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It riles me that all absent fathers are seen as the bad guy when there are always two sides to a story. My husband's ex-girlfriend dated him to win a bet she had with her friends, she already had a boyfriend and wanted a baby regardless of what she had to do to get it, such as lying about taking the pill. These are all facts she later admitted to.
She got pregnant and when the baby was born he was forced to move into a house with her; a house which he worked nights to pay for and he was only 18 at the time. After a year he left and was refused access to his daughter until a private agreement was made favouring his ex-girlfriend.
Three times he was refused parental responsibility because as far as his ex-girlfriend was concerned the child was hers but when she snapped her fingers he had to go running or she would deny him access.
For 10 years he paid maintenance, bought clothing, gave pocket money and money for school trips; to name but a few of the financial payouts all equating to thousands of pounds without a single argument or complaint.
Then one day he hurt his back at work, had to give up his job and at the same time found out that I was pregnant. When he told his ex that he did not have any money she did not even grant him the grace of a week to sort anything out before going to the CSA.
He is now branded as a deadbeat absent father because he doesn't pay maintenance due to staying at home to look after our baby while I work full time to support us. We would not be able to afford to live if we both worked due to outrageous maintenance payments, child care costs and very little governmental help.
My husband was forced into this situation and has paid for his ex's deceit while she has had an easy ride. Id understand it if he had been stupid and had known he was taking a risk but his only crime was to be young, naive and trusting.
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My friend has had a battle recently over access to his daughter and custody.
Not fronm the ex. His daughter was taken away by the social services from her mum but he can't have her as he's homeless and been sofa surfing last couple of years.
I think if the man in the gripe had a pair he'd have said no access, no money and watched the ex-gf get off her lazy backside and support the child.
She failed to get any maintenance from him. Why? Because he has custody.
EPIC FAIL on her part! =D LMFAO!
You're just a man-hating feminist who does not deserve even an ounce of respect from anyone. You are SCUM and women like you need to stop being so narrow-minded and pathetic.
And what a surprise, I am a WOMAN who thinks you're nothing but a man-hater! How DARE me....I am not being true to the f**king "sisterhood".
I'm siding with the dads and not waving my bra in the air demanding money money money from my ex. I'm not stopping my ex having access to his son. I'm playing fair and being amicable, ensuring that me and my ex have equal custody of our son. I do NOT expect any maintenance payments from him. Even if he didn't want an active part in our son's life, I don't need to rely on anyone (including my ex) to keep a roof over our heads.... I WORK!! I pay the bills and care for my son and I get greater satisfaction from doing it myself rather than wanting money money money from my ex.
Get your pitch fork out Florida Girl and come after me because the "feminist, man-hating, sisterhood" won't be having me as a perpatrator! =D
And the irony is......They don't like to wear condoms. And they think it's a woman's responsibility to prevent pregnancies anyways.
So they're just p*ssy cause they HAVE to pay child support. It has nothing to do with the fact that we can get abortions or give birth (ie, have the right to choose).
Good riddance
The only sympathy I have is for the child of such creatures.and for the State having to become involved at a cost to the taxpayer (and, perhaps in some small measure for the griper).
In Hesiod’s words...
‘From her comes all the race of womankind
The deadly female race and tribe of wives
Who live with mortal men and do them harm.’
And yes those definitions are correct but if you read on it put it in a sentence: "the r*pe of the countryside' next to what you put there as the definition. So NOOOOOO, MEN CANNOT be r*ped by a woman. Only by another man.
And by the way....the mra's put up an agrument saying that to 'protect' women from men who k*ll them because they don't want to be a father, they should have the right to abort their rights and responsibility. But then I fully support a woman k*lling a man if he doesn't want to be a father.
You men are all dumb b*tches
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: so in the Florida Woman's meaning yes a woman can rape a man and then emotionally blackmail him without any degradation to their own "pure and wholesome" image. btw she is thinking like an adult unlike you who is thinking like a moronic perpetual child
no one's saying that its been forced on them but they were conned when their gf probably ex by now lied to them and is now demanding money for child support.
She should suffer her own folly, not drag that poor sap into her lies, I wouldn't touch her with yours now