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Why recruitment agencies are useless - by a candidate

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I am looking to relocate in the next few months, I'm not sure where to, but just fancy a change of pace from Bristol; I kind of miss Cardiff so I am going to start there.  I have tried changing jobs, changing house, changing state of mind, however, I think it's time to move on and taste the air of somewhere new then maybe, just maybe, I can start to relax when I turn 30 in June.

I am looking for jobs in the local areas.  As I work in recruitment myself, I'm not at all surprised when I discover that it's difficult to find a job without going through a recruitment agency.  New locations are tricky to work out; who does what, where, when and how etc.  You would think that a recruitment agency would be able to help wouldn't you? 

Here's the problem.  I am looking for a change of pace with a new job in another sector or change of career doing something completely different, however I seem to be pigeon-holed into this one category of work.  It's not the employers that are doing that.  A well trained HR officer or manager should be able to peel away the layers of a CV and work out if you will be good for business.  Yet the dumb recruitment agencies I've worked with so far can't see past the box they've neatly dumped me into!  They tell me that they're not putting me forward for other jobs to protect the client.  Hello? I'm sure they can make their own minds up and tell the difference between a dodgy CV, and someone who just wants to expand their horizons!  All that I am asking is for an opportunity to get my CV and a covering letter in front of a potential employer.  Maybe that could then lead to sitting down and having a conversation with them if they like what they see.  Is that too much to ask?

Recruitment agencies, an unnecessary evil As far as I can see, it's the recruitment agencies that are putting up all the road blocks to self development.  They are making it impossible for candidates to make contact with the right people in a company because they interfere too much.  Everything out there is seems to be bogged down with 'new business preferred suppliers' and Christ knows what else for that matter.  Recruitment agencies are an unnecessary evil and I'm hoping that this credit crunch will shut some of them down.  With their KPIs and targets, no wonder the recruitment market is like this.

If you're in this line of business already, I bet your thinking 'Why can't you find your own job then if recruitment agencies are such a stumbling block?'  The reason I can't is because of the commitment and the long hours I put in to do a professional job in my chosen sector.  It's hard to find enough time to do all the searching that would be required.

My gripe is really about those unprofessional agencies that are stuck in this world of KPI's, CV's to interviews, and interviews to placements.  They way I do things, I'm more interested in getting the right candidate to the right job.  I make as much, probably more than the 'KPI monkeys' and my candidates respect me when I say 'No, they don't fit'.  I also don't make false promises that I can't keep.

Honesty is missing in recruitment and the dishonest car salesman type recruiters are everywhere!

By: Derek

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Respectfully, you sound like a terrible recruiter.
02/01 TopRecruiter


So, so true! And you're a young person - I'm nearly 63 and have seen these agencies get seemingly worse and worse. No effort is made to match the candidate to the job, it's a case of "we've got a vacancy at X, you'll have to do". Not a match made in heaven for either party. I also will be applying direct from now on.
24/06 Jennifer


I totally empathise with you in this.
I've had to go through agencies as jobs I've seen are via agency only. So this is the 4th time an agency has let me down.
I had all the promise of being put forward for several roles to hear nothing. They clearly either don't do their jobs properly and are not proactive at all. Surely after a week and 1/2 of not hearing anything you'd think they'd phone to at least fill me in on the details instead of leaving me hanging
Your so right. They dangle the carrots, are full of false promises, future fakers like narcissists.
This has also happened to me in a volunteer role I've decided to call it a day on.
Prior to that I had 2 meetings with confirmation of paid work, CEO saw me CV etc and wanted to take me on, and we'd be sorting out paperwork and hours the next time I went in.
No. That. Didn't. Happen.
The job offer has not been mentioned since and I'm refusing to go back as they literally now have me stuffing envelopes. That's not what I signed up for. The woman in charge future faked like agency staff do. So it's not just agencies who string us along.

Also, don't you find that a lot of these agency workers sounds like they have literally left school. Zero line experience zero people skills. It's all a game to them. They're all narcissists.
I do wonder if half of these jobs even exist that you see online.
Adecco are real rubbish. I contacted them over the period of 3 weeks about a job I'd seen on their website to find out the job was from the previous year and someone forgot to update the website!!

So I complained to the head office about this particular branch and I feel since then they have blacklisted me for just pointing out that there were old jobs on the website giving ppl like myself false hopes.

I could really go on ...Michael page another week known agency are utterly useless. There's loads. They've got all these fancy websites that house old outdated jobs. The phones are manned by kids...

I recall about 15 years ago when I was a temp I could get work by phoning up and I'd be in work the following Monday. I was always in work with agencies after finishing uni.
It's not like that now.
They're created these hurdles for even now temp jobs. Now I'm looking for perm or temp or whatever it's near to impossible to get past the CV sending to the employer stage with agencies.
But are they really REALLY passing your CV on? Or are they stringing us along?.

What's really annoying is once the agent tells you where the job is I usually Google the company. More often than not, the jobs are all listed on those companies websites anyway. So why the hell and how the hell have agencies become involved in your job application process. I could have many a time just applied to the employer direct when it states so on the companies website! But you're right, the agencies get in the way and create the barrier. I don't think they do send any CV onto the employer. I think this is all to keep their KPI target up for the year.
What they don't realise that by messing us job seekers around is that it can have a detrimental effect. It can really get you down and then you begin to wonder can I be arsed to look for a job today? It's very hard to not spiral into a void of depression.
Going back to that voluntary role which I was hoping would turn out to be paid then was told it would be... Then nothing...I was so excited that day I cried with happiness as I thought this takes the pressure off me for a bit. Everything is just a struggle at the minute and for a job has to be one of the most stressful things ever.

