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I was in Richmond Park on a very cold day to enjoy the sun and silence that was there only to have it shattered by noisy children. Personally, I think they should have been all at home that day because it was so cold, not really suitable for them to playing outside. They were also walking on an icy pond with their parents which has just got to be a very dangerous thing to do! I would have said something to them and pointed out that they were doing something daft and dangerous, but the chances are they would only get mad with me. Their parents are setting a bad example to them doing this kind of thing.
Whenever I go to the park children always have to be there too. Parks are places of tranquility to take your mind off stressful things but how can you hear yourself think when you hear the racket of kids running around? They should go to the playground where it is suited to their needs, not these beautiful landscaped gardens where people come to enjoy the greenery in peace. Richmond Park has become too much of a wild playground and less of a nature reserve because there are children everywhere, more kids than deer. Richmond Park should also be a place of tranquility where you can escape from screaming brats too.
They should reduce the number of kids allowed in parks and make separate playgrounds areas for them to play in. I'm also fed up of kids coming to quiet picnic spots and ruining it for others who like to have a quiet walk by the river. In fact, the only place I can go for pure tranquility is the countryside. Urban green spaces are becoming creches for kids who should stay inside their homes and think everything's a playground when it is not.
The World should not be their playground!
By: Angry Autistic Female