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Cancelling a service when you no longer need it should be painless and straightforward. So why on earth is it so difficult to cancel a mobile phone contract and why do they make us jump through all these hoops to do it?
I have paid for a mobile contract for nearly 18 months and was required to give a minimum of 30 days notice which I duly did when I called them today. However I have been told that I need to ring back on a certain date otherwise I can't cancel my contract!
The difference between this date they gave me and today is three weeks. By the way, I haven't actually used the phone at any point during the last year due to the fact that it was lost somewhere at home. I was happy enough to pay the contract off after I was not given any help regarding replacing the handset I misplaced (I realised I would have to buy a new one).
I have to ring back in three weeks time...
It makes me quite angry actually the way these mobile phone companies only seem to be interested in new customers, they couldn't care less about keeping their existing customers happy. They have already tried to sell me a new mobile phone contract twice and I have given them a resounding NO each time. They told me I could solve the lost phone problem with a new phone and contract. But if I want to leave them I have to ring back in three weeks time and put myself through the hard sell again. It's either that or I keep on paying them each month.
I have memory issues and have already told them reason I can't find the phone (it's in a safe place - so safe Ive lost it!). I'm basically worried that I'll be hijacked into paying more if I phone on the wrong day. I just wanted to ring up and cancel my mobile phone contract - it can't be that difficult can it?
By: Topsyturvy UK
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You'll probably start to get letters from so-called debt collection agencies. Reply to each one, simply stating the details - you probably can prepare a standard letter for this so that you only need to alter it slightly each time you send it.
Keep a careful record of all correspondence - both sent and received.
It is highly unlikely to go to the legal level but, if it does, make sure you go along and attend. In cases like this, it usually is simply a judge sitting in his office on his own, and you can go along and explain everything.
Don't let the bast**ds win!
So my advice to anyone in this situation is be firm and clear about your rights - a contract ends at the end of your agreed term (albeit with an agreed notice period) so you can call them (usually one month) before its ends and give notice, they cannot refuse no matter what they say.
one year contract with Orange is finishing 27/3/2013 so I was calling them that i dont want renew it I want to end it. Still can't understand why but they refused to cancel it as the deal is worthfull, the deal check confirmed that the plan i have is the best. Nice, but am leaving UK so there is no point to keep the contract which is about to finish. Their answer? Sorry, can't help you ma'am. Your contract will be renew...
am desperate, what shall i do?
how to get rid of that?
It appeared that the staff tried to tell a different story as if I had wanted to keep the contract, knowing full well that I had not been using it since Sep-2012.
Their 3G services are ok, but the integrity of their staff is horrendously questionable.
I do understand that they have probably been given instructions by their supervisors to give customers the run-around and to make cancelling as difficult as posible but there is a limit to anyone's patience.
I'm going to direct my query to the head office in Scotland and cancel my direct debit myself. Just wish I'd neve got involed with this useless company.
& do experience a problems when phoning 3network
or in a shop well simple thing to do is go to your bank
& cancel the direct debit with 3network. That way
3network can't take your money & if they send you
a bill thru post, don't pay it just write to them explain
what the situation is or if don't care rip the bills letter
in the bin simple as that also 3network would do
anything to keep their 3 image perfect & probably just
leave you alone. Don't worry as there are plenty of
other network to chose from also pay&go, easy....
Again, knowing these issues/hassels we (my wife and myself) kept away from the "contracts" but finally decided to go to 3 as they were offering the highest number of calls and eat as you can data usage with IPhone 4 - but our phone line was not enabled for a week, and now we tried to take it back to them after a week and they are refusing to cancel the contract and are charging us from the day we were handed the phone.
No company should be allowed to frighten ex clients, The word about how they go about their business needs to be put out there for the mobile paying public to see what could and proberbly will happen when they wish to end their contracts.
Can I do anything, I do not owe this awful company anything,