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The World is not as big as it used to be, either through global warming or the use of wireless laptops. Never has science, technology or information, been more prevalent in forming the boundaries of the global market. Now before you question this statement, I would like to pose a few of questions to you.
Finally, and this will probably upset a lot of people within the flat earth community but what the heck. The good old US of A was enacted by a misfit bunch primarily from England and surrounding countries (i.e. Europe). The ruling classes didn’t care much for the taxation they had to pay so threw the mother of all hissy fits and declared a few self evident truths and thus was born the good old US of A. So why in the nature of all that is holy is one nation based on liberty for all trying to impose its version of democracy on a region that has never contemplated voting let alone voicing their concerns without fear of torture or reprisals.
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Definitely not the sort of person you want working on your home gas appliances, in fact, a person given a wide berth.
Hypocrites of the highest order!
Aside from what Euclid said about tax, you'll probably find that pretty much everything costs more in the UK than most other places in the world.
If man walked on the Moon why can’t we provide an easy way to open a packet of bacon? A sharp knife or a flint stone fashioned into a burin works fine everytime! Where's your ubiquitous, multipurpose Swiss knife?
Luxury mince pies with brandy and butter, sell by date = 23rd Dec. Well Tescos is actually a Jewish owned store. They celebrate Channukka, which is really earlier that Christmas.
Paying more for a litre for petrol than a litre of Tropicana Orange Juice? Petrol tax.
USA enacted by a misfit bunch primarily from England and surrounding countries. The ruling classes didn’t care much for the taxation. True but that taxation was primarily for paying for the wars with France. France owned half of North America at the time. Eventaully the USA got the Louisiana territories for cheap, otherwsie today most of North American would be speaking French and the whole of the West coast would be Spanish speaking.
A round Earth does not fit a square whole.