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Residents only parking in my street

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RESIDENTS ONLY parking is theft!  Okay, tongue in cheek, but think about it.  If every street up and down the country was allocated as "Residents Only Parking", then none of us would have anywhere to park, except outside our own front door.  That’s absolute madness.

Where do you park when you go to work?  Not everyone works in an industrial estate or office accommodation with allocated parking and how about when you go shopping?

I choose to live in an area where I can park in the street, but have to accept that somebody else can park in the spot I call mine, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Don't even think of parking here So why should somebody be able to prevent me from parking outside his house?  Why do people have to get so territorial about the parking space outside their house?

I understand that the councils ask residents if they want residents only parking, and that includes asking residents who don't have a car, or maybe can't drive.  But I bet they whinge when their visitors can't park in their allocated space!

It’s just a silly situation and I think that residents only parking should be abolished.  I can even name streets with allocated parking for residents where every house actually has a garage accessible from a back-lane.  How crazy is that?

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I live in a residents parking where it was built with the new builds but there are people from the other buildings down from us parking here their anything we can do as our rent /council tax is higher than theirs & of course the location would affect the price?
23/11/17 Frustrating


I choose to live in an area where I can park in the street, but have to accept that somebody else can park in the spot I call mine, and there is nothing I can do about it.

You've just answered your own question, the spot I call mine.
15/07/17 JMPNumber01


In my street we have limited room to park, there is parking for 3 cars, of which are all occupied with cars that people live in different streets! So I have to park elsewhere, so resident only parking would be great for my area.
13/07/17 Ukdude


I wish my road had parking for residents only, at least until about 9pm. Coming home from work, especially on a Friday night, there is literally nowhere on the road or surrounding roads to park, probably because of people patronizing nearby restaurants. It's quite a short road with extra room for maybe only two or three non-residents and is pay to park for visitors until 6pm. After that the road is packed. Very frustrating.
07/07/17 Victor


I come home from a 12 hour shift absolutely shattered only to find I have absolutely nowhere to park my car. I'm on the main road and there is only room enough for our four terraced houses to park one car each and yet the people from round the corner who moved in knowing full well they had no parking outside their houses are taking our parking spaces instead. I haven't long passed my test and I go into a panic attack Everytime I reach my village wondering if the bloke round the corner has parked his huge van and equally huge car outside my house and wondering if I'm going to have to park my car the other side of the village overnight. I go shopping.. Come back.. Only to find a line of cars parked outside my house. It's not as though they don't know we have nowhere else to park either its a village and it was their choice to move in knowing they had nowhere to park their vehicles but their solution was to take away someone else's ability to park outside their own house overnight...
06/07/17 Rivermum


There is a school in the road below mine, everyday I am blocked in or blocked out, they park straight across my drive, in private residents car park or up the pavement. Its a total affects everybody that lives here. Sometimes resident only parking is needed. I complain to the school, they tell parents, its OK for a week, then back to not giving a damn about people who actually live here.
28/04/17 Jues64


i understand your comments but look at it from the point of view of being elderly and not being able to walk very far, you arrive home to find all the parking around your home is taken by younger fitter people who want to park as close to there destination as possible leaving us to park 100s of yards away (and probably in front of some one elses home), when there is unrestricted parking a few 100 yards further up the road and no housing.
14/02/17 Grandfather


I really don't accept your selfish views.I wouldn't dream of parking in front of someones window,its a matter of privacy and social awareness.we are currently being plagued by cars from factory opposite.They gave assurances that their new extensions would not not impact into the communtity. They were given planning permission on this promise,but now they have added extra shifts due to the volume of work,great for them,hell for us.

I bought my house well before they built the factory,and I wish them every success but why should that have to effect my way of life.Parking in this manner is selfish and very anti-social.We even had people selling cars out our home !!...its unreal how people like you cant see that your behaviour upsets peaceful people.Were territorial because we pay a fortune in rates and the very least I ask for is to be able to park outside my home after a hard days work.

