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I work for a voluntary organisation as a family mediator, focusing on homeless youngsters (aged 16-20) who are having difficulties staying in the family home. Due to the confidential nature of a specific case, I obviously cannot go into any personal details, but this is an overview of a case I am having difficulty with.
I am working with a young girl of 17 whose mother kicked her out thinking the local council will re-home her. The girl in question did not want to leave the family home but her mother and stepfather are adamant they do not want her back, and due to a mass breakdown in their relationship, the young girl does not want to return now.
In my line of work I have to deal with local authorities, local council, social services and police etc, yet nobody wants to touch this case or put in place any continuous support. Passed from pillar to post and given telephone numbers for irrelevant organisations, this girl is getting nowhere fast.
She is currently in a shelter that is unmanned, has no security and is in the process of refurbishment and frankly, uninhabitable. The kitchen is dangerous with wires hanging from the ceiling and walls. If she refuses to stay there, the council will refuse to help her any further.
This is a vulnerable young girl, with no family support to lean on at what is a very traumatic time for her. And before anyone rants about the "yoof of today, thinking they can get a flat with the click of her well manicured fingers, this girl has been supporting herself since 16, is not pregnant, works, pays tax and goes to college.
Does anyone know of any organisations that may be able to help her in this situation, or even just a bit of constructive advice that may just make her life that little bit easier?
By: Concernedcat
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Number one is always put yourself in her shoes. What would you do? Go from there.
Accumulate money and find old friends, say school friends or aquaintences.
It's all to do with simple human concsience. Should I help her? Ew no, she's porbably a filthy little thing.
We no longer have compassion for one another. We don't think. If I knew her I'd take her in immedietly. EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE.
I'm not getting any income as I'm apparently not entitled to any cos of my age and I find it hard to get a job with the credit crunch and not having much experience. Can any one suggest what I could do please?