Autistic Female

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Pissed off pub goer

Pissed off pub goer

Well said. It's a pub, not a creche with an alcohol licence
26/05/23 Pissed off pub goer


Armpit sorry.. er Armstrong

What are you babbling on about - chocolate milkshake - ?? Is your supplier late again.
01/04/14 Nick


Armstrong, I'd be very interested to know where these family friendly pubs were when you were a child; how did they manage to let children in and not lose their licences? I don't think under 14's were allowed in pubs until fairly recently. As I remember, although I'm younger then you, kids usually had to sit outside somewhere (in the car if they had one) with a lemonade while the adults were in the pub. What fun for them!

There are plenty of better places to take kids than down the local and there has to be somewhere for adults to go and be away from children; even their own sometimes. If you must take them it has to be on the understanding that they don't bother other people.

Don't really understand what you're saying about the chocolate milkshake; if the mother took the shopping after her daughter had ruined some of it then that's her problem; but the belt would need to be cleaned before anyone else could use it. If she expected the shop to take the loss then the checkout operator had every right to be annoyed.

By the by, shouting gets you nowhere!
31/03/14 grumpyoldwoman


Oh gosh, Armstrong. The caps lock on your post absolutely makes me pay more attento
Ion to what you're, YOU'RE saying! Or is it your little girl stomping on your keyboard? No one judges you for taking a child to a pub, we judge you for lacking the parenting skills to control it.
30/03/14 pet


"I take my kids in the pubs sometimes" - stop twisting comments nick, it's a reality, your a loner, reminds me of this women on a checkout till, a girl poured chocolate milkshake all over the shopping...

for this women to act as if her hands were covered in blood, oh no it's on my hands oh what will I do...

30/03/14 ARMSTRONG


Armstrong, are you saying at 75 I will regret not spending every day in the pub with my kids.

Surely you should not be in the pub with kids; you should be out and about enjoying your family.

If fun to you is a few pints whilst being in charge of kids, then I am sad for you.

At 75 you’ll say Shot what have I done.
29/03/14 Nick


yeah your all a bunch of retarded inbred mother ...

I take my kids in the pubs sometimes, unless it has a play factory then it's very boring for the children, I remember when I was a kid, my parents done the same, back then pubs were about families, now you take a kid in the bar and they look at you funny.

Of course a little girl is going to jump all over, go under tables, come and hop on your leg, and pull funny faces....


I am honestly sick of you sad people, controlling and undermining because something in your life didn't go as planned, your parents failed you!

Just because a little girl plays around your legs or on the chairs, pours chocolate all over your clean possessions don't be so damn hasty, unfortunately YOU was once like that, take a breath and think... WERE ONLY HERE ONCE, ENJOY IT, SQUEEZE OUT OF THAT BUBBLE YOU LIVE IN, POP IT, YOU LIVE IN A WORLD THAT RESOLVES AROUND YOURSELF FOR YEARS.

29/03/14 ARMSTRONG


The author of this gripe has a point I've made to friends before.
One of my locals has a policy of no children after 6.30pm and to be honest they don't really have many children in there.
But for the others it does get annoying for me as a childless person who goes to a pub for adult pleasures and have kids running round shouting with their parents making no effort to control them. I bet some of the moaners have kids at home but are glad of the break for a few hours.
I do feel for the parents who are made to feel bad by my attitude above but they are probably hard pushed to find babysitters and why should they spend 10years or more of not going to the pub due to having the youngsters.
25/05/13 ahforfoulkessake


how rude..yes i agree children should not be allowed in bars /pubs..but to call these innocent children to whom have no choice but to sit there with drunk adults ..what you should do is be kind to the child, as the comments are disgusting.
11/02/13 shez


I think that children should be kept out of pubs altogether, after all most adults go to pubs to get away from the little monsters & have some peace!
04/10/12 hairyfairy


So, a coffee shop in Berlin is banning pushchairs. Praise the gods! Let's hope that coffee shops in this country follow suit, and as soon as possible. These 'as of right' Mum's (and, increasingly, Grandmothers) are often so rude, so demanding, so inconsiderate of the needs of others

We need to step up the campaign for some 'Adults only' coffee shops, pubs etc in the UK. Stop subjecting adults with the screams, cries and tantrums of other people's dull, often extremely irritating kids!
02/10/12 miserablemoaninggit


Jai, you've really missed the point of the whole gripe, haven't you?
02/10/12 grumpyoldwoman


Sad people who have to write about kids (playing ) its what kids do ! I'm guessing that
You don't actually have kids hence why you are talking like a k nob head. They are kids they
Are gonna play what did you do as a kid ? Sit there with you're arms and legs crossed while the others play ? You need to grow up !
02/10/12 Jai
Angry Autistic Female

Angry Autistic Female

"I feel I should be excluded because of my condition."

Sorry that was a typo. What I meant to say was I feel I shouldn't be excluded because of my condition.

Fed up Pedestrian, thank you for writing this post. I think whoever wrote this is a coward and feels like picking on someone who they see as weak. I didn't think they themselves had anything better to do either. I feel I defintely have the right to rant and post here my frustrations relating to this gripe as much as the next person. Yes I will ignore these people from now on because all they want is a reaction and nothing more than to see me angry and upset, which isn't right. They're defintely a pathetic bunch. Actually, I shouldn't be on this site because I said I was taking a break but I have to point out the error above I wrote in the previous post as it needed to be corrected. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense what I said, would it now? Also thanks again for what you wrote.

Please write anything relating to this gripe. Your experiences would be most welcome.
04/02/12 Angry Autistic Female
Fed up Pedestrian

Fed up Pedestrian

Angry Autistic Female, it's probably just the one person or one at the keyboard in his bedroom while his equally pathetic mates snicker while believing they are cool rebels when they are a bit sad and very cowardly. Hopefully they will grow out of it by their fourteenth birthdays.

I disagree with a lot of what Freddie says but he does not deserve their continued snide suggestions about him nor do the other targets of their obsessive attacks. I cannot imagine it bothers him at all though any more than it bothers any of their other targets. The people who give their opinions here and put a name to them have a life and the courage of their convictions, the sad little keyboard insects don't.

Their comments regarding your autism say nothing about you; it tells us a lot about them.

What they thrive on is attention so don't give them any. You have as much right as anyone else to post here, have a moan and even a rant if you feel like it so just ignore him/them.This is the one and only time I will give them a moment's thought. Don't let them upset you or make you angry, don't react at all to the pathetic little nonentities.

I would like to say they will go away if you ignore them but they have nothing better to do. Everyone else here, including you and I, do.
31/01/12 Fed up Pedestrian

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