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Thumbnail images you can't enlarge

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It really irritates me when using the Internet, for shopping or whatever, to be given an option to "click here to enlarge image / thumbnail", you then click on this and a new window opens up with an image of exactly the same size!  Why do these sites even bother?

I have good broadband so it's not even that I get frustrated waiting for the so-called 'larger' images to open, I just get annoyed that they take so little care of their website structure and it's clear that they don't check it for ease of use before flinging it out into cyberspace.

A proper image and not the same thumbnail

How difficult is it to make sure that they are linking their image to a proper image and not the same thumbnail?  The answer is - not very difficult at all, and I know this!  Any decent webmaster worth his or her salt should be able to set up a page properly using the correct images appropriately.

Click here to enlarge thumbnail image I am no fan of traipsing around the shops on a rainy day, so if I'm going to buy a sofa or whatever, I will check the stores online to see what they've got before heading off to trek round some soulless trading park for the day, subjecting myself to the endless sales/free finance patter.

It would help immensely if I could actually see proper images of these items at that decision-making point.  I'm not going to invest my limited shopping time on the basis of some squinty little pixelated scrabble tile sized thumbnail picture.  I seek resolution!

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Adrian I agree with you there. We once had popups now we have modal 'popovers' within the website and there's very little you can do about it. Fair enough as in the 'Report' link on this site, you click on that for it to happen.

Another annoying thing about thumbnail images are the ones that allow you to move the mouse around the thumbnail and show you the bit where the mouse is magnified. Why don't they just show you the full image?
26/05/12 Sam


Worse than thumbnails that wont enlarge (and I agree by the way), those sites that lure you in for a read and just as you get to the third paragraph, BAMM - it all goes dark and there's a box in the middle of the screen asking you if you want to subscribe to something or do a survey.
09/06/09 Adrian


I for one, definitely agree with this site. I've just stumbled across this page by accident and in fact noticed the same thing this morning on a MAJOR shopping site which I can't name obviously. There we have the usual "click to enlarge" link underneath all the thumbnails and up pops this image that is about 10% larger surrounded by a border that is as big as the image. I mean, what is the point in that lot? To top it all off, I don't think the designer of the site knows anything at all about accessibility guidelines.
04/09/07 SA
Dr Chartham

Dr Chartham

Surely a mechanical device for expansion purposes is better than a mouse?
04/08/07 Dr Chartham


Of course there is always always always a ‘more pressing issue’. Even an issue that is ‘highly pressing’ can always be beaten by some other issue that is more worthy of discussion. So what shall we do? Never communicate? Never mention anything that is not directly related to politics and worldwide progression?

Do you also berate old ladies on buses who may not like the coming winter weather? Do you tell them that perhaps they should spend less time moaning about how the cold gets into their aging bones and instruct them to set up a discussion group instead where they could ponder innovative ways to reduce heating bills?

I am inclined to agree: my post is very trivial. But no more a trivial use of my time than you using yours to slam any causes not deemed worthy (by you).

I have a life, just the one, and I choose to spend some of it not being entirely serious, po faced and miserable.

Who’s to say that I don’t spend the rest of my time doing more worthy deeds than you, Eddie?

And if I was truly that bothered about changing the world of online images don't you think I'd have gone to the govt. site and set up a petition? (this is scarcasm, btw)

Perhaps you could do some lobbying yourself and see if you can get yourself a nice, brand new, shiny, state of the art sense of humour...go on, treat yourself!
27/11/06 Zee


Excuse me if I have more pressing issues in my life than worrying about pictures on web sites!

Some people gripe about world politics and the state of our country and others worry about the size of a picture on an internet site.

I just find it highly amusing that something so trivial can cause someone to write a whole essay on why it annoys them.

Forget all the worlds problems lets get this ridiculous situation sorted or many people could suffer by viewing sub-standard graphics.
27/11/06 Eddie


Zee, fair gripe and don't mind Eddit, he is just a waste of space that has nothing better to do. Some people are like that and he has nothing better to do than poke at other people's opinions. Clearly doesn't have a life himself.
25/11/06 Matt


1. I'm female
2. What the heck else is this site for then? Stop taking up comment space with your mindless 'everything MUST be of crucial importance to the furthering of humanity' posturing and get yourself a life. Preferably one that contains the odd smile, laugh, or, heaven forbid, even a slight relaxation of the shoulders (take care though as the chip might slip off).
24/11/06 Zee


Phone up the company and ask for a super-glossy brochure to be sent to you.
24/11/06 Anonymosaurus


Dear god man.

Get a life.

Stop taking up web space with your crap.
24/11/06 Eddie


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