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Trying to watch some videos on YouTube courtesy of 4OD is a complete waste of time because of those flippin' adverts. It was Gordon Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares I was trying to watch as it happens. I started the video and I put up with watching an advert at the start. OK, nothing is for free so I figure that you have to put up with the odd advert here and there.
Not the case with 4OD apparently. It's worse than having a television! I got about 10 to 15 minutes into the episode and in kicked the adverts, just like the old goggle box. Now we have these great slider things on YouTube and most other video sites, they enable you to skip past the crap you don't want to watch.
This doesn't work with 4OD and your'e forced to (quite literally) watch REALLY BORING adverts. Not one advert, not two adverts but three or four and quite frankly, it's a waste of MY LIFE!
There's no way around this as far as I can see. You've just got to endure them and you can hit refresh as many times as you like, they'll just show you MORE adverts. It's as if your'e being punished with these adverts for having the audacity to try and avoid them in the first place. Who do they think they are for gods sake? The BBC iPlayer can show a complete episode or a film without the need for ads and you had one right at the start, wasn't that enough?
We don't want to watch advert after advert...
Here's a message to 4OD and all the other big shot so-called TV on demand sites out there. We don't want to watch advert after advert. Were happy to sit through one at that start and maybe one in the middle, but were not going to sit there and watch them non stop. We'll TURN OFF. We did it with terrestrial and satellite TV and well do it with TV on demand too! We'll go somewhere else that doesn't have adverts or we'll just download THAT show from somewhere else will all the ads removed.
Learn a lesson here. If you get greedy and try to suck up ALL of our time you'll get nothing at all! Man.. I am seriously peed off right now. I was enjoying that show and now Im so angry right now barely think straight, and it was all because I was caught in a loop of adverts, unable to skip them and get on with the rest of the programme.
By: Hate TV adverts
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Harold Burton
Record everything and fast forward through the adverts!