I am approaching my local councillors and MP to set up a Residents Only area for our street and I am receiving great support...your ignorant and arrogant,start playing your part in your community and stop thinking of yourself.
16/01/17 mac


I live in a tourist trap which is very popular with walkers. In the summer the cul-de-sac I live in is often completely full of cars, including on the grass verges, usually parked there all day whilst the owners spend the day walking. Essentially this means I can be in a position where I cannot park in the village, let alone my street. I'd argue that unless you are a resident, parking should be limited to loading only, say 15 minutes.
18/05/16 PoshDog


Ok OP I am guessing you have never tried to load a car to do morning school and nurseries run with multiple children with commuters flying up and down , my street is both a commuter parking area and is used as a short cut so people both drive slow to spot a space and race up it with short cut mentality at speed. They are like sharks. And I'm guessing you have never been heavily pregnant returning from afternoon school run and can't park anywhere remotely near your house but have to trek kids from on my worst day 5 streets away. Residents parking has been introduced to improve the life's of residents. I live in an area near a university and a hospital . The university has barely any student parking so understandable most students have no choice however the hospital provides paid parking for staff however staff are too cheap to use it therefore they also park the streets . I think the issue should be put back to the huge organisations such as uni and hospitals to provide adequate parking to elivate the problems in the local area. Plus I also feel the system where blue badge owners can get a reserved box in front of there house should be extended for people with temporary need to park close to house such as if someone in the family has broken a limb or has a disease , for those with complications of pregnancy, and those with young children as there are safety issues with not being able to park near your own home. Under fives are still learning of road dangers and should be better protected by society.
21/04/16 Elijah


Well, the problem with Oxford is it's got a world famous university. Kings and queens all over the world are sending their children down here driving the house prices up and turning Oxford into a snobbish little place. There's nothing u can do about it apart from nuke the university.
28/05/13 Nick
Take Back Your Rights

Take Back Your Rights

Our Council has "offshored" the issue of visitor's parking permits. We can no longer buy them within our borough at the local environmental shop. Result - we no longer receive visitors, not by car anymore at least. The office that issues them has moved 60 miles away. We cannot get them same day, but have to apply, buy and pay for them several days in advance @ 57p per hour. They are only valid 3 months, when we have to repeat theis whole exercise all over again. Delivery of the tickets is subject to the vagaries of Royal Mail.

We don't and cannot expect to deal with visitors who come unannounced.

We don't and cannot receive tradesmen who arrive by car or van, not even ones we require in an emergency.

We do not have a supply of these tickets.

The system has broken down. This is symptomatic of the bureacracy pervading this country.

Please take responsibility for traffic management away from local councils. They are completely unable to cope with the responsibility.
28/12/11 Take Back Your Rights
nick "petrolhead" fe

nick "petrolhead" fe

Residents parking and the associated charges should be abolished due to being anti democratic, and illegal. Road Traffic Acts are not fiscal acts and cannot be used for revenue raising.
It does not prevent road tax avoiders from not paying up because wheel clamping on the public highway is also illegal. Council towing is also technically an offence in certain given circumstances
I have not seen streets become less clogged since decriminalised parking enforcement came in. Permit parking is a Council run scam.
07/01/11 nick "petrolhead" fe


cuts crime (through thieves being able to park stolen vehicles on street), forces road tax avoiders to pay up, makes car users pay for using up road space, makes streets less clogged. more pleasant and safer for kids, gives people another incentive to consider public transport. And in fact I can give vouchers to any visitors who can then park in any space, so parking outside one's own property has nothing to do with it. And of course people living in multi-occupancy buildings dont have a space outside their house anyway. I think you rather than ROp should be abolished
07/01/11 Dog
nick "petrolhead" fe

nick "petrolhead" fe

You have no idea of what you are talking about. Oxford is not famous, it is infamous, it has been systematically wrecked by what can only be described as the F**k Y*u school of architecture. It is time to start driving down the student numbers in Oxford. No one should applaud the incompetent berks who pass for town planners in Oxford.
07/11/10 nick "petrolhead" fe

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