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RESIDENTS ONLY parking is theft! Okay, tongue in cheek, but think about it. If every street up and down the country was allocated as "Residents Only Parking", then none of us would have anywhere to park, except outside our own front door. That’s absolute madness.
Where do you park when you go to work? Not everyone works in an industrial estate or office accommodation with allocated parking and how about when you go shopping?
I choose to live in an area where I can park in the street, but have to accept that somebody else can park in the spot I call mine, and there is nothing I can do about it.
So why should somebody be able to prevent me from parking outside his house? Why do people have to get so territorial about the parking space outside their house?
I understand that the councils ask residents if they want residents only parking, and that includes asking residents who don't have a car, or maybe can't drive. But I bet they whinge when their visitors can't park in their allocated space!
It’s just a silly situation and I think that residents only parking should be abolished. I can even name streets with allocated parking for residents where every house actually has a garage accessible from a back-lane. How crazy is that?
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You've just answered your own question, the spot I call mine.
I bought my house well before they built the factory,and I wish them every success but why should that have to effect my way of life.Parking in this manner is selfish and very anti-social.We even had people selling cars out our home !!...its unreal how people like you cant see that your behaviour upsets peaceful people.Were territorial because we pay a fortune in rates and the very least I ask for is to be able to park outside my home after a hard days work.
I am approaching my local councillors and MP to set up a Residents Only area for our street and I am receiving great support...your ignorant and arrogant,start playing your part in your community and stop thinking of yourself.
We don't and cannot expect to deal with visitors who come unannounced.
We don't and cannot receive tradesmen who arrive by car or van, not even ones we require in an emergency.
We do not have a supply of these tickets.
The system has broken down. This is symptomatic of the bureacracy pervading this country.
Please take responsibility for traffic management away from local councils. They are completely unable to cope with the responsibility.
It does not prevent road tax avoiders from not paying up because wheel clamping on the public highway is also illegal. Council towing is also technically an offence in certain given circumstances
I have not seen streets become less clogged since decriminalised parking enforcement came in. Permit parking is a Council run scam.