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I recently subscribed to the Sky TV, Broadband, and Telephone service, after having been with Telewest and Virgin Media for the past couple of years. What a disaster! First of all, the TV service is mediocre at best. You scroll through dozens of worthless, shopping, adult, gaming, pay-per-view, and radio channels before you get to the ones anyone other than a minority of the population really want to watch.
Sky Talk (the telephone service) required me to sign up with BT (something I did not really want to do) and pay a monthly line rental fee to them. Then, in order to get the Internet service they sent me an ADSL router that they said I had to use for their service to work, when I already had a similar router from a house I lived in previously. If that was all there was to it then I probably would not be writing this now, but it is not!
The Broadband service is slow to VERY SLOW in my opinion (and I live near the junction box so it should not be) and it is constantly dropping the connection with the Sky server. I tried to contact Sky customer service and I could not get through for two days. Then to add insult to injury they wanted to charge me for discussing the problems I was having with their services to the tune of up to .09p per minute! I was on the telephone with Sky customer service for over 42 minutes... on this call alone. Now combine that with the thousands of calls they receive everyday and I will let you do the math. WHAT A JOKE!
Why should I, or any customer, have to pay to speak to someone about a problem with THEIR service? The sheer audacity of any major corporation wanting its customers to pay to speak to them is insulting. Virgin Media do not do this, especially if you are using their telephone service. I realise this is a common practice by lots of major companies and banks, etc. But I for one, refuse to go along with this practice anymore. I have notified my bank and every other company I deal with that has this service that either they provide me with a standard or free-phone number or I will no longer use their services. To date all but one has complied.
The point is, Sky and many of these same companies are counting on the customers they claim to care for so dearly to pad their wallets even further. Well not me, never again! By the way, I am going back to Virgin Media where I had excellent service. Sky tried to claim I signed a 12 month contract with them and I would have to pay regardless until I told them that I would sue them for breach of contract because I did not receive the service I was promised and they could expect a letter from my solicitor. I have not heard from them since.
By: Getdeferyebass
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I can't understand at all why you would complain about receiving a brand new ADSL router when you already had one, I doubt they forced you to use it and even if they did, it's BRAND NEW whereas the old one is bound to break down eventually, therefore they've given you a free replacement! Go Sky!! And another thing, if you have Sky phone, then you don't pay for calls to Sky centres, so there's a charge 'to the tune of' NOTHING for your call.
Personally, I think you're just on here for a gripe and to tarnish a good company's name.
I'm cancelling my own Virgin Broadband soon and going back to the old USB dongle at sixteen quid a month! I've no need for 'high-speed broadband' or 'unlimited downloads'. Used a USB dongle for two years without incident and had a download allowance of fifteen GB a month, enough for the odd download of CSI Las Vegas and some other stuff!
Ola, what country does he live in?
If a Manager at Virgin Media says that we cannot expect a near 100% reliability for a home phone service, it's really time to say bye-bye to their contract. They will now lose me as a customer, a loss of nearly £80 to them. Perhaps not enough to oust their owner off his West Indian Island, to deprive him of his income, but maybe we can start a trend.
The Manager at Virgin Media did offer to pay my expenses for having to use an alternative telephone service (mobile line) whilst our main line was out of order. But we would ahve to submit to him a full list of all the calls we made. Ha-ha, is that some kind of very bad joke? Do I have time to do that? Like hell!!
Bye-bye Virgin Media: you have lost a customer!
Perhaps this notice will mean VM will lose many other customers.
u also need 2 check thru ur previous bills to c y u were over charged as u put it. sky dont over charge customers unless there are excessive calls or may be cli charges (for customers with multiroom) tel line not connected to both boxes.
to cut a long story short, unknown to me SKY never did a seamless changeover with VIRGIN , out of the blue I received a bill from VIRGIN for 7 mths phone rental , I have now been forced to pay VIRGIN for a phone line I thought was disconnected ,or I was going to be credit blacklisted. I have tried phoning SKY emailing them have sent docs and details of all of the VIRGIN stuff and I have heard nothing from SKY, they are just not interested in people, at least VIRGIN was customer friendly , next step is to change back when contract is up in 4 months time , thats the only satsfaction I will get !