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My boss is a bully and has been horrible to me at every possible opportunity. She nit-picks at everything I do, ignores me in the workplace while laughing and talking to everyone else. She never passes on information to do with my job and then yells at me for not getting the work done. Well as she never communicated with me in the first place and I can't read minds, how can I be expected to know what is going on?
Another thing that she does that really annoys me. She always waits until we are alone before making some nasty comment or other. For example, fairly recently we were about to go into a meeting and she said to me "my comments are not welcome and I should keep them to myself... because we have to act professional."
I was first dumbfounded and then extremely angry about this because I have always conducted myself in a professional manner.
I had to have a performance appraisal with her recently and her latest comment was the final straw. During the meeting she told me that everyone in the office was sick of my workplace behaviour. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I have worked for this company for 18 years without any problems so where did this come from?
This person has been my boss for six months and so far managed to make my life a complete hell! What can I do and how do other people deal with a boss who is a bully?
By: Doris Doormat
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I used to work in a customer facing role in a public sector job. One day my manager called me into her office and said she'd had complaints about me from other staff and the customers! What have I done wrong, as I couldn't think what the problem could be as no one had saif anything to me. Apparently she wanted me to smile more as it looked bad on everyone else to see me looking so miserable! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I asked who had complained to her about me, but she wouldn't say but it was quite a few other staff and a few customers. I was lost for words.
My website is: https://sites.google.com/site/weareagainstbullys/
I hope my personal experiences and also what i learned from college is helpful to you all.
There are approx 7 layers of management between myself and the man who lives in the billionaire's mansion on the top of the green hill faraway. None of the managers in-between have any real authority. Most of them are useless, serve no purpose. Our firm has one of the lowest income per employee ratios in the industry. It's no wonder: there are huge armies of useless managers in this organization having to be propped up. These managers bully as they have nothing better to do with their time. I guess they measure their comparative perfomance against those of their colleagues, as to how ruthlessly each can "manage" his/her part of the organization.
This is not a real innovative, go-ahead company. It has no real imagination. It's a company waiting to be superseded by another capitalist empire from elsewhere; this will inevitably happen. It's a company living on its past glories. It is a company in total terminal moral decline. I predict it will eventually collapse as all monolithic "empires" do. Even Genghis Khan's empire eventually collapsed.
As I look out of the window, is the sun setting rapidly on this monstrosity?
To my utter surprise he simply rejected every single proposal I made.
And then turned round to everyone saying he expected everyone to work harder to overcome the backlog, even though half the outstanding tasks had no value or added no value to the business and were bureaucratic in nature.
At any meeting put on mobile phone recorder hidden
Write dates, times, place of any comment especially with others present
Take photo of appraisal sheet, bad emails
It is bullying
Go and visit solicitor free advise centre and they will tell you what to do.
I know because happened to me, I took paperwork to a university law drop in centre, there were 4 in room, one American lawyer. One English solicitor and two university law students. They all agreed it was workplace bullying
You must be a threat