The Weekly Gripe

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Too much football and sport on television

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Most days when I get home from work I prepare a meal and then turn on the television to catch up on the latest news headlines.  Unfortunately though, there is too much emphasis on sport on the news and TV in general these days, so much so that it sometimes seems to be taking over!

Instead of current affairs, you get the latest football news.  Man United scored these goals and Arsenal did this.  Not really the most important thing going on in the world today!!

It's an obsession in this country

I'm sick and tired of the obsession in this country with sports news and in particular football and rugby.  I don't have anything against sport and think that on the whole it is a positive thing; not only for the health benefits if you participate, but it can also be useful for developing effective teamwork skills.

Football news not what we want My main gripe is really with the amount of time dedicated sports news in the media.  It's fine if they provide an update of the English premiership results at the end of the main news, you can just switch off when it starts and at least you have a choice.  What I do find infuriating however, is when the news bulletin starts off with some form of sporting drama.

Who cares if a football club sells a player for an extortionate amount of money, or that Australia kicked England's butt in the cricket again. This isn't newsworthy!  It's sport and as such should be scheduled with other sport related programming.

I think that real news should be shown first because our economy, politics, health and education etc. involve everyone; football on the other hand, is a recreational activity that is not appreciated universally.

Right, I'm off to watch the Grand Prix now, because it's time for my nap and I've had enough of all this bloody football news!!

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And tonight the News front story is about football. Shame about the poor lad in Tennerife and a former president dodging a bullet (not quite sure about that though
16/07 Tintin


Why do both main channels show as much football when they have other channels they could show football on not everyone likes football get a grip
16/07 josie1945


Just wait to see the vicious nature of the English nation after the Spanish football team gives the UK a complete football lesson in the Euro's final.
14/07 Jethro


make BBC put all sport on a BBC sports channel
13/07 Fedup


Deep joy. Just when we're heading to the euro final and freedom from football on all the main channels we have a qualifying football match on ITV tonight for 2025. ITV2 is a free channel available for all so please put the flippin sport on that and bring back a varied schedule on ITV1. Grrrrr
12/07 Tintin


Sick of football taking over tv schedules BORING .Thank goodness for netflix
08/07 Jakka


If I won't sport I will participate not be an armchair sports person.Most people are totally fed up with this continuous football .No way am I going to pay for a licence to watch this! Let's have some decent new programmes .
06/07 Pixie.


We are all sick to death of blasted sport on television
03/07 VOMIT


i will be glad when the premier league comes back then itv wont be able to show football any more
03/07 celtic_guy
Not sporty

Not sporty

It's disgusting if it's not sport it's repeat why do we pay for a TV licence when there's nothing worth watching
02/07 Not sporty


Fed up with so much sport on bbc tv. Bring back the regular programmes and put sport on bbc 2 or sports channel.
02/07 Jayvee
Peter J

Peter J

Sport, sport, sport. I am not interested in watching 22 millionaires kicking a ball around. Nor am I interested in watching shrieking women paying tennis - a terminally boring game. And as for watching male tennis players - the type of bore that could empty a saloon bar in minutes: I will say no more.
01/07 Peter J


Today there is football or tennis to choose from on BBC1 and BBC2. Not everyone is interested. Please give us a bit of a choice
01/07 Annie


Fed up with all the excessive football coverage. Interesting that on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh there were complaints about the amount coverage then. That was only for a day or so. We have had weeks of football coverage. About time we had a separate sport channel.
29/06 Sasha


The sport is bad enough but the sports programs are mindless extended by jabering sports fools explaining (before the match) why team A can't fail and (after the match) why they did. I hate it. It's almost as mindless as fashion.
27/06 SchragMus

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Gripes the News
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