The Weekly Gripe

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Gripes in the pipes

Too many adverts on TV and radio

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I don’t have a TV and there is a very good reason for that.  Apart from the mindless dribble that one has to endure and the prohibitive cost of the television license, there appears to be an endless stream of adverts to contend with these days!  I understand that television programming has to be paid for somehow, but must we endure nearly half a dozen advert sequences in every TV show.

I happened to spend some time watching television over the Christmas holidays.  One show that we watched was called CSI (crime scene investigation) or something along those lines.  Anyway, the programme was only about three quarters of an hour in length and just as I was getting into it, there would be YET ANOTHER commercial break.

It’s extremely irritating, especially as it’s the same adverts again and again!  Why do we have to have a commercial break every ten minutes?  Surely just once or twice would have been enough.  TV commercials are okay in small doses, but it’s really something else when the adverts are almost as long as the show itself!

Car radio, too many adverts on the radio Adverts on the radio really grate on my nerves as well.  I often listen to the local stations for traffic reports and a bit of music on the way to work in the morning.  Unfortunately, you have to put up with these stupid jingles and adverts that seem to be even more frequent than TV ads! around.

Also, there seems to be a lot less variety with the radio adverts; it’s the same one again and again.  I have heard this particular Freelander Disovery advert so many times that I can almost recite it word for word!  Add to this the complete tripe that some of the morning DJ’s spout out, it’s really no wonder than a lot of people switch off and play a CD instead.

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Another ad to watch out for...Weight loss surgery ! Why does that have to come on every effing hour! as if it's like having a manicure or treatment for back pain. . This is serious surgery to stop you eating too much. What crap! Is it safe for a start?
19/05 Victor


I got in touch with one freeview channel, who I wont name, they show mostly films, regarding the number of ads and they said simply 'no ads- no channel, we could not exist ' I think it's greed on all sides. It's never enough, never enough advertising, never enough money to even get on the TV
18/05 Victor


On Freeview channels and ITV its 5 minutes of ads every fifteen. most will be irrelevant . then there are the trailers for upcoming shows, news & weather. This is abuse and as far as i'm concerned they are wasting their money. I turn off or switch channels. On top of that we pay the so called BBC licence ...
18/05 Victor


Very well put. I can remember when adverts were on every 25 minutes and lasted for 2 minutes, then suddenly adverts were put on every 10 minutes and lasted for 5 minutes. If a show lasted an hour we have to watch adverts for 20 minutes of it. That is ridiculous and would irritate anyone. I turn the volume down and on Youtube I discovered a trick on how to get rid of the advert at the start of a video, as soon as it starts playing hit the "Back" button and "Forward button immediately and the advert is cancelled and the video plays. You're welcome.
14/11 Russell


Hating those new webuyanycar ads with the stupid dancing, especially the old man. His dance is the ultimate in cringe but, then again, their ads have always been crap.
19/01/23 Robert
Commonsense Chris

Commonsense Chris

I do not watch any advert. I either switch off then back on 6 minutes later, or I turn down the sound and look away. Everything I buy and I mean everything, I research on internet and then order. Also you do not need a Presenter coming on within a second of last scene to tell you what is on next. 99% of all tv's have programmable EPG's which I always use to sort out my days viewing. They could save a fortune by getting rid of most Presenters.
19/01/23 Commonsense Chris


Absolutely spot on I fully agree.
04/12/22 Jebby


I've noticed an increase in adverts with kids lecturing their parents about climate change and plant based foods and ordering them to change their ways and thinking. I recall an ad years ago where a man was brushing his teeth with the tap running and his kid turns the tap off. I'd have told him that when he pays the bills, then he can turn the tap off. Cheeky sod.
26/07/22 Robert

Considering the BBC is suppose to be NON advertising, I think if we checked, the beeb own 4 or 5 of the other channels such as Dave, W and Dave ja vu AMONGS OTHERS.
Is it really necessary to extend advert times in between progs????
TV licence???


Another major offender is I Heart Radio. Last month they played the extremely irritating "Kars for Kids" commercial approximately 120 times per day. Enough! I complained to them, they of course did not answer. They just started it again yesterday; good-bye to them. These companies could care less about listeners, all they want is the money. How can this supposed charity afford that much advertising? And how about those deceptive disclaimers featuring a "speed talker?" You get some moron blabbing at 200 miles an hour; obviously they don't want you to understand the disclaimer, but when you sue them for something they can claim you were warned. Advertising is no longer designed to attract customers; it is designed to deceive them and lie, with few exceptions. The My Pillow guy is starting to get on my nerves too; how can he afford all these ads if everybody "cancelled" him? He's on every five minutes on Fox and Newsmax.
16/06/22 chuck


One of the worst offenders is Geroge Noory's Coast to Coast AM radio show. There is a 14 minute break at the top and bottom of the hour, and they have taken to stopping the show three minutes before the top and bottom of the hour. The breaks vary a minute or so, but generally you are looking at over 50% commercials. You can see this on Youtube, where a two hour segment will be repeated ad free. Length ranges from 49 minutes to a little under an hour.
16/06/22 chuck


I could not have worded this piece better, myself! Well said my friend.
06/02/22 Westward.


One last gripe and I'm gone. the noise that comes out of the radio & tv is something else when you cant hear the narrator speaking because the so called background music is in the forground .any body else noticed this -------fred
04/01/22 fred


What is the point of moderating are you frightend it might upset them?
04/01/22 fred


I'm sitting here writing this because like everyone else I can't stand
the bull---- that comes out of the box, also the parasites wanting money for so called charities.(how many are there now ?)
04/01/22 Fred

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