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Why do people, particularly women get so obsessive about dieting and want to lose weight all the time, particularly when as far as I can see they don't need to? They’re always at it, counting the calories and trying a new diet when the old one doesn’t seem to work.
If you flip through any magazine aimed at women, which isn’t something I do regularly by the way; on practically every other page you have stuff like, slimming pills, fantastic claims about how to lose weight fast, new low calorie this, low fat the other. It’s enough to make you feel overweight just looking at it all! No wonder women are always starting a new diet tomorrow. Is it the male population that is to blame for all this, or is it the super slim models that they see on the pages advertising the diet?
Trying to lose weight? You don't have to!
The people that come up with all these diets must be raking in an absolute fortune and all because women, and perhaps some men feel a bit insecure and think they are overweight. Yes it’s true, some people are overweight but I’m willing to bet that a fair number of the people who regularly do the weight watchers and Atkins thing are probably not excessively overweight. They might be a bit curvy in places, but there’s nothing wrong with a full figure as long as you eat healthily and take regular exercise.
Who says that men like stick insects anyway? Lose weight if you really must, but when I see these skinny models in the magazines - the only thing I want to do to them feed them up a bit! We like you the way you are and you look fine, really, honestly. Otherwise we would say something like “stop eating those damn chocolates because you’re getting fatâ€; you don’t have to look like a supermodel because that isn’t exactly normal anyway!
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Because some women fear obesity related illness.
Because some women want to be healthy and have energy to play with their children/grandchildren
Because some women simply want to feel good confident in their clothes.
im a level 9 gymnast and im at the point where my coach controls what i eat. People make fun of me at school and say that im ridicuosly skinny. I know that they talk about me behind my back.i hate doing gymnastics. I cant go on holiday, i cant eat what i want and if i quit my coach will say im lazy.
i do 4 hours of training on monday,s and thursday,s and i do about 12 hours on saturday and sunday.
im miserable. I know its not really to do with this topic but i just want someone to listen.
if there are people with my condition i get it when peopke say your obsessed with how you look because its really not.
iy debilitating
And why is there so often this defence that women don't want to look like a stick insect? it comes across as an excuse not to face the issue. As though the two extremes, obese and skeletal, are the only options. I think there is nothing more gorgeous than a fit (as in atheletic fit, not "well fit") woman, whether slim or large. But curves made up of fat - no, sorry.
Btw, I think women have every justification to apply the same criteria to men - i just felt like wriitng this from my own - male - perspective.
(That extra "o" in the gripe title drives me mad, by the way.)
Skinny models in magazines are not skinny but airbrushed. Wake up people!
I was a really over weight, unhealthy child. I mean I lived off junk food and chocolate, doing absolutely no exercise. It didn't both me. But after a while I started feeling bad about myself. Not in a negative way, I felt bad that I was unhealthy, which is a good thing because that feeling motivated me to start exercising and eating more healthily.
I know dieting wasn't right so I decided to eat normally. No skipping breakfast or any meal and making sure to get all my nutrient. Pizza is amazing so I never stop eating that either. Or samosas. Junk food overall. I just started eating it so it was balanced. Through the week I tried have around 5 fruits. I know it's five a day but come on, I couldn't be bothered to eat that much and I was only 11 at the time. Anyways, then on Saturdays or Sundays the family would order pizza and we'd have that. I guess it was like a diet but I never cut down on my food. More like spaced it out over a course of time instead of eating it all in one day.
Along with that I made sure to exercise. My health improved vastly. I lost weight but that wasn't my goal. My goal was to become healthier.
I know my BMI is probably over weight but it doesn't bother me. I feel happy with my body.
After all I went from, approximately:
Weight: 75kg
Height: 142cm
Age: 11
Weight: 53kg
Height: 153kg
I still exercise and eat healthy. But the whole point I commented this was to point out that maybe not all women want to lose weight because of media. Scratch that, not all women want to lose weight because of media. I'm guessing media is the main reason. Okay... I didn't think I'd write this much. But that's it I guess