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This will no doubt upset a lot of people but I hope to raise awareness for our side of the story.
I work as a sales assistant for a small family shop and am reminded on an almost daily basis how petty and untruthful the general public can be.
People will buy items from a shop, use them for a while and then maybe several weeks later return the item and ask for a refund because they don't want it any more.
We know and they know that it has been used...
It is often very difficult to explain to them that we can't take an item back after it's been used. I wish I could just tell them that they are being dishonest, but then it would probably be classed as slander. We know and they know that it has been used and no longer needed, for example a ruler, a portfolio, a pen or a book... but you just can't tell them that's the case.
I usually try to stand my ground, but it is upsetting to me and other customers when those people start shouting and yelling, demanding their money back. I am not the owner, but as a matter of principle I refuse to bend to bullying and frankly dishonesty. I blame the large stores that won't stand their ground when people return used items for refund.
... more often than not it's the middle aged, nouveau rich people who seem to be the problem
I have also noticed that more often than not it's the middle aged, nouveau rich people who seem to be the problem. Well I guess that's probably why they're the ones driving expensive cars and going to exotic locations for holidays. They don't have to pay for the day to day expenses like everybody else!
By: Clarite
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I bought one of the first video camcorders in 1988, and kept I taking it back to currys with a juddery picture problem, all they did was clean the head, gave it me back, try that sir, send it to the engineers for two weeks, and right up till the guarantee running out, still kept fobbing me off,
So if anyone out-there rips off currys, it is ok by me.
My business also suffers from this type of dishonest customer.
We have the same difficulties with people returning items after
unreasonable amounts of time. A common trick is that people
will also purposely damage an item and then claim it broke
through 'no fault of their own'. We know the truth but sadly the
rules and regulations governing consumer protection are not
well balanced. I agree that these rules should be in place but
feel that they do not offer the retailer a fair playing field.
However some of the comments posted under the name GRUMPYOLDWOMAN are actually posted by the original grumpyoldwoman who apparently sometimes has a problem with her browser. She has just experienced the problem again and I can confirm that it is genuinely her! This seems to occur on just one "gripe", regarding working parents.
Interesting, isn't it?
The new posters on this gripe known as sulky stanley, Negative Noreen, and Enid Ollerenshaw are 99.98% likely to be the same person who impersonated grumpyoldwoman (the original one that is), using names like GRUMPYOLDWOMAN and grumppyoldwoman. They are also 99.96% likely to be the same person as the one who calls himself Mr. Hicks.
Hope you all find this as interesting as I do; it might put some comments in a different light!
You can't call her a hypocrite either cos she said it was her at the bottom of the comment.
Are you Mr Hicks using another name? If you are you can't talk can you?
you screech about other people using your name and then go and do the same!!
for gods sake woman, at least have the courage to reply using your own name!!
I agree. Ghastly little upstarts.
If you haven't been around long enough to know who Hicks is think yourself lucky!
As to the url connection, it has recently been made impossible for someone else to use my name EXACTLY as I type it because I complained to site admin after someone else started using my name to post pi$$ taking comments. But the comments they posted under my name are in my total!
ALSO the site does not otherwise recognise variations in name made by varying upper/lower case as far as total comments goes; witness the fact that MikeP is listed as mikep in the top posters list! Do a search for comments varying the case like I said!! This is PROOF that if someone uses a small variation of my name it will go on my total.
Get your facts right please!
To prove that someone can use another poster's name and bolster their total, this is grumpyoldwoman, signing as..
She refused to listen, I stood my ground and she called the police to have me removed from the premises. To add insult to injury her assistant told the police officer that I had been cruel and abusive to my daughter whilst in the shop.
I can't believe that this kind of shoddy customer service is still acceptable.