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I'm almost 15 and my biological father hasn't been in touch since I was about 10 or 11, and even then my mum had to get in touch with him to say that I wanted to have contact with him. My mum left him when I was about 1 and a half and he had regular contact with me for a few months or so but wouldn't come and collect me himself, he would rather get his parents to collect me.
I met him when I was 10 after we regained contact and after that he sent two birthday and Christmas cards and gave me 50 pounds and as quick as it started, it finished. I haven't heard from him since apart from a few one or two lined emails (clearly after a few drinks) saying pathetic things.
I'm really happy for the adoption to go through
My mums boyfriend (my step dad) is planning to adopt me; they have been together for 12 years in November and he has always been around for me to call a dad. I'm really happy for the adoption to go through but the next stage was to let my biological father know what was happening. So my mum emailed him telling him all about the adoption and asked for a contact number, address etc. for the social worker.
After about two weeks he replied saying "we need to talk about this one, have you got a contact number". So we gave him a contact number for him to call and he called us after yet another week of us all jumping out of our skins every time the phone rang. When he finally did get round to calling, he told my mum that he actually does care about me. It just seems a bit strange to me. We have spoken to each other probably only once in the past 14 years.
When he called my mum they arranged for him to call me the following Saturday to talk about things at 11 in the morning. It's now 18 minutes past 11 and I haven't heard anything. I'm sat by the phone waiting, getting more and more nervous about what he is planning to say.
I don't know how I feel about it, and I don't know what to do.
By: Midnight
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I know you are 15 now, but surely there is still time for your biological father to play an important part in your life? Your stepfather adopting you would seem to 'close the door' to him on a more permanent basis.