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Children are out of control in the UK

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Why do people believe that it is acceptable to inflict their noisy, ill-mannered, bratish children on the rest of us?  It seems that all public occasions must be spoilt by a screaming temper tantrum; every piece of food in the supermarket must be investigated by dirty fingers and duly prodded, poked, coughed on and then randomly discarded; everybody else's property should be beaten like a drum or kicked like a football.  Heaven forbid if anyone complains; modern parents see absolutely no faults in their darling little angels.  Let them explore the world they say, express their inner feelings, tolerate their precocious, ill-timed, feckless interruptions to adult conversations and encourage their sense of self importance as this will develop an independent thinking adult.  Never does it seem to occur to many parents that other people don't want to listen to their offspring howling in the Cinema and would rather avoid the back of their seat being kicked by bored little Johnny for nine hours during a long haul flight.

Cheeky child sticking tongue out Such attitudes are wrong; they feed and amplify the egocentric traits of children's personalities and produce a misplaced sense of entitlement.  This is reflected in the growing belief amongst many children that the whole world solely exists to deliver never ending super sized portions of glee to the underdeveloped pleasure centres of their brains.  This is harmful to their long term social development and makes their eventual adjustment to adult life all the more traumatic; the adolescent realisation by an individual that he or she is not such a special, smart, talented little cookie can very easily develop into adult embitterment.

Whilst I don't prescribe to the Victorian "seen and not heard" mantra, I certainly see nothing wrong with the expectation that children should take an appropriate place in the wider societal hierarchy; earning privileges through good behaviour, recognising the rights and needs of others and showing respect for adults.  It is time once again that parents realised that their beloved children must be brought up to understand that although they are an important precious commodity, they too have a responsibility to learn and exhibit the habits and behaviours that contribute to a pleasant, well functioning British society.

By: Grumpy Old Man

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Cha cha

Cha cha

Not allowed to discipline children anymore. So they know they can get away with anything!
02/05 Cha cha
Rufus The Red

Rufus The Red

Oh how I agree with you Sir. Only today my husband and myself were in a hostelry hoping to enjoy a quiet drink and meal. Lo and behold, there was a family with a young boy behind us - the child was shouting, screaming and running around, getting in the way. At one point in the proceedings, the poor waitress nearly toppled over carrying someones meals. Must admit I put in my two penn'orth as by that time I was beginning to seethe as any discipline was absent from the parents. Thankfully they left not long after, but it seems to be ongoing and everywhere with some parents and their offspring. It's not a good society we are living in any more sad to say.
12/10/16 Rufus The Red


My my, what wonderful command you have of the English language. I congratulate you.
26/09/16 grumpyoldwoman
England sucks

England sucks

The biggest contribution to badly behaved children these days? Overworked parents having to work all hours under the sun to afford to survive. That means little time spent with our children who then lose out on a trusting relationship with us and therefore don't listen when we tell them to stop for the millionth time. Mostly likely they spend all their time with grandparents who spoil them or at childcare where they feel not loved. Illegal now to smack too. Just make it as hard for parents as possible and then ponder why the children are badly behaved.
09/06/14 England sucks


Well round my way they appear to spend their money on beer, fags and William Hill!
19/11/11 Freddie
Stalag 14

Stalag 14

I have just been watching a follow up to last night’s Children in Need appeal.
I honestly could not believe what I was seeing, basically a morning soup kitchen for children, where they were fed a decent breakfast, why? Couldn’t their parents feed them?

Apparently there is a large waiting list for this “soup kitchen”

A single parent family with two children under 16 years are entitled to:
Child Tax Credit, £108
Child Benefit, £34
Plus 100% Housing Benefit
Plus 100% Council Tax Benefit.

What the hell do they do with the money if they have to rely on charity to feed their kids?
19/11/11 Stalag 14
Stalag 14

Stalag 14

During the program Children In Need it was said that there are 3.8 million children living in poverty in the UK.
Are we supposed to believe this crap?
What a load of f*****g rubbish.

So now the term poverty means not having access to a 52inch plasma TV, the latest playstation or Xbox, a mobile phone or not having £100 trainers.

Poverty is being deprived of the basic necessities of life, FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER, not the latest gizmos.

I have yet to see children living on the streets and having to beg to survive as occurs in many parts of the world, India etc.
18/11/11 Stalag 14



If that store employee considered and was in the position to kick out that family from the store (the kids who were tearing up pages where their rude and dumb parents let them do so and had the nerve to get defensive when they were confronted about their kids' annoying behavior) I wouldn't have felt bad for that family even though I'll acknowledge that these parents are more to blame than their children.

When you were at some restaurant where some stupid parents issued death threats against you you should have reported these twisted parents to local police even though the reality must be that the police would need proof in order to arrest those parents who threatened you.

Finally if the blameworthy parents literally have to pay for the damages to property caused by their kids I cannot feel sympathetic for these parents and as I indicated above when it comes to parents who issue death threats against people who plead or politely request them to control their children's behavior or even to calm their crying baby(ies),these parents should be thrown in jail.
14/10/11 N.A.



wanna cause trouble?

then get off
21/09/11 hazza


Cyril Kornbluth: "The marching morons"

Explains it all.
13/06/11 Ben


Hairyfairy, I'm fed up having to negotiate my way around morons without children that walk down the aisles of a supermarket with their trolly's sat length ways across the aisle as well as the morons that stop in the only passing place and then walk off a few miles to get their product. Some parents show more consideration than childless adults, in fact, a lot of pre-teen children show more consideration and manners than you see from adults.

Nikki, unless you take your horse as your mode of transport, shopping (no, I'm being serious), then without mother and child parking spaces, which I never use anyway (8 month old boy), then you can bet your bottom dollar, huge dents, damaged paintwork incidents would increase and people would end up with more complaints about parents.

Chunks, "I honestly whole heartedly DESPISE snobs like you! who the hell do you think you are callin children brats!",

A member of the public having behavior he doesn't like or appreciate, forced toward him by children that are not his. Again, an issue of discipline that their parents need to administer.

Being annoyed by the behavior of other peoples children, does not make the aggrieved a snob.
02/06/11 Chris.


What a brilliant idea, hairyfairy, instead of spending out on bloody stupid parent and child parking spaces!
01/06/11 Nikki


I'm fed up with having to negotiate my way through huge strollers and prams in the narrow isles of the supermarket when I go shopping. Added to that, I have to have my eardrums assualted by the piercing screams of toddlers having tantrums. Why can`t supermarkets lay on creches where parents can leave their little horrors, so that we can all shop in peace?
01/06/11 hairyfairy


Chunks,have you ever thought that the child may be just pulling a tantrum because the parents are trying to enforce some discipline?
20/05/11 DSG


Lovely of you to give me a lesson in parenting but I have a very well grounded 6 year old son who is an angel and makes me very proud! Ive never had to raise my voice, smack or punish him, and I wont! Because there are so many other people in the world having a go at young kids, name calling is unforgivable in my view! How dare you have the nerve to call someone elses child a 'brat' that just makes u as bad as them! Have u ever thought that these 'brats may just be acting this way because theyre parents have adopted the samr negative attitude that you have? If a child feel loved and valued, they will act in a pleasent mannor and have respect! If a child os looked down on and called names, they will act up!
24/04/11 Chunks

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