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Gripes in the pipes

Britain has no future, no jobs, no money and no hope

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Well the script-writer of Life in Britain, that dreadful soap-opera, has decided to write down or out the current cast, economically to begin with, and truly and wholly later on.  This show is surely in its last episodes.

Face it, you are all third-rate as citizens, and will be treated as such.  What was supposed to be a true meritocracy has turned into a State run by Mephistopheles.  All you Dr Fausti out there who sold your souls to the Devil [Mrs Thatcher] 24 years ago on the promises of monetarism, that Devil has now come to collect his/her own.

Consider yourself lucky to have a job...

Consider yourself lucky to have a job to commute to, even with rail journeys at £1200 per year?  Well I don't.  My job has been rubbed out, downgraded, and dumbed-down.  I no longer enjoy working anymore anyway.  The interests I had at the start have all since been removed by remote, accountant managers and masters who seek only ridiculously measured and meaningless goals, and who have turned the job into a mental, tortuous, grueling nothing.

A fish market... Governments and corporations are now like corrupt religions.  We are all awaiting a dissolution of the Monastery.  Who will rid us of these troublesome priests?  Off with their heads: they are all traitors to the cause.

In 50 years from now the Oligarch of Hong Kong will buy up this land lock-stock and barrel to use as a waste dump for toxic materials.

As for the rest of Europe, it will put up an ecological barrier to separate their green and pleasant lands from this barren, sterile wilderness.  That's the future in store for GREAT Britain!

By: Suds

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Brexiteers thinks that lazy social benefits claiming society is their asserts. No industries. only dirty politics 650 thinks that they owns the world.
11/03 Nostradam


Yes, England was a builder of ships, warships and cruise ships. Fighter aircraft, several being built at the same time. Nuclear bombers, take your pic from three. Nuclear power, at the fore. Scientific discoveries, take your pick. Industry, England working Sports,I am not interested, but England was at the top. All this was common to an English family when I was a lad. What happened, was it the unions? Was it business people getting greedy and taking their work overseas? Thatcher could have changed things for the better, encouraged industries to remain in England and shown these slimy fast buck merchants the back door. But no, instead of using a scalpel to bring the unions in line, she use a bloody big Earth moover which wrecked everything, she had no idea what she had done. Now we have people who want to work, but there is no work she saw to that. Now, several generations have never brought home a wage packet. The Labour party Don't t know how to tackle anything, this country is really, really done for now, we saw our country as good as it gets in the1960s. I am glad I will be out of it shortly.
13/08/23 Omen99


Literally most of my friends are escaping abroad from new zealand to canada to thailand anywhere but here, at this rate there won't be much people left to be the future of this country as this country offers no future. Have you seen how current politics treat the retired elderly? Living in the cold and dark with lights and heating off on one meal a day while these royal degenerates are behind tall fences stuffing their gobs. Why isn't current goverment like bojo and sunak in prison anyway?
16/07/23 EnoughAlready


when mentality is selfish and no work ethic that country has no future. People has no savings and government pumping illegal money in banking system .Still landings money in fraudulent mortgages Its al magical. Now global Britain is new SLOGAN
30/07/21 karma
Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

Crowds turn out to see Queen and other royals at Sandringham service.

Some of these royalist bum licking fanatics actually started to queue at four in the morning just in the hope that one of the free loaders would notice them and a picture could be taken to show their like wise royalist bum lickers.
29/12/19 Jetty Boy
Truth seekers

Truth seekers

1-5 children in poverty, 1-200 homeless in the UK, it be a no go Islands soon, while be sat in armoured buses, if I was the Queen I'd be ashamed.
21/12/19 Truth seekers


Car industry warns of return to 'dark days' as manufacturing falls again

The car industry, new and used, have had it all their own way for decades. Black book traders, hidden small print and obscure word of mouth to catch the punters that are obsessed with a new shiney toy to pose in. Even now, a used car dealer would rather open a vein than be completly honest about held stock. If dealers/ manufacturing wish to survive they will have to rethink their policies or they will go under in ever increasing numbers. The days of surplus funds are all gone, people are keeping cars a great deal longer.
30/04/19 Jethro


I have a job,but low paid,so after rent ,bills i have nothing left,to top itoff inland rev are chasing me for 4500 for tax creds they believe i owe back,i cannot even paya tenner a month back,so i am saddled with a life time debt not of my making,as all i wanted was working tax creds a few yrs back,hey told me to apply for disabled tax creds,i told them dispite being deaf and having an arthritic club foot i dont claim and disability so wouldnt get it,they said'just fill itin you never know' soi did,and for 3 yrs they paid me,now they want it back.i cannot pay it,i own nothing as all money goes to bills,i have no gf,no life,i dont drink etc..i have no hope.
19/02/18 Karl


no hope in the country society is fractured beyond repair
18/01/18 lucky


Bulldog, you are an insult to intelligence. Stop watching moronic sensationalist rubbish that leads you to blunt, and woefully misguided notions. Stick to picture books...
03/11/14 Dave


'Bedroom tax' to be abolished as Coalition is rocked by Lib Dem-Labour alliance
ITS TIME TO VOTE DAVID OUT & Iian Duncan smith out with his bunch if toffs !
06/09/14 Bulldog


We must say No
No more poles , Romanians , Bulgarians , Albanian & Kosovans !
You only need to watch the news , crime is up as a result of our easy way in system !

These groups don't come here to work - only do crime !

David should be asked to leave No 10
25/11/13 Bulldog


Please forgive me nick I wasn't sure how to spell CodsWallop.
25/09/13 boblet


Yeah all jobs are going to India and China because Brits are just too expensive to hire. Let me paint a picture of this country in the future for you: nobody has a job; everyone gets up in the morning and walks his/her dogs; bins are not collected for weeks; rubbish is everywhere; gangs and chavs roam the streets.
25/09/13 Nick


I'm not sure about working in Canada but Australia is a good place to go - lots of jobs, much better pay and AUD is a strong currency. Weather is much better, too!
16/07/13 Andy

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