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Selfish workers on strike causing misery for everyone

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Pretty much every other day on the news at the moment you hear about another group of workers walking out and going on strike.  In my opinion it's a selfish thing to do and they're not thinking about the damage this causes and the people that may be hurt, financially or otherwise.

Bin men on strike, rubbish in Edinburgh a hazard With the energy hiked price cap and slow post-covid recovery we're all feeling financially squeezed so I don't think that this 'me first' attitude is helping things.  The chaos caused by rail strikes recently means that people can't get to work and that'll impact their ability to earn.  Strikes have also meant rubbish bins are overflowing causing an environmental hazard and possible health issues.  I've witnessed this first hand in Edinburgh and it's right in the middle of the tourist season at a time when the city needs the money after the pandemic.  Thanks for that!

In the news this week there is also talk of councils going on strike so of course schools will close and workers will have to stay home with the kids and that will affect their earnings.  NHS strikes with nurses and doctors walking out are also on the cards.  I don't think I have to spell out what that could mean.  Port workers are also on strike.  Great!  Let's just do what we can to slow down the economy just when we need it to get moving.

Actually, to hell with this.  I'm more important than you.  I'm going on strike!

By: Poor Me

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faggot Johnson

faggot Johnson

they would be hurting you not to strike unless you own like 10 grocery stores or similar, these failings are on bosses for preferring trash on the street to workers being able to eat
24/04 faggot Johnson


This selfish strike action is carried out by the only sector in the workforce able to strike. I believe the reason why nurses are leaving the profession is because they're able to retire with fat pensions. How else would someone just choose to leave their job? Doesn't happen in the private sector.
To say a nurse could earn more working in a supermarket just shows the ignorance those in the public have of pay and conditions elsewhere in the workplace.
06/02/23 privatesectorvoice


Raising pay for the nurses is not just for the current nurses, its' to attract new trainees. Right now no one sensible would encourage their children into the profession. They could earn more working for a supermarket.
But we are all going to get old, we are all going to get sick. We need to future proof our healthcare system and stop running it into the ground. I don't know any one in my patch who isn't looking at going abroad, or changing profession entirely.
Good luck when there is no one left to look after you. We already have shit nurse/doctor ratios per patient in comparison to other countries, and its going to get worse.
19/01/23 DrBurntOut


@ grumyoldwomen. There are not many of us left that can see the wood from the trees. The UK, and in fact, the rest of the world now seems to be on a collision course with self annihilation. The human race hates itself. Too many rats in the barrel.
02/01/23 Jethro


Well said grumpyoldwoman and LancashireLass. It's going to be another tough year.
20/12/22 nigel


Just a thought, if the "overworked" nurses get a 19% rise aren't they still going to be overworked? And where then would the money come from to train and pay more nurses to relieve the pressure?
20/12/22 grumpyoldwoman


The country is on its knees and needs all the help it can get to get us back to some kind of normality.

So, what do some people do? Rather than pull together and work at it they go on strike instead.

In today's climate it's just plain selfish - get back to work, get the country back on its feet, which in the past it's what us Brits are good at that, and strike at a more appropriate time.
18/10/22 LancashireLass


I don't have an issue with striking as such, but I do when the people calling for it are the ones earning way more than the average UK salary. Like train drivers and bin men.
04/10/22 Someone


No support for people that strike, they're being selfish.
02/10/22 nigel


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Gripes in the pipes
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