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We all know the NHS isn't perfect, but these days what is? I'm sick of people who don't actually work in the NHS trying to tell us what we should be doing or how we should be doing it. They may be occasional beneficiaries of the services the NHS provide, but they aren't involved in the day to day running of it so how can they think they are qualified to pass judgement.
Whilst Im banging on about our NHS problems; heres another big chunk of it. The less than useless middle managers we have to work with! I'm sick of these idiot managers that tell us we are over-spending THEIR money on OUR patients. What do they know about patient care?
These people (so called managers) frequently tell us that we can't do certain procedures or operations and I'm sick of the Department of Health denouncing their responsibilities. It's high time that professionals were properly funded and allowed to get on and do their job.
If they (the Department of Health) actually gave each Primary Care Trust in the country the amount of money that each Trust needed for their demographic, there would be enough money to go round and patients would get the care that they need.
As an example, Gloucestershire has a very high proportion of elderly, who obviously use more NHS resources. Does Gloucestershire get the amount of money it needs? No it definitely doesn't. You can't treat every area the same, just as you wouldn't treat each patient the same.
It's time the NHS was funded and managed properly and the people in the front line dealing with patients were actually listened to for a change.
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That must be the most expensive tea and biscuits I've ever heard of! Sit down in Harrods and have a really nice afternoon tea and you won't be set back by an amount anywhere near that £920. London + Private = Prestige(not in quality but in price)
It is so easy to blame the front line staff. The management are their to supervise and monitor continuously but only sit in their offices looking at figures and defending key staff when complaints are made.
The hospital departments are good for some cases but mainly an overstretched poor service with poor management. They need to get rid of old managers, train up new managers who can check on the staff who are not up to a good standard of service.
I dare not call one out unless it is serious, but others simple call them out for check ups????
Are we serious about using resources appropriately??
Why it's all going down the plug hole.