I certainly wouldn't recommend going to an agency to anyone.
You're much better if applying to the company direct! I'll take my own advice there and do just that.
17/06 Wriggler


I agree absolutely. In the education field, I can report a poor experience with Protocol, Teacher Active, Hays, Education People, and Teaching Personnel. All approached me and then delivered little or nothing. They still took it upon themselves to waste not only my time but that of my referees, made no effort to match me to potentially suitable roles or find out about the destination school (where it is, for instance). Admittedly I am older now and less willing to stand for nonsense, and you may say "so many agents, it must be you, not them". It's them. Schools are female-heavy environments full of Aunt Lydia types; the agents these days are more men and, in the charming way that some men (and some women) have, talk a good game and don't mean a word of it. I use to office temp many years ago, and I know agents. There were always those that ran on a "jobs for our friends" basis, but with the shrunken jobs pool of 25 more years of "free" market capitalism, it is now standard.
27/12/21 Jen


Well I had a different problem with recruitment agents, they apparently have little common sense. They have been forwarding me roles that I have little chance of getting e.g. I'm an analyst in the non profit sector and they think I'm the right fit for investment banking. I'm flattered but it's frankly a waste of my time. Do they not have any awareness of what employers want? On so many occasions they asked me for consent to share my CV with their "clients" only to never hear from them again. The most pointless are the calls with agency members, I know I'm good at interviewing as my last job search resulted in 4 offers (I ended up finally taking the last) but of course whenever this happens with recruiter it's just radio silence afterwards.
01/07/21 Dana


I know exactly what you mean, the experience I have had and witnessed has been mind boggling over promise under deliver am a experienced warehouse distribution ops manager and its been such a torrid journey with most of the agencies to be fair, & am still searching.
21/05/21 Billyboy
Dave Edwards

Dave Edwards

Unfortunately, my sister works in this hollow sector and informs me the best way to annoy them in these days of GDPR is if you hear nothing from them contact them by email and ask them to remove you from their databases and not contact you again and to confirm it by email when done.
Under GDPR you have the right to 'be forgotten'
05/03/19 Dave Edwards


6 months ago I took over as Operations Director for a SME involved in the biotech sector. I was absolutely horrified at what the company was paying to recruitment agencies in fees for temp staff. We employ full time a HR manager who is fully qualified and a HR assistant we are paying through her qualifications. There where a handful of agencies on the PSL, and one particular agent who believed he was allowed to turn up on site and wander around anytime he felt like.
I've got rid of the PSL, made the HR department aware of their responsibilities. The agents still ring daily but now when we need temp staff we employ them on our contract for 3_6 months pay them the same as perm staff and save around £65,000 p.a. Everyone's a winner, except the recruitment vampires!
05/03/19 Dr.John


A couple of tips if you have to use these vampires are;

1. Buy a payg SIM that you can bin when you get work or change your number, giffgaff are a good choice because they allow you to change your number.

2. Set up an email you can close when you get work, Yahoo or Gmail are good options.

3. If you can get around it never give them your address/real address.
05/03/19 Bertil


I stopped using them a couple of years ago. I know there are a few goods ones out there unfortunately the other 90% have tarnished them.
I regularly get calls in work from agencies touting for business and more often than not I just put the phone down on them, unprofessional but satisfying!
05/03/19 Ianmace


In my experience recruitment agencies scour company job sites then advertise that they are working 'exclusively' for 'their' client. Laughable when you see several adverts that are identical.

I have stopped using them. Despicable low-lifes in the main. I do, however, use their efforts. From their adverts I track down the company that is really looking to employ someone. This should, in theory, give a competitive advantage over someone being 'sold' by an agency. No recruitment agency commission.

I actually did this yesterday. Agency called me about a role and they suggested my CV was a waste of time for the employer as I lived too far away. I said, "Fine." I tracked down said company using the details provided by the agency and have an interview next week.
22/05/18 Alady
Mo mo

Mo mo

Totally agree......everyone's banging on about oh there's loads of jobs out there so if that's the case why is everyone still unemployed.... And as far as recruitment agencies they can't see past there own nose!!!! How some people get to work in these agencies heaven only knows they give out thr impression they will help you when all there doing is helping them selves. You apply fgor jobs you know your capable of doing but thats it nothing no acknowledgement or call you back...
06/10/17 Mo mo


Hello I find this first comment hard to say but their are genuinely reliable agencies out their however their are very few of them as I have consistently found out. I'm currently unemployed & have spoken to over a dozen this week alone who have all insisted on needing my personal details then when they have them yes that's right .....nothing apart from excuses & time wasting once I actually turned up to register with an agency 20 miles away for a job only to get a phone call to be told the job wasn't available then an hour later it was this yo yo game went on half the day the other half I returned to them to tell them to remove my details & pay me for my wasted time ( I was reasonable ) they did. I won't be wasting my time with the good or bad ever again. Unless they pay me for my time first
26/04/17 Simon


Agents are uneducated chavs who can't get a real job. Scumbags one and all. Hate the ground they walk on.
12/02/16 Deux
nojob jen

nojob jen

Ive joined 15 😡agencies and all the jobs recruitment consultant have put me through to
have gone in house. They are all time wasters. There should be a law out .
17/11/15 nojob jen

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