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I don’t have a TV and there is a very good reason for that. Apart from the mindless dribble that one has to endure and the prohibitive cost of the television license, there appears to be an endless stream of adverts to contend with these days! I understand that television programming has to be paid for somehow, but must we endure nearly half a dozen advert sequences in every TV show.
I happened to spend some time watching television over the Christmas holidays. One show that we watched was called CSI (crime scene investigation) or something along those lines. Anyway, the programme was only about three quarters of an hour in length and just as I was getting into it, there would be YET ANOTHER commercial break.
It’s extremely irritating, especially as it’s the same adverts again and again! Why do we have to have a commercial break every ten minutes? Surely just once or twice would have been enough. TV commercials are okay in small doses, but it’s really something else when the adverts are almost as long as the show itself!
Adverts on the radio really grate on my nerves as well. I often listen to the local stations for traffic reports and a bit of music on the way to work in the morning. Unfortunately, you have to put up with these stupid jingles and adverts that seem to be even more frequent than TV ads! around.
Also, there seems to be a lot less variety with the radio adverts; it’s the same one again and again. I have heard this particular Freelander Disovery advert so many times that I can almost recite it word for word! Add to this the complete tripe that some of the morning DJ’s spout out, it’s really no wonder than a lot of people switch off and play a CD instead.
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Is it really necessary to extend advert times in between progs????
TV licence???
the bull---- that comes out of the box, also the parasites wanting money for so called charities.(how many are there now ?)